Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 800 And 18 Is Really Useful

After his strength increased, Xiao Yun really didn't care about Lei Shan's puppet. Although the opponent was the peak of the Great Sage, in his eyes, he was just an ant.

Moreover, Lei Zhan is already dead, and it is useless to use Lei Zhan again.

Even harvesting the other party has no benefit at all.

After Xiao Yun got the news, he pondered for a moment, and then said to Zhou Yuan: "These disciples of the sword pavilion cannot be loyal to our Chaos Sacred Land, but Lei Shan can be trusted. You let him find a place near the Chaos Sacred Land to build a sword pavilion. , you can attach to our Chaos Sacred Land in the future."

Zhou Yuan nodded when he heard the words. He didn't ask why he could trust Lei Shan. In Chaos Sacred Land, what Xiao Yun said was right.

"Your Cultivation Base has reached the late stage of the Great Sage, work harder and strive to be promoted to the Great Sage's peak before the Spiritual Qi recovery arrives." Xiao Yun immediately looked at Zhou Yuan and reminded.

Zhou Yuan hurriedly said, "Junior is also working very hard. Recently, he has been in the "Profound Truth Quick Method" by Insight Tianyi. I think it will take a long time to be promoted to the realm of the peak of the great sage."

Xiao Yun's face suddenly turned black.


Even the Holy Lord of Chaos Sacred Land is in the pit?

Shit, these two teachers and apprentices are funny, and they really harmed the entire cultivation world.

Xiao Yun wanted to cry without tears, so he didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned around and walked towards Lei Zu.

Zhou Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then he thought to himself: "Senior Brother Xiao stopped talking when he heard me say Insight "Quick Way of Profound Truth", apparently tacitly tacitly agreeing that this Cultivation Technique can bring me benefits, worthy of being a Saint Master Tianyi, The Cultivation Technique created can actually be appreciated by Brother Xiao, I am far inferior."

After Zhou Yuan sighed a few words, he immediately went back to work. After finishing the work, he was still in a hurry to Insight "Profound Truth Quick Method".

Thanks to him being the Chaos Sacred Land Holy Lord, his book "Profound Truth Quick Method" is the original manuscript of Master Tianyi, including the cultivation experience of Master Tianyi. This is a good treasure that outsiders can't think of.

Even Dugu Baitian, the quasi emperor, has been in a relationship with him recently and wants to get this book.

Zhou Yuan is not so stupid, let him take it to the Dugu family? Just kidding, I'm passing this book on as a treasure to the next Holy Lord.


Tianyi Peak.

Wu Hao has had a good life recently.

He has been promoted to the Qi Gathering Realm, and the Cultivation Base is advancing by leaps and bounds, and he will soon enter the Divine Bridge Realm.

There are two reasons for the rapid progress.

First, although his Cultivation Base has been abolished, his memory of cultivation from previous cultivation to Zhundi Realm has not disappeared. He has already walked through these Realm once, standing at a high place and starting again, naturally very relaxed, almost no There is a cultivation bottleneck.

Second, he did not want to sprint to the extreme in every Realm like Xiao Tianci, Liu Jie, and Xing Yueling.

Although Wu Hao also knows the benefits of sprinting to the extreme realm, the problem is that he has special circumstances and his lifespan is only a thousand years. If too much time is wasted due to sprinting to the extreme realm, and he cannot prove the Dao Great Emperor, then he will be considered a great emperor. The most powerful quasi-emperor could not escape death in the end.

The most important thing for him at the moment is to Ascension Cultivation Base as soon as possible, it is best to be sanctified before Spiritual Qi recovery comes, and then use the dividends of Spiritual Qi recovery to rush to Zhundi Realm in one go, and then wait for the opportunity to prove the Dao.

Like Xiao Tianci and the others, every Realm pursues the extreme realm, which is good and will create a strong foundation, but the cultivation time has been stretched.

Wu Hao said he couldn't afford to play.

"I don't know when Spiritual Qi's recovery will come. I really hope it will come a few years later!" Wu Hao Lotus Position was sitting in the palace, drinking the spiritual liquid and eating the spiritual fruit, feeling at ease.


Just then, there was a loud noise outside.

