Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

900 And 20 Ix Multiple People Crossing

After Xiao Yun proclaimed the Dao, Jiuxiao Continent gradually calmed down. Some younger generation geniuses came to the surface one after another, while the older generation and the strong were all burying their heads in hard work, hoping that one day they could become Dao Dao Emperor.

Some high-level officials are meeting in forbidden areas.

Xiao Yun looked at the shocked people in front of him, and continued: "Zao Wuji and I have already entered the prehistoric world to be reincarnated, and the time flow over there is a hundred times faster than ours, that is, Say, we have passed a year here, and a hundred years have passed over there."

"Yes!" Dugu Baitian nodded regretfully when he heard the words.

But if you can go to the 'prehistoric world' to sharpen it, then the two will become one, although it may not be able to be promoted directly to Heavenly Emperor Realm, but at least the probability of proving the Dao Great Emperor is greatly increased.

At the same time, the gate of The Netherworld completely left Heavenly Emperor City, hiding somewhere, and even Xiao Yun couldn't detect it.

The alternative enlightenment Cultivation Base of the immortal ancestor is all gifted by the demon, and the foundation is shallow. At this time, if one tenth of the soul is split, it will immediately fall into the alternative enlightenment Realm, and with his Talent, if he wants to be promoted to the alternative enlightenment Realm , it's almost impossible, and he was even forced to prove the Dao right away, he is not sure about the Dao right now.

"Okay, now you have entered the prehistoric world to be reincarnated. When you enter the 'Tianmen', you will see a city, and you will go directly to find a pregnant woman to reincarnate."

Immortal Ancestor finished, Lei Zu said with a smile: "I have been suppressing Cultivation Base now, because if I break through again, I will be forced to prove the Dao, but I don't have the confidence to prove the Dao now. So splitting the soul and falling into the Realm is a good thing for me."

Master Tianyi's original face of Gujing Wubo became ugly. He felt that since he accepted Wu Hao, his disciple and grandson, his seniority had dropped, because the people here were all Wu Hao's ancestors.

"I'll go as well!"

"Old Ancestor, rest assured, I will definitely stand by your side, and you are the only one to follow." Wu Hao immediately expressed his stance with a respectful look on his face.

Moreover, in the prehistoric world, even if they didn't get the chance, just a hundred times more cultivation time would greatly increase their chances of proving the Dao.

Xiao Yun looked at everyone and said with a serious face: "Once they find out that we are from another world, even if only one person is exposed, others may be exposed. Therefore, when everyone is cultivating, don't cultivate us here. The Cultivation Technique on the side, it is best to follow the body refining line, there are also physical powerhouses in the prehistoric world, as long as we follow the body refining line, it will not be easy to reveal our identity."

Especially now, Wu Hao respects Xiao Yun even more when he hears the great opportunity of 'The World of Prehistoric Desolation'.

If this person also cultivated to the Zhundi Realm in the prehistoric world, and then learned the profound meaning, wouldn't it take a hundred times more time than the Nine Heavens Continent?

When everyone heard the words, their eyes lit up.

The inextinguishable ancestor shook his head and said: "I don't care, I am an alternative enlightenment now, and I can be promoted to the emperor step by step. If one tenth of the soul is split, I am afraid that I will fall into the alternative enlightenment Realm."

"Ancestor, I also want to go to the prehistoric world!" Saint Sun Wu Hao was the first to express his position, looking at Xiao Yun eagerly.

Therefore, Wu Hao is now looking at Xiao Yun eagerly, like a good grandson.

"Yes, but don't tell Tianwaitian about this, not even your Wu family, because I don't believe them yet." Xiao Yun looked at Wu Hao, his eyes sharp as a sword, making the latter's soul chill.

"Everyone, you must be careful when you go to the prehistoric world, and you must not reveal your identity."

"Many thanks to my ancestor!" Wu Hao's face was suddenly full of joy.

Everyone didn't care either, they were happy to see Master Tianyi go to harm Tianwaitian's cultivators.

