Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 586: The Flesh Enters The Way

The integration of the past body has brought Xiao Yun's power to a higher level, and the emperor's prestige has already spread out, making the sky and the earth tremble.

However, Xiao Yun also suffered serious injuries. He can't move at all now, so he can only repair the injury first.

From a certain perspective, Xiao Yun's physical body is considered to be "into the Dao".

The others were also smart people, and they probably guessed that Xiao Yun should have used some kind of taboo method just now.

Soon Xiao Yun remembered it, because this was the power of the 'Great Emperor', possessing the aura of the supreme emperor.

Several of the favored people vomited blood, desperately using the secret method to escape, but they were also extremely embarrassed.

At this moment, Xiao Yun's body has the breath of the emperor, which is actually equivalent to having some rhythm.


The four gods of the ghost clan suffered heavy losses just now, and seeing Xiao Yun's terrifying power, they naturally did not dare to stay for long, and they all fled.

Xiao Yun didn't pursue him, he stood there motionless, but the chaotic body on his body was extremely dim, and a bloody light flashed occasionally.

At this moment, they were standing in the distance, looking at Xiao Yun with horrified faces while looking at the city destroyed by countless Sword Qi.

Countless Sword Qi burst out in the city, piercing through a figure. Destroy buildings.

Xiao Yun had some guesses in his heart.

Wu Jingshan, a follower of Xiao Yun, seemed to see Xiao Yun's strangeness, his face changed slightly, and then he shouted to the others.

This is because Xiao Yun's body was hurt.

When Xiao Yun saw that the favored ones were about to flee, he immediately shouted loudly.

Xiao Yun's injuries are recovering at an extremely fast speed. This is the strength of the divine body of life. With this special physique, there is almost no need to worry about being injured during battle, and he can absorb the enemy's life energy at any time to repair his own injuries.

In just an instant, the Immortal sword in Xiao Yun's hand burst into a blazing blazing divine light.

In the ghost clan's residence, except for the four favored ones, everyone died. This huge life energy was too terrifying. Even if it was dissipating, it was absorbed by Xiao Yun.

Everyone in the city was in despair, and the screams continued one after another.

With the recovery of his injuries, Xiao Yun's chaotic body burst into a dazzling divine light, and various ancient visions of heaven and earth were gradually revealed, stunned and stunned by the surrounding people.

Afterwards, the defensive formation of the ghost tribe's station exploded in an instant, and the terrifying Sword Ray poured down like a dazzling galaxy, engulfing the entire city.

Replaced by anyone present, even the powerhouse at the peak of the Great Sage, will be overwhelmed by the power of the 'Great Emperor'.

It is also fortunate that his body has recently obtained a huge Ascension and opened a mysterious 'door', so that he can barely accommodate the power of the 'Great Emperor'.

The Great Emperor proved the Tao, and entrusted his own 'Dao' in Heavenly Dao, ranking among the three thousand avenues.

The human race in this era is very united, and there is no dirty mind. After listening to Wu Jingshan's words, everyone surrounded Xiao Yun and protected Xiao Yun.

The world stopped for a moment.

Zhou Nine Heavens, Wu Chaozu, and the others were still immersed in Xiao Yun's terrifying sword strike just now. After hearing Xiao Yun's shout, they reacted and chased after the god-favored ones of the four ghost clans.

And with Xiao Yun's talent and aptitude, once he entered the sage, he was comparable to a great sage.


"Come after them!"


Xiao Yun suddenly felt something. He found that his own body seemed to be different from before. There was a mysterious power blending into it, which was vaguely familiar.

"This person is too enchanting, and it is not something we can contend against, unless our deity comes."

In other words, his physical Cultivation Base has reached the Sage Realm.

"That's not his power, it's that he used the power of time mystery to summon a power that does not belong to this time period."

This kind of speculation is very reasonable, because no one has ever been able to accommodate the power of the Great Emperor in this Realm, not even the Great Sage.

However, this sword was too terrifying. Not only did it destroy the defensive formations of the ghost clan's station, but the countless Sword Qi that escaped from it even killed the ghost clan's Sages one by one.

But the 'first generation' of the Renwang family is different. Their strength is not much worse than that of the gods. If they were at the peak of the gods, they would not be opponents. But now the gods of the four ghost clans have suffered Heavy damage, greatly reduced strength.

And since Xiao Yun had done it, he was naturally able to absorb some great emperor's breath.

Then Xiao Yun nodded to Wu Jingshan and started to close his eyes, earnestly recovering from his injuries.

"The power of Xuan Immortal, he is a mortal who is not really Immortal, and he can burst out the power of Xuan Immortal at once. How is this possible?"

"Could it be that because I accommodated the power of the 'Great Emperor', the physical body has evolved again?"

What's more, Zhou Nine Heavens and the others are so many that they can definitely subdue the god-blessed ones of the four ghost clans.

Sage of the ghost clan and the few favored ones fled out of the city in horror.

He is using the divine body of life to repair the injury, otherwise he would have gone to hunt down those few favored ones.

Fortunately, he destroyed the ghost tribe's residence with one sword, and killed countless ghost tribe practitioners and Sages. Although these people were directly killed by his sword, their life energy has not completely dissipated in the heaven and earth.

This made his strength skyrocket again.

This made Xiao Yun a little speechless. His primordial spirit had not yet entered the Dao, but he didn't expect the flesh to enter the Dao first.

Sword Ray skyrocketed, Sword Qi vertical and horizontal 30,000 miles.

"It's not just the power of Xuan Immortal. I felt the power of Immortal in Luo Tianshang just now. It was only because his body couldn't withstand this power that the power of Xuan Immortal broke out."

In the distance, the 'first generation' of the King Family have caught up with the four favored ones, and the two sides are fighting fiercely.


This time, he underestimated the power of the 'Great Emperor'. Last time, he used the imprint left by the Chaos Emperor to stimulate the power of the 'Great Emperor', but this time he accommodated the power of the 'Great Emperor' by himself, which made him He almost got blasted.

In an instant, the sky was dark and the sun and moon were dark.

This is the breath of the emperor.

His body is recovering rapidly.

A blazing long sword crushed the world of the heavens, penetrated the universe starry sky, and fell towards the opposite ghost clan.

Of course, only the 'first generation' of the Renwang family chased after them, and the strength of the others was too far from the favored ones, and it was useless to go.

Xiao Yun activated the divine body of life and was thinking about absorbing these life energies that were about to dissipate.

Xiao Yun just glanced at it and knew that the overall situation was settled, and there was no need to worry anymore.

"Catch alive!"

"Everyone, Senior Brother Xiao should have some insight. We will protect Senior Brother Xiao and don't disturb Senior Brother Xiao!"

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