Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 928 Reincarnation Is A Technology Job

"Hu dog egg?"

Zao Wou-Ki, who had just been born, had not had time to open his eyes when he heard the rough voice of the cheap father, and his whole body suddenly froze.

Hu dog egg... Hu dog egg... Hu dog egg...

At this moment, his mind is full of these three words.

Is this my new name?

God, do you want to be so pitiful?

Damn Xiao Erniu, I believe in you.

Zao Wou-Ki gritted his teeth for a while, knowing that he couldn't go to the slum to be reincarnated if he could find an ordinary family for reincarnation.

What a cheap name to support me, Zhao Heavenly Emperor is a transmigrator, the protagonist of heaven and earth, the son of destiny, how can I call this name?

But there is no way. Zao Wou-Ki has now been reincarnated as a baby. Although he has memories and talent, he is still just a weak baby.

"Old Zhao, stay well, I will go to the center of the city to find a wealthy family for reincarnation, don't worry, I will definitely come to help you when the time comes." Xiao Yun's voice suddenly sounded in Zhao Wuji's heart.

This is Xiao Yun transmitting his voice to him.

Lao Zhao suddenly became angry, and his skin was red and hot.

f*ck, didn't you just say you need to sharpen it? You also said that you can't go to rich people's houses to enjoy it, so you are so daddy?

"Lao Zhao, I know you might be very angry now..." Xiao Yun's voice continued to sound.

Zao Wou-Ki was angry in his heart: "Daddy is not likely to be angry, he is very angry."

"It's not that I don't want to be sharpened, the main thing is that I am Heavenly Emperor Realm, and I don't need to be sharpened anymore." Xiao Yun said through a voice transmission.

Zao Wou-Ki gritted his teeth, f*ck, he cheated daddy, and even came to show daddy your realm height, you wait for daddy, Zhao Mou will bear with you for a few years, and when I preach Heavenly Emperor in the future, I will definitely return it in full, thirty Years Hedong, thirty years Hexi, don't bully young poor.

Xiao Erniu, sooner or later, I, Zhao, will defeat you, and my fate is up to me!

When Yin & Yang rebelled, they would kill two cows with my demon blood.

Hu...Zhao Wuji roared in his heart.

"My child's father, why isn't the child crying? Take a look, this is killing me." A woman's anxious voice suddenly came.

"Don't worry, I also had this kind of situation when I was born, my father gave me a few slaps on my butt." A rough voice sounded.

The next moment, a big rough hand, began to slap Zao Wou-Ki's white and tender little ass.

Zao Wou-Ki's eyes widened, his face twisted and flushed, as if he was congested with blood.

Shame, absolute shame, my name, Zhao Heavenly Emperor I, has been ruined.

Xiao Erniu, I will never share the sky with you.


Xiao Yun had already flown into the center of the city at this moment.

It's not as dilapidated as a slum here. The houses here are very gorgeous, tall attics are everywhere, and the bustling streets are full of people. Even on this snowy day, there are many people shopping, very lively.

"This is Life, Lao Zhao, your suggestion is good, it is to find a rich family for reincarnation." Xiao Yun continued to fly forward.

He was searching to see if there were any pregnant women from wealthy families.

Moreover, it also depends on the status of this pregnant woman in this family, Xiao Yun doesn't want to be pitted by his future father like Zao Wou-Ki.

"Hey, could this be the palace?"

Soon after, Xiao Yun looked at a huge building in front of him, and couldn't help showing curiosity in his eyes.

This building is square in shape, the houses inside are overlapping and neat, there are many soldiers patrolling, and many palaces are resplendent and look very solemn.

This is definitely the Royal Palace.

Could it be that the city they randomly encountered this time was the imperial capital of a certain country?

Xiao Yun's eyes moved, and he flew towards the palace in front of him.

It seems that there is no need to be the second generation of the rich, my brother will directly be 'His Royal Highness'.

Lao Zhao, you wait, in a few years, brother will pick you up to come to the palace to cultivate "Sunflower Collection".