"I'm going too!" Di Tian also said at this time, he is very savvy, and splitting one-tenth of the soul has little effect, but it can make him more likely to prove the Dao Great Emperor.


"This is no problem. I was planning to strengthen my physical body. After all, when I preached Transcends Tribulation, my physical body became stronger, and the success rate of Transcends Tribulation would also increase." Nanhai Yun said with a smile.

Afterwards, Dugu Baitian, Zhou Yuan, Nanhai Yun and others also spoke up. They all wanted to go to the Great Desolate World. After all, this was a big world that was more advanced than Jiuxiao Continent.

Xiao Yun looked at everyone, and first of all, he told everyone about how he opened the 'Heaven's Gate'.

"Then I'll go too!"

"Of course, if you really want to see the kendo over there, you can wait for you to pass the Dao, and then split a part of your soul to go to the prehistoric world to practice. At that time, if you cultivate the cultivation Cultivation Technique of the prehistoric world again, it will have no effect."

Di Tian also nodded his head. The Cultivation Technique he is currently cultivating is "Chaos Indestructible", which is originally a line of cultivation.

Xiao Yun finished speaking, and immediately opened the 'Heaven's Gate' again.

Zao Wou-Ki on the side touched Wu Hao's head and said with a smile: "Xiao Wu, I was reincarnated over there into a princely family called Hu Zhan. Isn't this name domineering? You will also be reincarnated into our Hu family by then, and you will be with us in the future. I'm mixed, my ancestor, I'll fly with you."

The current Xiao Yun is Heavenly Emperor Realm, and the look in his eyes scared him.

He is different from Zao Wou-Ki. Zao Wou-Ki splits one-tenth of his soul and is still the Realm of Alternative Enlightenment. After all, Zao Wou-Ki has a strong talent, and he was promoted to Alternative Enlightenment himself. His foundation is second only to Xiao Yun.

Chaos Sacred Land.

The Three Emperors Realm is still the base for the exchanges between the practitioners of the Jiuxiao Continent and the Tianwaitian practitioners.

"The prehistoric world is a big treasure. Although it is a little dangerous, as long as we keep a low profile, we may not be able to take our Chaos Sacred Land to a higher level."

Xiao Yun nodded, and then said: "If you want to go to the prehistoric world, you have to split your soul first, one tenth is enough, then I will take you to reincarnation."

"Uncle, I want to cultivate the kendo in the prehistoric world. I don't know if I can?" Dugu Baitian suddenly asked a question.

"I won't go to the prehistoric world. I will go to the Three Sovereign Realm to preach and teach, and to carry forward my "Profound Truth Quick Method", you can discuss it yourself." Tianyi Shengshi couldn't stay any longer, he turned around and left. .

Headed by Xiao Yun, there are also Zao Wou-Ki, Lei Zu, Indestructible Old Ancestor, Di Tian, ​​Nanhai Yun, Dugu Baitian, Master Tianyi, Saint Sun Wu Hao, and the predecessor Holy Lord Zhou Yuan, all of them are accurate Emperor Realm strong.


Xiao Yun pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said: "No, Cultivation Technique on cultivation side, it is still uncertain whether it will be able to merge with your body at that time. cannot prove it.”

"I'm going to the prehistoric world too!"


You must know that although he is already a quasi-emperor, his time and lifespan is limited, only a thousand years of lifespan. As for the quasi emperors of Jiuxiao Continent, Shouyuan has skyrocketed for millions of years, which makes him very unbalanced, and he is even more worried that he will not be able to prove Dao in the future.

"Yes, Zhao Zu!" Wu Hao nodded quickly, he had already confessed to Xiao Yun, and he didn't care about another ancestor, anyway, except for Tianyi Shengshi, all of them were his ancestors.

A hundred times the flow of time, just like this, is a huge opportunity.

Everyone also began to split their souls, preparing to enter the prehistoric world to experience.

After all, he was promoted to Emperor Zhundi this time, and the Ascension Cultivation Base was too fast to lay a solid foundation.

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