In the forbidden area, Di Tian and the others were splitting their souls with grinning teeth. Zao Wou-Ki watched happily from the side. As a bystander, he was very cool now.

"Xiao Wu, your will is too rubbish. Thanks to you, you have cultivated for ten thousand years, and you can't even bear this pain. No way."

"Old man Di Tian, ​​your willpower is slightly stronger than Xiao Wu, and your voice is so loud, don't you think Losing face?"

"Lei Zu, don't bear it anymore, you are sweating profusely from pain, I know you are the ancestor, you are the most senior, you want a face, you don't want to be embarrassed in public, but your strength is not allowed, hahaha!"


Zao Wou-Ki was talking sarcastic words, so angry that Lei Zu, Di Tian and the others wanted to beat him up.

The immortal ancestor next to him smiled, then turned to look at Xiao Yun, and said, "Actually, those juniors can also enter the prehistoric world to experience, especially the geniuses like Xiao Tianci, Xing Yueling, Dugu Daxiong, Liu Jie, go. The cultivation of the prehistoric world has a hundred times longer, but it can accelerate their growth."

Hearing this, Xiao Yun pondered: "Wait for them to be sanctified before they go. Now their strength is too weak, and the split of one-tenth of their souls will have too much influence on them. As for the others, don't worry for the time being, they will be easily exposed when there are too many people. After our group returns, we will increase the number step by step, and we can even open it up to other forces in the future."

"Allow people from other forces to enter the prehistoric world?" The inextinguishable ancestor frowned when he heard the words, he was unwilling to help other forces become stronger.

Xiao Yun said with a smile: "Ancestor, if the 'prehistoric world' is likened to a relic, then the right to enter this relic is in our hands, and we can sell the quota, which will bring us an endless stream of reward."

"As for whether this will help other forces become stronger? Don't worry about this at all, because when more people come in in the future, they will definitely be exposed, and their survival rate inside will be greatly reduced, and it is impossible to surpass us. Chaos Sacred Land."

Xiao Yun has been thinking about the use of 'Tianmen' for a while, and he already has a lot of plans on how to develop 'Tianmen'.

It is a great opportunity to be able to send people to the prehistoric world to hone.

Xiao Yun suddenly felt that if the 'Tianmen' was used well, it would be no less than the 'human door'.

After all, for those who are above the emperor, they can go to the prehistoric world to sharpen, refer to the cultivation Cultivation Technique of the prehistoric world, and even cultivate the second avatar. This is a great opportunity.

Those big Di Tian emperors on Immortal Road must be crazy about this.

At that time, Xiao Yun can exchange places with them for treasures, Cultivation Technique and other cultivation resources, which will definitely make him the richest person in Jiuxiao Continent.

Most importantly, Xiao Yun also wanted the overall strength of Ascension Jiuxiao Continent.

Only in this way can the threat of the prehistoric world be blocked.

"Well, that's fine, but it's time to open up to our allies first, and then it will be the turn of other forces." The indestructible ancestor nodded after listening.

Xiao Yun smiled slightly: "That's natural..."

When the two were chatting, Di Tian and the others had already created a split soul.

Then Xiao Yun arranged for them to enter the ‘Heaven’s Gate’ together.

The opening position of the Tianmen is not fixed. Xiao Yun can actually move, but he is now the Crown Prince of the Snow Mountain Kingdom. Of course, he will put the Tianmen exit here.

"If you sell the quota to those enemies in the future, you can move your hands and let them go to a dangerous place to be reincarnated." Xiao Yun has a sinister plan in his heart.

He became more and more satisfied with this "Heavenly Gate".


Snow Mountain Kingdom.

Di Tian, ​​Lei Zu, Dugu Baitian, Zhou Yuan, Nanhai Yun, and Wu Hao walked out of the gate of heaven and floated in the night sky.

"The city in front should be the capital of the Snow Mountain Kingdom - Snow Mountain City that Xiao Yun said." Nanhaiyun pointed to the city not far away.

Di Tian flew forward and said with a smile: "Then hurry up and reincarnate, hehe, we are now starting cultivation from scratch, it's better to compare and see who is the strongest."

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!" Nanhaiyun said confidently.

"How can I find Xiao Yun and the others?" Lei Zu asked.

Di Tian smiled and said, "We don't need to look for it. Xiao Yun will take the initiative to look for us. He is the owner of the 'Tianmen' and can find us accurately."

"That's good!" Nanhai Yun said with a smile as he flew, "I heard that Zhao Wuji was reincarnated into a princely family. We will also find a powerful family to be reincarnated. This way, the starting point is higher and it will be more convenient for future cultivation."

Hearing this, Di Tian said solemnly: "Are we here to enjoy life? We are here to experience training. If we are reborn into a big family, it will be difficult to experience tempering, so what's the point of training? Look at that boy Wu Hao, he is The birth was too good, and the tempering experienced was too little, so we were hanged and beaten by us at the same Realm."

Behind Wu Hao's face was stiff, but he didn't dare to open his mouth to contradict Di Tian, ​​after all, this is Xiao Heavenly Emperor's master.

"Well, what Di Tian said is right. Let's reincarnate into an ordinary family. We will reincarnate with our memories. If we can't rise up, it will be too wasteful." Lei Zu nodded in agreement.

Nanhai Yun was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "That's right, only by reincarnating into an ordinary family can you sharpen your own will, which will greatly increase your success rate in proving Transcends Tribulation in the future."

"Let's go, let's go to the slum in front!" Di Tian had already flown over Snow Mountain City at this moment.

"Let's start reincarnation!"

"There's a pregnant woman here."

"I'm right here."


Di Tian and others rushed into some rooms one after another.

The three juniors, Wu Hao, Zhou Yuan, and Dugu Baitian, are also looking for pregnant women in the slums. The slums are very large and crowded, and they soon found two pregnant women.

"Brother Wu, I chose this place. Those elders are right. We are not here to enjoy life. Reincarnating into an ordinary family can better sharpen our willpower." Zhou Yuan greeted Wu Hao, and then Get into the house.

"Brother Zhou, take care!" Wu Hao nodded, then found a pregnant woman nearby and got in.

Dugu Baitian is a sword idiot, he didn't expect so much, he got into it when he encountered a pregnant woman.

After the three juniors were reincarnated, Di Tian, ​​Nanhaiyun, and Lei Zu flew out of the house one after another and looked over here.

It turned out that they didn't go to reincarnation at all.

"Di Tian, ​​I knew you were a scumbag. Do you really think you could fool me? I've been guarding you for a long time." Nanhai Yun glared at him as soon as he saw Di Tian.

Lei Zu was also accusing Di Tian: "Your kid is too yin, no wonder the apprentice you taught is also yin. I seriously doubt which family Zhao Wuji was reincarnated into? It's definitely not the princely family that Xiao Yun said, maybe it's nearby."

Di Tian said lightly: "What I said was right, those juniors need to sharpen their willpower a lot, and I also think about them. As for me, I don't need to sharpen it, my willpower is strong enough."

"Not wanting face!"

"Despicable and shameless!"

Lei Zu and Nan Haiyun cursed together.

Immediately, the three old guys flew to the center of the city together.

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