Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 816 Lei Shan Gets Out Of Trouble

Li Big sis left, waving his sleeves without taking a cloud with him.

"But it's okay, if The Netherworld is disturbed, Xiao Yun can't stare at me anymore, and I can take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and swallow a few supreme bodies first!" Gu Tian thought about it, and the person had disappeared.

"Emperor You Zhun is dead!" Zhao Wuji took a deep breath and said solemnly, "It should be Lei Zhan!"

The Young Pavilion Master Lei Shan, whose whole body was sealed by Lei Zhan, could only be like a mortal, staying in the house to read, at most walking around the courtyard, those Jiang Pavilion disciples would not allow him to go out.

The gateway to The Netherworld still stands in the center of Heavenly Emperor City, and the space passage has been completely stabilized and cannot be destroyed.

After the Eighth Stage, the Cultivation Base's Ascension became more and more difficult.

Who is not afraid?

"What do you think about Li Chengdi?" Zhao Wuji asked from the side.

"Unfortunately, my Cultivation Base Ascension is getting more and more difficult. Unless I swallow Ye Fei, Wuhan Iron and the other Supreme Beings, it is possible to reach the quasi-emperor Ninth Stage."

Xiao Yun tore through the void and returned to the Chaos Sacred Land.

No, just after the news got out, the human mortal kingdoms near Heavenly Emperor City fled one after another, and even the royal family of the country fled.

The next moment, the blood-red rain fell one after another, dyeing the whole earth red, as if God was crying.

Lightning flashed suddenly.

"Xiao Yun, the people who come from The Netherworld are not good. The Nine Heavens Continent is up to you. I hope you can prove the Great Dao as soon as possible." Kunpeng ancestor looked at Xiao Yun and said sincerely.

He had been lurking for so long, and he was not far from success, but he was disturbed by the dead ghost Li Chengdi.

Xiao Yun, Zao Wou-Ki and the others also had body shields on their bodies, blocking the rain of blood.

Lei Shan pointed to the rain of blood outside and sighed, "The rain of blood comes, and there is an emperor who falls."

Seeing Lei Shan coming, Jian Er frowned, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

Lei Shan sighed, and immediately put away the "Quick Method of Profound Truth". This book is a treasure. One day, the autograph of the holy master, he asked Lei Zhan for several months, and he can't throw it away.

Jian San said with a gloomy face: "Young pavilion master, Master, his old man does not allow you to go out, please don't make it difficult for us."

Because Gu Tianyi had already sneaked away when Li Chengdi turned around and left.

After all, the arrival of The Netherworld this time has only opened a portal, causing billions of lives to die tragically.


Many mortals have also migrated from the Ye Family Heavenly Emperor Mountain. After all, the Avengers are also very powerful.

"The seal on my body was arranged by my father himself. Unless he unlocks it himself, he will only unlock it when he falls," Lei Shan said lightly.

What happened in Heavenly Emperor City soon spread throughout the Nine Heavens Continent, and countless practitioners were flustered.

Xiao Yun did not pursue him, because it was difficult to pursue him. After all, Gu Tianyi brought the imperial soldiers this time, and it was not easy to kill him.

Lei Shan put down the "Profound Truth Quick Method" in his hand, turned his head to look at the rain of blood falling outside, his heart suddenly felt a throbbing, and the seal on his body also dissipated.


The other party has a strong emperor, what should we do?

Gu Tianyi, this stubborn pen, actually robbed his boss. Although it was only a small boss, it was still a piece of meat.

a bolt from the blue!

There were two people standing at the gate of the courtyard, Jian Er and Jian San, and they were all sanctified.

Moreover, they also lost a Gu Tianyi here...

No one knows what the powerhouses of The Netherworld will do when they come to Jiuxiao Continent.

At that time, he will have the capital to fight the emperor.

This time, he devoured Lei Zhan, and only reached the late stage of the Eighth Stage of the Emperor.

As soon as he left, the quasi emperors of the Avengers also left, for fear that Xiao Yun would settle accounts with them.

