Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 817 Instigating Lao Zhao To Dig Graves

Chaos Sacred Land.

Emperor Peak.

Xiao Tianci, Liu Jie, and Xing Yueling are discussing.

The three of them have completed Foundation Building, and have cultivated combat skills, and are now entering the million extreme realm of the Body Refinement realm.

Because of the baptism of the Great Emperor Blood Essence, their foundations are very good.

Coupled with the outstanding Talent, the strength is ascending very quickly.

Both Liu Jie and Xing Yueling have broken through to 900,000 catties of strength, but Xiao Tianci is even better, reaching the extreme limit of one million catties.


Repulsing Liu Jie again, Xiao Tianci said with a smile, "Third brother, you have to keep working hard."

Liu Jie smiled wryly, his own supreme body actually lost to the opponent's second-order god body.

Is "The Book of Chaos" so awesome? This has not yet cast the Chaos Body, it is so powerful.


In the distance, Xiao Yun retracted his gaze, looked at Zao Wou-Ki, who was sullen next to him, and said with a smile, "You can't teach your disciples either, or my disciples are more powerful."

"Humph!" Zao Wou-Ki snorted coldly, with a displeased expression on his face, he was thinking of beating Liu Jie down and giving him a special training from the devil.

At this time, Xiao Tianci had already made a breakthrough in the Qi Gathering Realm, and after reaching the million extreme realm, he did not continue to stagnate, and directly broke through to the Qi Gathering Realm.

Xiao Yun didn't stop either, and he was also very relieved to see the younger generation grow up quickly.

As long as these three little guys have more Ascension strength before Spiritual Qi recovers, the benefits will be even greater in the future.

"The Netherworld side, aren't you ready?" Zao Wou-Ki suddenly asked.

Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "How to prepare? They haven't come out yet, so it's useless for you to prepare. It's better to cultivate well and Ascension as soon as possible. This is the last word."

"Dammit, Ascension is too difficult now, Spiritual Qi's recovery hasn't come, it's too difficult to be promoted to Eighth Stage." Zao Wou-Ki looked depressed.

Apart from Xiao Yun now, Gu Tianyi is the quasi emperor of Eighth Stage, and Li Chengdi is also the quasi emperor of Eighth Stage. He feels that he has fallen into the second block, which makes him very uncomfortable.

"Teach you a way to dig the ancestral graves of the ancient Sacred Land, learn WISCO, and integrate the dead ancient Sacred Body. It should allow you to advance to the Eighth Stage of the Quasi-Emperor, and maybe even a few more Ascension levels." Xiao Yun reminded.

Zao Wou-Ki was silent when he heard the words.

Of course he knew this method, but digging ancestral graves would be too pitiful. In the final analysis, he was also a descendant of the Yang family, and his mother was a direct descendant of the Yang family. Otherwise, the ancient Sacred Body would not have been passed on to him.

To dig Sacred Land's ancestral grave is to dig his own ancestral grave.

Can the key wasteland Sacred Land agree?

Dig out your ancestors and integrate them for you?

This is too disrespectful.

"People die like lights go out, what's more, with The Netherworld now, maybe your ancestors are still alive and well in The Netherworld, so ah, you go to the old guys in the ancient Sacred Land at this time, maybe they will Support you, after all, you are the only face they can show in the ancient Sacred Land, and they also expect you to educate them in the future." Xiao Yun continued to persuade.

Zao Wou-Ki nodded, and then said, "As you mean, your Chaos Sacred Land also has senior seniors in The Netherworld. Do you think they will be on our side? Maybe after they come out, it's not a bad thing."

"Stupid!" Xiao Yun heard the words and looked at him like an idiot.

Zao Wou-Ki became angry, how could he still curse? Dammit, Xiao Er Niu Sha pen!

Seeing his puzzled look, Xiao Yun said, "Your Li Big sis has now become Li Chengdi. How long has it been since then? Five hundred years ago, his personality has undergone tremendous changes."

"Seeing that Zhao Wuji wanted to get angry, Xiao Yun continued: "You heard him say before, that after death, people will become undead in the sea of ​​​​underworld, and only the powerful people above the emperor can have the memory of the past life. But I don't agree with this. He must have withheld some information, and it is very likely that he can only awaken 'part' of his past life's memory, which is why Li Chengdi's personality has undergone such a big change. "

Zao Wou-Ki nodded, he didn't think Li Chengdi would tell them the secrets of The Netherworld, he must have concealed some important information.

