Jiuxiao Continent, Chaos Sacred Land.

Xiao Yun opened his eyes, Double Pupils shot in a certain direction, and a powerful aura rose into the sky, sweeping the entire Chaos Sacred Land.

"Someone has testified."

"It's Long Yi!"

Xiao Yun looked in the direction of the True Dragon's Nest, and then his body disappeared in place.

At the same time, many powerhouses on Jiuxiao Continent sensed it and looked in the direction of the True Dragon Nest.

Some strong people rushed to the True Dragon Nest quickly.

In the real dragon's nest, Long Yi showed the body of the five-clawed golden dragon, releasing a blazing golden light and a huge breath, filling the entire valley.

"Long Yi, aren't you afraid of Xiao Yun killing you when you are proving the Way?" Vermillion Bird said with a worried look.

The Golden-winged Great Peng next to him also said, "Xiao Yun is now a Heavenly Emperor. Even if you have preached the Dao, you are not his opponent."

They have been hiding in the real dragon's nest, and Long Yi is their support. Once Long Yi is killed by Xiao Yun, they are probably not far from death.

High in the sky, Long Yi looked at the rapidly brewing robbery cloud above his head, and then looked in the direction of the Chaos Sacred Land, his eyes were deep, and he said in a low voice: "If he wanted to kill me, he would have come to kill me long ago, the formation of the true dragon's nest. There is no way to stop him."

Before Xiao Yun was unable to enter the True Dragon's Nest, but after Xiao Yun was promoted to Heavenly Emperor Realm, the formation here was no longer able to stop him.

After all, the real dragon who set up the formation was only the Great Emperor Realm.

In Jiuxiao Continent, there is nothing to hinder Xiao Yun.

Xiao Heavenly Emperor has Wudi.


The dragon roared loudly, roaring under the emperor's calamity, and one after another blazing thunder, bombarded down, and countless thunder and lightning made up for the entire real dragon's nest.

In the distance, one after another silhouette is looming, hiding in the dark to watch.

It is rare for someone to testify, and no one wants to miss it.

After all, one more time to see other people's sermons means one more experience.

Many of the quasi emperors of Closed Door Training, including Qin Shisan, who are other forms of enlightenment, have all come out of the gates and headed towards the True Dragon's Nest.

"It's actually Long Yi proving the Way!" Liu Tiandu stood in the distance, looking in the direction of the True Dragon's Nest, with a strange look in his eyes.

"The dragon race evolved into a real dragon, which is also a way of proving the Way, which is easier than us. As long as Long Yi steps into the Realm, the proving of the Way will come naturally. If he hadn't met Brother Xiao, Long Yi might have become the first proof in this life. Right." Qin Shisan stepped out of the air.

Liu Tiandu turned his head to look and asked with a smile, "Brother Qin has already stepped into the Realm of the Alternative Realm. It must be not far from the realization of the Dao."

"Zhao Heavenly Emperor didn't even certify, I'm still far behind." Qin Shisan shook his head, but sighed secretly in his heart.

The last time I saw Xiao Yun get promoted to Heavenly Emperor directly after proving the sermon, he also held his breath and prepared to accumulate more background. Even if he could not directly become Heavenly Emperor, he would still become the leader among the great emperors.

In this era, many great emperors are destined to coexist in the world, and only ordinary emperors who prove the Tao are no longer satisfied with the ambitions of these peerless geniuses.

"Gu Tianyi has no news yet. With his talent and speed of progress, he should have been able to prove Dao long ago. He is probably also suppressing Cultivation Base. He is ready to attack Heavenly Emperor Realm as soon as he proves Dao." Qin Shisan thought to himself.

"Said Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, Zhao Heavenly Emperor is here!" Suddenly, Liu Tiandu burst out laughing.

Not far away, Zao Wou-Ki, Di Tian, ​​Dugu Baitian and other chaotic Sacred Land powerhouses came one after another.

"You two came very quickly, Thirteen, when will you preach the Dao?" Zhao Wuji flew over in a carefree manner, with a confident smile on his face.

"Me, it's still early!" Qin Shisan said with a smile.

