
Countless Spiritual Qi from heaven and earth swarmed, was forcibly absorbed by Xiao Yun, gathered in Dantian, helped him break through the bottleneck, and was promoted to the distraction stage in one fell swoop.

Moreover, Xiao Yun's cultivation speed has not slowed down at all, and he is still continuing his Ascension.

"How is this possible? Doesn't he have a cultivation bottleneck?"

Li Donglai's eyes widened in disbelief.

Xiao Yun's cultivation speed is too fast, he is simply a monster.

Even if Xiao Yun Cultivation Base has been suppressed for ten years, this time it is a lot of accumulation, but it is impossible for Ascension to be so many.

From Li Dong's point of view, it is not bad that Xiao Yun can reach the peak of the out-of-body stage.

Unexpectedly, the distraction period has come directly, and it has not stopped.

"Does this person have a natural Immortal body?" Li Donglai thought to himself, and he couldn't help but look forward to it.

Unexpectedly, he actually met a super genius, and he had already formed a good relationship in advance.

At the Tang Emperor's birthday banquet, if Xiao Yun can worship Sage, then his achievements in the future will be limitless.


After a while, Xiao Yun opened his eyes and let out a light breath.

At this point, his Cultivation Base had reached the peak Realm of the distraction period.

Seeing Xiao Yun get up, Li Donglai said with a wry smile, "Your Highness's Talent is really amazing. I'm going to protect you for half a year. I didn't expect you to end your cultivation so soon. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it."

"Mr. Li is very praised. I belong to the accumulation of accumulated resources. Although my Cultivation Base has not been able to make progress over the years due to the problem of Cultivation Technique, I have not stopped cultivation, but have been using Spiritual Qi to sharpen my physical body, so my physical body is very strong. , so this breakthrough has made great progress." Xiao Yun explained with a smile.

In fact, he can continue to make breakthroughs, but such a performance is too evil, and even a fool will know that he is the reincarnation of Immortal, or that he was taken over by some old monster.

Therefore, Xiao Yun did not have too many breakthroughs, and temporarily reached the peak of the distraction period, which was enough.

It will be more normal to wait until Datang, make a breakthrough and take it slow.

"It turns out that His Highness's physical body is indeed very strong."

Li Donglai nodded when he heard the words, he was an Immortal after all, and although he couldn't see how strong Xiao Yun's body was, the vigorous Blood Qi could not be hidden from his eyes no matter what.

Generally, the physical body of Immortal practitioners is very weak. After all, the human race is weak and weak, and it is very difficult to obtain an Ascension physical body. If the physical body is strong, it will be more effective in cultivation with half the effort.

Li Donglai felt that Xiao Yun might be a genius who was born with a strong physical body, and there were not many such people.

"Master Li, do you know what the assessment will be for this Tang Huangshou banquet?" Xiao Yun asked, ready to inquire about the situation.

However, Li Donglai shook his head and said, "I don't know, but it's nothing more than letting the Li family's children compete and compete, and then those Sage disciples will choose a few people based on your talent."

"Moreover, those Sage disciples are very proud. I guess they will choose at most one disciple, so this time the competition is very fierce."

Li Dong said and looked at Xiao Yun again, sighing: "His Royal Highness Talent is very powerful, but he is too young, plus there was no complete "Nine Dragons Immortal" before, which delayed Cultivation Base's Ascension, this test It's unfair to you."

Xiao Yun asked with a smile, "What kind of Cultivation Base are the Li's children participating in the assessment?"

"The maximum will not exceed the Mahayana period, because it is impossible for Sage to recruit people from Immortal or above Cultivation Base as disciples, but most of those who can participate in the assessment are estimated to be above the integration period." Li Dong said.

Xiao Yun smiled slightly: "So, I'm not too bad. When I make a breakthrough again, I'll be promoted to the fit stage."

Li Donglai heard that he didn't know why to laugh or cry. Is it as simple as eating and drinking water for you to cultivate Immortal? Your breakthrough was so fast before, it was your accumulation of ten years, and the early cultivation speed was fast, which does not mean that the late stage cultivation speed was also fast.

No matter what kind of cultivation system, the cultivation speed will be slower and slower at the late stage.

And there was only more than the second half of the year left. This time, for Immortal repairers, was just a nap.

Of course, Li Donglai naturally wants to form a good relationship with Xiao Yun, and naturally he will not be so stupid to attack Xiao Yun, he said with a smile: "Your Highness Talent is extraordinary, as long as he performs well in the assessment, even if he fails, he may be valued by Sage disciples. After all, when they choose apprentices, they don't choose the high Cultivation Base, nor do they choose the strong ones, but the ones with the highest Talent."

Xiao Yun nodded, then asked curiously, "Which Sage sent disciples this time?"

Li Donglai said with a smile: "In our human race, people with Taoism will come, for example, the two from Sanqing Sage and the West, as well as the one from Devil Dao and the Virgin Nuwa will also send people, and Empress Pingxin can't leave the underworld, as for I don’t know about the final Dou Sheng, after all, no one in this world can guess his mind, and if he is happy, he may not even come over in person.”

"Dou Sheng, that's my idol!" Xiao Yun said with a smile.

Li Donglai also said solemnly: "Although Dousheng is a demon Sage, I and other human races also admire him very much, and he has a relationship with our Tang Dynasty. Back then, when I, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty dispatched the eminent monk Xuanzang to the west to learn scriptures, what a prosperous age. In the blink of an eye, billions of years have passed.”

Xiao Yun was also very emotional. After coming to this world, he also investigated the situation after the Journey to the West. Although the Snow Mountain Kingdom did not know much about it, some major events were still recorded.

For example, after the end of Journey to the West, Buddhism flourished, but just like the Intercepting Religion that year, its prosperity turned into decline. The demon ancestor, Rahu, incarnated as the Lord of Heavenly Demon, invaded the Western Lingshan Mountain, forced Tathagata Buddha to reincarnate, and was defeated by Dou Victory Buddha.

Rahu then appeared, and fought against the Buddha, and both became holy.

At that time, the other Sages were watching the show, but who knew that Dou Shengjian Buddha and Rahu had secret connections. They were actually acting on purpose and deceived the Sages.

When they were both sanctified, it was too late for the Sages to stop them.

Because the minds of several Sages were also very complicated at that time, Dou Victory Buddha belonged to Buddhism after all, and also had a master-disciple relationship with Zhunti, and the Spirit Stones who were born in Dou Victory Buddha came from Nuwa Niangniang, she naturally would not block Dou Victory Buddha sanctified.

Sanqing Sage wanted to block, but who blocked? If Dou defeats the Buddha, Rahu becomes holy, and stops Rahu, and when Dou defeats the Buddha and becomes sanctified, there will be three Sages in the West, plus the relationship with Nuwa, it is also a threat to them.

In the end, in their hesitation, Doushengfu and Luohu have both become saints, and one of them is Dousheng and the other is the ancestor of Devil Dao, both of them are extremely powerful Sages.

Dousheng is the most powerful in Sage.

Devil Dao is on an equal footing with Daomen, and Luo Hu is on the same level as Hongjun. Although he is not as good as Hongjun now, he is considered the strongest among the saints.

The two of them were sanctified, completely changing the situation in the prehistoric world and making the prehistoric world even more chaotic.

Xiao Yun estimated that Hongjun led them to invade the Jiuxiao Continent, but also had the intention of shifting the contradictions outward.

"The water for the Sages is very deep. Which Sage should I worship this time?" Xiao Yun pondered in his heart.

He is naturally confident about whether he can pass the assessment.

So he was already thinking about which Sage to join.

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