"If you can only awaken part of the memory of the previous life, plus you have spent countless years in The Netherworld Life, do you think those 'old seniors' will still care about the little memory of the previous life?" Xiao Yun shook his head.

Those old seniors have stayed in The Netherworld for tens of thousands of years, or even longer. You can expect them to care about the little memory of their previous life. It is impossible, and it will not affect their self-personality.

It's like if you live for 10,000 years, your character must be determined by 9,900 years of experience, not a hundred years of it.

What's more, those people in The Netherworld have no lifespan limit. If they live too long, their personalities are even more unpredictable.

"So, don't count on them, maybe as soon as they come out, they will deal with us with their own hands."

Xiao Yun sneered.

Zao Wou-Ki was silent for a moment, then stood up and said, "I'll go back to the ancient Sacred Land first, Liu Jie will give you instructions."

After speaking, before Xiao Yun could answer, he tore the void and left.

Xiao Yun cursed in anger.

Son of a bitch, have you taught disciples like that?

This is to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

The key point is that Xiao Yun himself has always been a boss, so he wouldn't be a babysitter for little kids.

"Junior sister, help me take care of those three little guys and supervise them to cultivate properly." Xiao Yun sent a voice transmission to Lin Xiaoya, and was ready to go to the forbidden area.

Lin Xiaoya walked out of the room and shouted at Xiao Yun, "Senior brother, remember to come back and eat Orleans grilled wings later. There was a little left over last time."

When Xiao Yun heard this, his face turned black, and he hurriedly entered the forbidden area.

The last time he ate the grilled wings in Orleans, he was terrified. Good guy, he didn't know how the grilled wings were cooked by the junior sisters and the others. After eating it, he was sweating all over his body, and his stomach was soaked in flames. It was like eating a few tons of aphrodisiacs. , I almost couldn't help drawing my sword to meet the two junior sisters.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Xiao Yun activated the Chaos Body, forcibly refining the ashes in his body, and thus saved his innocent body.

"Junior sister, talk about it next time!"

Xiao Yun people have disappeared, leaving only one sentence.

Lin Xiaoya, who was chasing behind her, stomped her feet in anger.

Xi Chunyu also flew over. Seeing Xiao Yun who was running away, he couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled.

"You're still laughing! It's all your fault. I told you to put more of the medicine given by the mistress. You have to put only one-tenth of it." Lin Xiaoya glared at Xi Chunyu.

Xi Chunyu said innocently: "My wife said that the medicine is very powerful. She only gave 1% of the medicine to Uncle Di Tian. I think that even if Brother Xiao is strong, 1/10 is enough."

"The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, Master Di Tian is too old, he is too far behind his senior brother, you underestimate the chaotic body of senior brother, let's go, let's go to the teacher and ask for more, next time you will give a hundred times the amount of medicine." Lin Xiaoya Pulled Xi Chunyu away.

In the void not far away, Di Tian stretched out a head and looked at the direction where the two women disappeared with sweat on his face.

He was about to rush to the forbidden area when he heard the words of the tiger and wolf from the two women, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly hid.

"That goddamn mother-in-law, she actually taught disciples like this, sigh, the key is still a failure. With the strength of Xiao Yun, a hundred times the amount is not enough, a thousand times is enough, I have to remind her."

Di Tian smiled.

Xiao Yun, who entered the forbidden area, couldn't help but sneezed, feeling that someone was thinking about him.

"Could it be Gu Tianyi's evil pen? I'll leave him alone for now. I'll talk about it after I have harvested the Kunpeng ancestor. I hope that guy from Zhao Wuji will be more powerful and have more Ascension. Then he will be able to fight." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

"Xiao senior—" Holy Lord Zhou Yuan came from a distance.

Xiao Yun glared at him and said, "Don't call me senior, you are Master Nan's apprentice, just call me senior brother."

Zhou Yuan was a little embarrassed. When he came to Chaos Sacred Land, Xiao Yun was the legendary senior in his heart, and his strength was also very strong, so he always regarded Xiao Yun as senior, but they were actually the same seniority.

"Senior Brother Xiao, there is a group of people outside. They say they are from Eastern Wasteland Jiange. The leader of the young pavilion is Lei Shan. He wants to lead the children of Jiange to join our Chaos Sacred Land. How do you think this matter will be solved?" Zhou Yuan immediately hurried said.


Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment, and almost forgot about Lei Shan, the puppet.

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