Zao Wou-Ki smiled and looked at the True Dragon Nest not far away, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Qin Shisan and the others still don't know that his Zhao Heavenly Emperor's split soul has been reincarnated into a princely family in the prehistoric world. When the two of us, Zhao Heavenly Emperor, become one, we will surely prove Heavenly Emperor in one fell swoop, which will surely attract worldwide attention. Eternal Wudi.

Zao Wou-Ki's eyes were full of strong confidence.

This era is destined to belong to him, Zhao Heavenly Emperor.

"There will be more and more people who are destined to prove Taoism. Liu Tiandu, are you sure you can prove Taoism?" Di Tian walked towards Liu Tiandu and said with a smile, his eyes restored to the previous confidence.

Liu Tian was a little surprised, he hadn't seen Di Tian's state for a long time, but he soon showed a smile, such Di Tian was the Di Tian he knew.

"Of course I have the confidence to prove Dao, how about you?" Liu Tiandu looked at Di Tian with a smile.

Di Tian looked confident: "Let's try it out to see who is stronger after proving the Way."

With the superposition of souls in the prehistoric world, he believed that he could prove the Tao, and he would not be inferior to these supreme bodies.

"Looks like you got some kind of adventure." Liu Tian gave Di Tian a deep look.

Di Tian smiled slightly, not being able to leak the news of the prehistoric world for the time being.

After all, who knows if this news will spread to Honghuang. In the beginning, Heavenly Emperor and Demon Venerable colluded with Honghuang. If it were leaked, their clones in the Honghuang world would be in danger.

Even if they were to be exposed later, they had to wait for the people from Chaos Sacred Land to end their trials in the prehistoric world.


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared above everyone's heads.

Everyone's pupils shrank when they saw that figure.

It was Xiao Yun who came.

Xiao Heavenly Emperor stood tall in the sky with his hands on his back, looking at Long Yi in the distance indifferently.

At this time, Long Yi was already in the middle of a calamity.

Although a long time has passed in the eyes of the Transcends Tribulation, but in the eyes of outsiders, it is only a moment.

It didn't take long for Long Yi to open his eyes, and there was a trace of cold sweat on his face, obviously it was not so easy to ask the heart.

Immediately afterwards, Long Yi quickly discovered Xiao Yun, and could not help shrinking his pupils: "Xiao Yun!"

"You dragons are in good shape. It seems that Transcends Tribulation has stabilized." Xiao Yun stared at Long Yi and said lightly.

Long Yi asked with a gloomy face, "What do you want?"

At this moment, there are still many thunderbolts bombarding him, but as a five-clawed golden dragon, his flesh is very strong, and he can hold it.

But he knew very well that even if he survived the imperial calamity, he would not be Xiao Yun's opponent.

"Being my mount, I can spare your life!" Xiao Yun stared at Long Yi with sharp eyes, exuding pressing pressure like a blade.

Long Yi felt his soul tremble. Today's Xiao Yun has become a Heavenly Emperor, reaching an unfathomable Realm. Just a glance makes him feel as small as an ant.

Even if he has already proved the Dao Emperor, I am afraid that in Xiao Yun's eyes, he is just an ant.

"Long Yi, you have now passed the Heart Tribulation. Even if you surrender to me and become my mount, you will not fail the Transcends Tribulation."

Xiao Yun looked at Long Yi in the distance and said.

Originally, he was planning to harvest Long Yi, but he is too strong now, and he has reached the Heavenly Emperor Realm. Even if he harvests Long Yi, he will not gain much.

After all, even if Long Yi is a proving emperor, he is only a lower emperor, up to the middle emperor Realm.

Therefore, instead of harvesting Long Yi, it is better to use him as a mount.

Of course, Xiao Yun didn't harvest Long Yi, and there is also a reason why he is now Heavenly Emperor, and the situation has become bigger.

The stronger the strength, the greater the measure.

"it is good!"

Under the emperor's robbery, Long Yi looked at Xiao Yun in the distance, gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists. He didn't dare to refuse, the sermon was right in front of him, and he didn't want to fall at this time.

His dragon life has just begun, and he is unwilling to end it at this time.

Of course, there is also the reason why Xiao Yun is now the Heavenly Emperor. Long Yi felt that it was not a humiliation to take refuge in one of the strongest geniuses in history and a powerful Heavenly Emperor, but he was just a little unwilling.

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