Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 500 And 84th Ordinary Sword

The power of the Immortal sword itself is very powerful. Under Xiao Yun's full force, the attack power is amazing.

Everyone was a little unwilling, so they turned their attention to Xiao Yun.


When Xiao Yun activated Sword Soul, the others' attacks had already bombarded the opposing ghost clan defense formation.

The sword spirit in front of Xiao Yun had already soared to a hundred feet long, like a world-shattering giant sword, exuding a terrifying aura.

One Sword Ray is cold in the nineteen continents, and the stone breaks the sky and fights the autumn rain!

Several gods in the ghost clan were extremely shocked.

And Xiao Yun's sword soul stabbed the formation hood fiercely.

For a time, one after another blazing divine light slammed on the formation mask, causing violent spatial fluctuations.

"Although we can let a trace of divine soul come to this world, we can't bring Magic Treasures here, unless the deity comes directly."

Several people around Xiao Yun, the 'first generation' of the Wang family, felt heart palpitations. They were the closest to Xiao Yun and could naturally feel the terrifying power of Sword Soul.

At the same time, the roar of Sage of the ghost clan came from the city.

On the city wall, the ghost clan Sage looked at Xiao Yun with a mocking expression.

Therefore, although their Cultivation Base is still very low, less than Sage Realm, but their knowledge is very extraordinary, and they can see the origin of the "Immortal Sword" at a glance.

"It's really strong, how could a mortal have such strength?"


The Immortal sword that suddenly appeared just now really startled him, but after seeing that the Immortal sword couldn't penetrate the defense formation, he was instantly relieved.

"Actually condensed the sword soul!"

In the ghost clan's station, four young people were communicating. They stared at the Immortal sword outside the formation, and their expressions kept changing.

Originally, it didn't take so long to activate the Sword Soul, but now the people from the ghost clan did not dare to come out. Of course, Xiao Yun wanted to take advantage of this and try to make the Sword Soul's power even stronger.

As for the ghost clan Sages in the opposite city, they could naturally see the horror of Xiao Yun's sword.

His whole body suddenly became fierce, and a sharp edge, like a splendid and blazing divine sword, gave people a sense of incomprehension.

This is back to basics!


They are the gods of the ghost clan, but their true identities are unknown. After all, they have already been taken away by a trace of the spirit of the great power.

"Hey, this weapon is good, no, this is not a weapon that can be refined in this world, this is the refining technique of our prehistoric world, this is an Immortal sword."

Several 'first generations' of the Renwang family were very angry.

"Yes, we will attack at one point to break the face."

They can all see that Xiao Yun's Cultivation Base is not high, but with such a Cultivation Base, it is a miracle that such a terrifying attack power can be erupted.

Everyone around was paying attention to Xiao Yun. After seeing this sword, they all realized something, and their eyes shone with brilliance. After all, all those present were geniuses among geniuses, and they could all see the extraordinaryness of Xiao Yun's sword.

Sword Soul's attack power is beyond imagination, it is close to the limit of defense formation, and they are suddenly a little panic.


"Damit, how arrogant are you, you have the guts to come out and have a showdown with your uncle Wang!" Wang Heng scolded at the opposite ghost Sage.

After all, when the Immortal person refined this Immortal sword, what he pursued was attack power, so in terms of attack power, this Immortal sword reached the level of a great holy soldier.

The earth cracked suddenly, and huge cracks spread out from the ghost clan's residence in all directions, like cracks like spider webs, bottomless, like dark abyss, making people's scalp numb.

"No, he is not Zao Wuji at all, he should be the 'Xiao Yun' that King Qin Guang said last time."

The few gods in the city were also shocked. They were not ordinary people. They had unique vision and could naturally feel Xiao Yun's strength from the sword soul. It was definitely Wudi's strength that surpassed ordinary great saints.


An invincible aura surged out, as if the supreme being in front of him was simply the undefeated God of War, his unrivaled edge, and the aura of whoever left me, made people feel that the whole soul was trembling.

The void shattered, and the space storm swept out, like the end of the world.

A huge wave of air swept in, blowing everyone around Xiao Yun upside down, and some weak ones were blown upside down.

When Xiao Yun's Sword intent condensed to its peak, a blazing Sword Ray illuminated the entire world.

In their prehistoric world, there is no such genius at all, even if fighting against the Buddha was not so strong back then.

Kendo is brilliant, eternal Wudi.

"Brother Xiao is really scary!"

"How is this possible? If a real Immortal descended, at least at the Celestial Immortals level, comparable to the Great Sage of this world, how could he die in the hands of a small mortal?"

Xiao Yun immediately led the crowd to attack. This time, instead of using the Immortal sword, he used all his strength to mobilize the sword spirit.

"Hahaha, your name is Zao Wou-Ki, right? Your strength is indeed very strong, even my Sage felt a dangerous aura on this sword, but unfortunately, you still can't break through the defensive formation of our ghost clan's station. ."

The huge formation gas mask, like a blazing light ball, enveloped the entire ghost clan station.

Terrifying energy swept out in all directions, and an explosion resounded throughout the world.

"With so many of us, we don't believe that we can't break through a formation!"

They were very fortunate at this moment that they were on Xiao Yun's side.

"The power of this sword soul makes me feel the breath of Death, I absolutely can't stop this sword!"

Thousands of changes, all attributed to a simple blow, Xiao Yun has brought his own kendo to the extreme at this moment. His subtle tricks and profound truths have now all turned into the most simple and unpretentious sword.

"Yes, it must be him. Only by opening the 'door' can he have such a powerful power."

This aftermath alone made them feel unmatched. If they were really hit by the sword soul, they would probably be instantly killed.

"Hurry up, go all out to mobilize the formation!"

However, the defensive formation of the ghost clan's station was indeed very strong, and it actually resisted the attack of the Immortal sword.

"What's going on here? How could he have the Immortal sword?"

"Could it be that the real Immortals were summoned from the Immortal garrison?"

Wu Chaozu was also very angry and said to Xiao Yun: "Dage, let's attack together!"

"The most common and ordinary sword turned out to be Brother Xiao's strongest sword!"


However, the defensive formation of the ghost clan is still safe and sound, and even if everyone joins forces to bombard it, it cannot be broken.

The ghost clan Sage on the opposite side also seemed to feel the powerful aura emerging from Xiao Yun, and immediately put away the smile on his face, his expression changed.


Zhao Qiang, Zhou Nine Heavens, Wu Chaozu, Zheng Xue, Wang Heng, and many other "first generations" of the Wang family all showed their astonishment. Only at this moment did they really feel the huge gap between themselves and Xiao Yun.

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