Wu Hao was startled and thought that Xiao Yun and Zao Wou-Ki were coming to the door, so he hurriedly found a place to hide.

However, when he thought about it, it was absolutely wrong. He no longer had a Cultivation Base, so Zao Wou-Ki and the others wouldn't have to beat him.

Wu Hao thought in his heart and walked out of the palace to have a look.

Outside the hall, a group of followers of Chu Jingxiao were looking at Chu Jingxiao who came out of a big pit with reverence.

Chu Jingxiao looked very excited, he walked out of the big pit, slapped the dust on his body, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and excitedly said to the followers in front of him: "My 'Quick Way of Profound Truth' has gone a step further, it won't take long. , I can be promoted to the Great Saint Realm."

Wu Hao looked at Chu Jingxiao, he saw deep obsession in Chu Jingxiao's eyes, that kind of frenzy, crazy to the end, he was terrified, what kind of person was this? With such strong eyes.

"Boss Talent is extraordinary."

"The boss is worthy of being the founding disciple of Saint Master Tianyi. He has fully inherited the legacy of Saint Master Tianyi. He will definitely be the second Saint Master in the future."

"The boss is our beacon, guiding the direction of the road, and we have to redouble our efforts."


A group of followers immediately flattered.

Afterwards, Wu Hao saw a group of followers jumping into the sky one after another, and then like a stone, they fell one after another, and deep pits appeared on the ground.

Only then did Wu Hao understand how the voice came from just now.

Dareqing was thrown out by Chu Jingxiao.

What is this operation?

Is Chaos Sacred Land's special cultivation method?

Wrestling like an idiot can be sanctified too?

We, Closed Door Training, have been locked in the country for so many years. Is it possible that we have fallen behind so much in Jiuxiao Continent that I can't understand their cultivation methods?

"Wu Hao, you're here too. Look, this is the legendary "Profound Truth Quickly Accomplishing Method". I heard that this cultivation method can speed up the comprehension of the profound meaning. I don't know when we can cultivate the "Profound Truth Quickly Accomplishing Method"."

Fang Yangyu came to Wu Hao, looked at the 'grand occasion' in front of him with excitement, and said excitedly: "It is said that this "Profound Truth Quick Method" doesn't care about the talent of the cultivator at all, that is to say, even if my Talent is very low, have the same opportunity to be sanctified."

Wu Hao was stunned for a while. He looked at Fang Yangyu and said in astonishment, "Do you really think that this kind of behavior can help you accelerate your understanding of the profound meaning?"

"Of course, you haven't seen the followers of Master Chu's subordinates, have they all been sanctified? They are all Rogue Cultivators. Originally Talent was not good, and they were not sanctified when they followed Master Chu. In just a few short years, three of them have been sanctified, and this still doesn't prove the power of the "Quick Method of Profound Truth"?" Fang Yangyu looked at Wu Hao with an idiotic look on his face.


At this moment, a powerful aura erupted from Chu Jingxiao's body, and the tyrannical aura swept the four directions, overwhelming Wu Hao and Fang Yangyu.

Fortunately, Chu Jingxiao put away his momentum in time.

But Wu Hao, who used to be the quasi-emperor, immediately knew that Chu Jingxiao had been promoted to the Great Sage.

He couldn't help but widen his eyes, looking at Chu Jingxiao who climbed out of the pit again.

At this time, Chu Jingxiao had a dusty face and was very embarrassed, but he laughed excitedly: "I, Chu Jingxiao, have finally stepped into the Great Sage Realm!"

"Long live the Master Tianyi, long live the boss!"

"Long live the Master Tianyi, long live the boss!"

"Long live the Master Tianyi, long live the boss!"


Chu Jingxiao's followers were also completely crazy, and they saw the example of Chu Jingxiao's promotion right in front of them, which further deepened the fanatical thoughts in their hearts.

Wu Hao stood in front of the Great Hall and looked at this group of crazy people, his eyes also flashing with blazing light.

The Profound Truth Quick Method is actually really useful.

Wu Hao didn't dare to doubt anymore.

After all, real examples are just around the corner.

If I can learn this method, I will quickly advance to the quasi-emperor and the Dao-dao emperor. My talent is much stronger than theirs.

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