Xiao Yun floated above the palace and quickly found several pregnant women.

I have to say that women in the palace talk a lot, and naturally pregnant women are indispensable.

Soon Xiao Yun locked onto a target.

"This 'mother' is not bad. The palace she lives in is very large, and it is well guarded. There are also many servant girls. There is a middle-aged man in a dragon robe waiting anxiously outside. She must have a very high status in the palace. "Xiao Yun flew over with his soul divided, and quickly found out some information.

Glancing at the middle-aged man wearing a golden dragon robe at the door, Xiao Yun knew that this man should be the future father, and it seemed that he was also the owner of the palace.

"How is the queen? Has the child come out yet?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty..."

Xiao Yun listened to a few words and was reincarnated.

In this life, the father is His Majesty the King, and the mother is the queen. Everything is stable.

Sure enough, reincarnation is a technology job.

Reincarnating at random like Lao Zhao did, was purely asking for trouble.

"Wow..." For a moment, a loud baby cry came out.

At the same time, a maid shouted with surprise: "Your Majesty, I am overjoyed, it is Your Highness."

"Okay, okay!" The man in the dragon robe outside said with excitement and excitement: "The widow has fifteen daughters, and finally there is one with a handle. Our Snow Mountain Kingdom finally has a successor."

When the King of Snow Mountain finished speaking, he hurriedly picked up the ‘Xiao Yun’ handed over by the maid.

He immediately checked the telephone pole between 'Xiao Yun''s calf, and he was relieved.

"Your Majesty, quickly name the Crown Prince." A maid suggested.

The King of Snow Mountain smiled and said: "Yes, I want to have a name, just call Li..."

The King of Snow Mountain looked at the opened eyes of the baby in his arms, and was inexplicably ecstatic, as if there was a vast starry sky in those eyes, and there was a word "cloud" deep in his heart.

"Just call Li Yun!"

The Snow Mountain King came back to his senses and blurted out.

In his arms, ‘Xiao Yun’ heaved a sigh of relief, then closed his eyes to sleep, he used the ability of ‘Double Pupils’ just now, but it almost exhausted all his strength.

After all, he didn't have a strange name like Zao Wou-Ki.

Well, it's not bad to be His Royal Highness.


Jiuxiao Continent, Chaos Sacred Land.

Zao Wou-Ki's body is recovering from his injuries, Xiao Yun is activating the divine body of life to help him recover from his injuries, while communicating with the 'Tianmen' to explore the situation inside.

There was no way for Zao Wou-Ki to contact his 'Soul Divided', but Xiao Yun could.

After all, this is Xiao Yun's 'Heaven's Gate'.

"Huh, I finally recovered from the injury. I have to say that your divine body of life is really awesome."

Soon after, Zao Wou-Ki opened his eyes, looked at the 'Tianmen' next to him, and asked Xiao Yun, "What's going on inside? Have we been reincarnated?"

"Well, I've just been reincarnated." Xiao Yun nodded with a gentle face and a smile.

Zao Wou-Ki glanced at him strangely, and always felt that Xiao Yun's expression was a bit wrong, because Xiao Yun's expression was too natural, like acting.

"What kind of family did I reincarnate into?" Zao Wou-Ki asked curiously.

Xiao Yun smiled mildly: "It's a princely family of a country. You are a direct descendant and have a high status. It is estimated that you will be able to embark on the road of cultivation in a few years."

"Well, this is a good starting point, I like it." Zao Wou-Ki nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to ask: "Then what is the name of my clone?"

"Hu... Hu Zhan, yes, it's Hu Zhan, your father hopes that you can live for warfare and become a peerless powerhouse." Xiao Yun continued to maintain a gentle smile.

Hearing this, Zao Wou-Ki was even more satisfied. He smiled and said, "Yes, Hu Zhan, Hu Zhan, I like this name, it is domineering, it should be my name of Zhao Heavenly Emperor."

Xiao Yun lowered his head, he was afraid that he couldn't bear it any longer.

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