Seeing that Hongjun chose to back down, the sharpness in Xiao Yun's eyes disappeared immediately, he turned to look at the ancestor Yang Mei, and asked, "You have traveled in the Chaos World for so many years, do you know where there are great worlds of annihilation? "

"You want to devour the Heavenly Dao of the Kendo Universe, the source of other great worlds?" Hong Jun said from the side, and he instantly understood Xiao Yun's purpose.

Xiao Yun didn't hide either, nodded lightly and said, "Yes, only Heavenly Dao from the Kendo Universe is stronger, so he can attract more Heavenly Dao's power from the Realm of the Gods to return to help, so that Master Heavenly Emperor can be rescued. "

"It's not a solution, but it's hard to find such a big world of silence." Hong Jun nodded and said no more.

Ancestor Yang Mei met Xiao Yun's stern gaze and felt a bit of a headache. After thinking for a while, he said, "I have indeed encountered the great world of silence, but the origin of this world is helpful to other great worlds, as long as There are other big worlds near it, and they will soon be swallowed up by it. What's more, there are also strong people in these large worlds of annihilation. When the world is dead, these strong people in the world will first take action to take away the origin of the world. A strong man from another world fought for it, but was defeated by the other side with the power of the origin of the world."

Xiao Yun was a little surprised when he heard the words: "Does this kind of silent world still have the power of Heavenly Dao in its origin?"

"Yes, but it will slowly dissipate." Ancestor Yang Mei said.

Xiao Yun continued to ask, "Then do you know which great worlds are about to die out?"

It is estimated that the world that has died is not his turn. After all, not to mention the powerhouses around him, the powerhouses within the world will take away the origin of the world as soon as possible, where will he wait for him.

There are only those big worlds that are about to die, but they have not yet died, and they will have the opportunity to snatch them when that time comes.

"This kind of big world that is about to die is hard to come by, but I really know one." Ancestor Yang Mei said with a smile.

Xiao Yun asked, "Where?"

"In this position!" Ancestor Yang Mei simulated a map of the Chaos World and displayed it in the air in front of him.

Everyone looked at the map and secretly wrote it down.

Ancestor Yang Mei has been in the chaotic world for so many years, and he has a very good understanding of the chaotic world. The information on this map is naturally very comprehensive, so that the gray-robed world master secretly slaps his tongue.

They have conquered many big worlds in the world of mind, and naturally they also have maps of the chaos world, but they are not as detailed as the ancestors of Yang Mei.

Ancestor Yang Mei really deserves to be the number one travel friend in the Chaos world.

"The big world I'm talking about that is about to die is called the Great Dragon World, and it's here." Ancestor Yang Mei pointed to a black light group on the map and said.

In fact, next to this black light group, there are also the words Giant Dragon World.

In addition, there are many light groups on this map, some green, some white, and some red.

Xiao Yun saw the famous big puppet world, marked as a red light group.

"For you, the dangerous big world is marked as a red light group?" Xiao Yun guessed.

Ancestor Yang Mei nodded with a smile: "Yes, red represents danger, which means that there are at least peak world masters in this big world. If the other party gets together, they can use the power of Heavenly Dao to suppress me, which is naturally very dangerous."

"The green light group represents safety. Generally speaking, there is no peak world master, but there is a peak world master."

"The white light group is extremely safe, not even the top world masters, at most ordinary world masters, or even no world masters."

"The black light group represents the big world that is about to die."

While listening to the introduction of Yang Mei's ancestor, Xiao Yun observed the map of the Chaos Realm in front of him.

The light clusters on this map are mostly white and green, with only a handful of red ones. There is only one giant dragon world in the black light group.

Obviously, there are not many big worlds with peak world masters. After all, there are too few people who can reach this Realm, and they still need opportunities.

Most of the world masters, even if they follow some powerful Dao laws, can only cultivate to the top world master level at most.

Like Ancestor Yang Mei, it is only by combining the three bodies that he has the strength of the Peak World Lord.

Dou Sheng also relies on the underground door to have the strength of the peak world master.

Others, if there is no special opportunity, the top world master is already the limit.

"What is the strength of this giant dragon world?" Dou Sheng asked.

Xiao Yun and Hongjun are relatively calm. After all, they are the world masters of Wudi. To be honest, except for the perverted world of the big puppet world, they really don't want to put in one's eyes.


Ancestor Yang Mei's expression became solemn when he heard the words, and he said solemnly: "This giant dragon world was actually identified as a red light group by me before, and they have an ancestor, the 'Colorful Dragon', which is very scary and is a peak world master. "

"Peak World Lord? What Dao Law does he follow?" Dou Sheng asked in surprise.

Xiao Yun was also a little surprised. There were not many avenues of Dao law that could make people have peak world masters. At present, there is only one Dao of time and space. Even the strongest avenue of power relies on the underground gate to reach the peak world master level.

Obviously, it is impossible to reach the peak world master level by relying on a single Dao law, except for the time and space Dao.

Even if it is the Avenue of Time and Space, it is the combination of the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space.

"That colorful dragon is walking on the avenue of faith, because it is the great dragon world, and all the creatures in that great world are his descendants, which is equivalent to the creatures of the whole great world believing in him, so he can use these beliefs. The power is comparable to that of a peak world master." Ancestor Yang Mei explained.

"The Dao of Faith..." Xiao Yun frowned. Although he didn't cultivate this Dao, he probably knew it, because he also had a huge amount of faith in him.

The power of these beliefs comes from the Kendo Universe, Honghuang World and Jiuxiao Continent World.

Among them, most of the creatures of Kendo Universe are his admirers, and they are in Insight's Universe Kendo, and it is normal to believe in him.

In Jiuxiao Continent, Xiao Yun has risen all the way and is the number one powerhouse in Jiuxiao Continent. Naturally, he also has a group of extremely large believers.

In the prehistoric world, Xiao Yun showed great strength, and with the existence of Li Yun and Jietao, he also had a lot of believers.

It's just that Xiao Yun doesn't look down on the power of faith at all, after all, he doesn't follow the avenue of faith.

As for the power of Ascension with the power of faith, just kidding, the few avenues of cultivation he currently practice are all cultivation practices.

How could the mere increase in the power of faith be comparable to his plug-in?

"My grandson is also involved in the power of faith. If that colorful dragon really gathers the power of faith in the whole world, it is indeed very terrifying." Dou Sheng said solemnly.

Hongjun also nodded and said: "My heart is the heart of heaven, and the beliefs of the whole world can actually affect Heavenly Dao. In the great dragon world, the colorful dragon is probably not only the peak world master, but can even use a part of it. The power of Heavenly Dao."

"Yes, that colorful dragon is extremely powerful, and I am not his opponent at all," said the ancestor Yang Mei.

"That's because you are too weak!" Xiao Yun sneered, and then said decisively: "Just snatch the origin of this big world and integrate it into my Kendo Universe. Anyway, this big world is going to be destroyed, don't take it for nothing. take."

The others had no problem hearing the words, and they also hoped to rescue Heavenly Emperor as soon as possible, and then go to the big puppet world to plan the Eternal Ruins.

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