Xiao Yun looked at him with dark eyes, he was a little anxious at the moment, he had to harvest the Kunpeng ancestor as soon as possible and be promoted to the quasi-emperor Ninth Stage.

"It's a pity, this old guy has my demon seed, and I haven't had time to harvest it yet." Xiao Yun scolded immediately.

Moreover, even the powerhouses of the Eighth Stage of the Zhun Emperor can enter and exit at will, who knows when the powerhouses of the Emperor will be able to come out, anyway, no one dares to attack the portal of The Netherworld at this time.

Afterwards, Zao Wou-Ki was furious, raised the black dragon and shot him.

Is it to snatch cultivation resources, or to kill them directly and seize the world of living beings?

"Father has fallen!"


Gu Tianyi couldn't help frowning when he felt the physical condition.

Chaos Sacred Land is full of people, because everyone knows that Xiao Yun is the strongest now, so it is naturally safer to stay in Chaos Sacred Land.

After all, without Patriarch Kunpeng's help, they would not be Xiao Yun's opponents at all.

However, at this moment, blood rained in the sky.

Xiao Yun gritted his teeth in hatred.

"I persuaded you at the beginning not to get too close to the Avengers, that's a pack of wolves. But you didn't believe me and sealed me. This is your fate, alas."

Gu Tianyi clenched his fists, his face full of anger.

The people in the distance also dispersed one after another.

He's ready to take the Avengers.

"I'm afraid he has forgotten his youthful years with you." Xiao Yun blurted out.

Although he has regarded Xiao Yun as the master, his feelings for Lei Zhan have not changed. Lei Zhan died, and he is also very sad.

Jian Er and Jian San widened their eyes, full of disbelief.

Of course, the main reason was the arrival of Emperor Li Chengdi, which disrupted Gu Tianyi's lurking plan.

A loud bang resounded through the sky.

" are dead after all, alas!" Lei Shan sighed softly.

The sky of the sword pavilion collapsed.

"Eighth Stage late stage!"

Somewhere in Jiuxiao Continent, Gu Tianyi slowly opened his eyes, and his breath was abruptly Ascension, and then he reached a peak, and he was still unable to break through.

Pushing open the door, Lei Shan walked out of the courtyard.

Eastern Wasteland sword pavilion.

Ancestor Kunpeng looked a little uncomfortable by Xiao Yun's eyes, sneered, and hurriedly tore the void and left.


However, the evil energy in Heavenly Emperor city blocked the invasion of these blood rains.

Fortunately, Lei Shan put away his momentum in time.

Especially those mortals are most worried.

"Stop, Xiao Erniu, draft master!" Zao Wou-Ki chased after him.

Xiao Yun nodded, Lei Zhan sought death himself, and ran into the Supreme Tower, which was no different from sending death.

Dammit, this guy has been dead for more than 500 years, yet he can come back to seek revenge for him.

Originally, Gu Tianyi didn't want to kill Lei Zhan, but now his identity has been exposed, and he can't continue to lurk. Of course, he has to kill Lei Zhan.

"My current Cultivation Base can't even compare to a clone of Xiao Yun, and its strength is far worse than his."


"Damn Li Chengdi, let my identity be exposed in advance."

"That's not necessarily the master..." As soon as Jian Er opened his mouth, he felt a powerful momentum blowing towards his face.

In short, the entire Jiuxiao Continent was a little panicked.

Jian Er and Jian San suddenly looked terrified.

Gu Tianyi was speechless in his heart. Dead people could climb out of The Underworld. He really didn't expect this.

When he was killed by Xiao Yun, he was already the Cultivation Base of Emperor Zhundi Eighth Stage, and later swallowed his own son, and his strength reached the middle stage of Emperor Zhundi Eighth Stage.

In front of him, Lei Shan, the master of the young pavilion of the sword pavilion, was full of aura, and the powerhouse at the peak level of the great sage was oppressed, and immediately suppressed Jian Er and Jian San to the point of breathlessness.

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