
The 'showdown' between the Sword Soul and the ghost clan's resident defense formation is still going on.

At this time, everyone is paying attention to Sword Soul, and a pair of eyes converge here.

Xiao Yun's chaotic body has exploded to the limit. The projection of the three thousand avenues behind him covers a radius of 100 miles. The powerful chaotic realm is constantly swallowing the surrounding Spiritual Qi.

He continuously supplied power to the sword soul, inspiring the attack power of the sword soul.

In the ghost clan station, a group of ghost clan Sages are also pouring power into the formation.

Both sides are competing.

"After all, it's still a little bit!" Zhou Nine Heavens frowned, and then said to the crowd: "We will continue to attack, and cooperate with Brother Xiao!"

Of course, everyone didn't want to sit still and attacked one after another.

However, before their attack approached the ghost clan's station, they were blown away by the terrifying air wave.

Everyone's eyes were stunned, and then their faces were embarrassed.

This is too embarrassing, their attack power can't stop the aftermath, it's impossible to intervene at all.

Everyone present is a genius, and they have never been so embarrassed before, even the 'first generation' of the royal family of several people blushed.

"Zhao Wuji, don't waste your energy, with your strength, you can't break our defensive formation at all, hahaha..."

Sage of the ghost clan saw that Xiao Yun could not break through the formation with all his strength, and was completely relieved, and laughed at Xiao Yun one after another.

Zhao Qiang and others were extremely angry when they heard the words. They clenched their fists and gnashed their teeth for a while, but there was nothing they could do.

People were hiding in the formation, and they couldn't get in, so they could only stare at it.

Xiao Yun also frowned. He had already reached the limit of his combat power. The attack power of Sword Soul was among the top among the Great Sages, but he was still unable to break through the defensive formation in front of him.

Even if he uses the Epiphany System to find the weakness of the formation, because the weakness of this formation is hardly a weakness, it will not add much help to Xiao Yun.

"This is not the formation of our world, it should be arranged by the powerhouses of the prehistoric world!"

Xiao Yun thought to himself.

The formation of the prehistoric world is too awesome, almost perfect without weaknesses, only to break through the formation with strength.

But now Xiao Yun obviously doesn't have that kind of power.

He estimated that only the attack power of the peak of the Great Sage could break through this formation.

Unless Xiao Yun is now promoted to Sage Realm, he has this kind of strength.

However, he has just been promoted to the realm of heaven, and it will take a while to step into the Sage Realm, and he has to hit the extreme realm of the realm of heaven, but he doesn't want to rush into the Sage Realm.

"Dage, let's go first, I don't believe they won't come out, and it's not too late to kill them later." Wu Chaozu couldn't help suggesting when Xiao Yun put away his sword soul.

The ghost clan Sage opposite saw Xiao Yun put away the sword and soul, and immediately laughed even more.

"Boy, you have this strength? Even our formation can't be broken, and you want to destroy our station. It's just wishful thinking."

"Our ghost clan are not the trash of the Immortal clan, Zao Wou-Ki, you better get out of here!"

"Zao Wuji, I'm standing here, you come and bite me!"

"Zao Wou-Ki, I'm your father, son, call Dad to come and listen, Dad will buy you candy."

"Zao Wou-Ki, don't listen to his nonsense, I'm your father, do you still remember the first snow of the year? It came later than before~"

"Zao Wou-Ki, son, I'm your mother. It was snowing heavily that year. Your father and I made mistakes in the fields, and it was all the fault of the moon."


A group of ghost clan powerhouses ridiculed Zao Wou-Ki and insulted Zao Wou-Ki.

However, Xiao Yun's face was calm, and he didn't care at all. After all, the other party was scolding Zao Wou-Ki, what does it have to do with him Xiao Yun?

Well, it's somewhat related, after all, I'm scolding my friends, how can I take it seriously?

It shouldn't be!

No, as an upright man, we must avenge Zao Wou-Ki, we are good brothers.

Xiao Yun thought to himself...

Zhou Nine Heavens, Wu Chaozu, and the others all looked at Xiao Yun with admiration. At this moment, they understood why Xiao Yun wanted to 'incognito' before. It was simply farsighted.

Brother Xiao is not only powerful, but his IQ is also close to a demon.

I didn't see these ghost clan idiots scolding the wrong person and looking complacent. With this IQ, it is estimated that they have been in arrears for millions of years.

Brother Xiao not only defeated the enemy's body, but also pressed the enemy's IQ to the ground and rubbed it hard.

This is the real awesomeness!

Everyone looked at Xiao Yun with burning eyes, and they almost fell to the ground where Xiao Yun admired his body.

"Cough cough!"

Xiao Yun was a little uncomfortable to be seen by everyone, he coughed lightly, and then said with a solemn expression: "You guys stand back first, I want to try again!"

When everyone heard the words, although they did not believe that Xiao Yun could break through the formation in front of them, they still followed the words and retreated.

Xiao Yun took out the Immortal sword and looked sharply at the ghost clan station not far away. Hearing the insults from the people inside, his face gradually turned gloomy.

A group of rapists dared to insult my brother. If I didn't kill you today, how could I, Xiao Yun, face Brother Zhao?

kill! kill! kill!

Xiao Yun's eyes were filled with anger, he raised his Immortal sword, and a powerful Sword intent rose into the sky.

A blazing Immortal light erupted from Xiao Yun's body, and a dazzling divine light pierced through the nine secluded areas of heaven and earth.

At the same time, a mighty long river of time and space showed a great projection above Xiao Yun's head, and everyone was shocked.


Xiao Yun shouted loudly, and a stalwart figure came out of the long river of time and space, hazy, unable to see clearly, and slowly merged with Xiao Yun.


Xiao Yun shouted again, and another stalwart figure came out of the long river of time and space. He still couldn't see his appearance clearly, but he exuded a stronger aura than Xiao Yun, as if he had stepped into the Sage Realm.

Xiao Yun merged into these two figures one after another, his breath suddenly Ascension, and suddenly strengthened a lot.


Xiao Yun shouted a third time.

This time, the projection of the entire time and space river began to oscillate, and a huge space-time storm swept across the river, and a tall, stalwart and domineering figure could be vaguely seen inside.

Xiao Yun recognized it, that was when he harnessed the power of Chaos Great Emperor and overwhelmed Sacred Land in the beginning.

This move, Immortal, draws on the power of the past, future, and present.

Xiao Yun's future is definitely strong, but it may be in a long time. With his current Profound Truth of Time, he can't borrow the power of the future at all.

But Xiao Yun's past, just a year ago, he had the power of the 'Great Emperor'.

If you can borrow this power, the Immortal will be truly terrifying.


Just when the river of time and space above Xiao Yun's head was shaking violently and was about to collapse, that domineering and majestic figure was enough to break out of the river of time and space and merge with Xiao Yun.


At this moment, Xiao Yun's breath was extremely powerful, and the terrifying Sword intent directly pierced the long river of time and space above his head, tearing apart the endless world.

A wave of imperial power spread out, and all the creatures in the battlefield of the five tribes felt their souls tremble.

The people behind Xiao Yun, as well as the people in the ghost clan's residence, all had the urge to kneel.

In the face of the emperor, who dares not to worship?

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