Realm of the gods.

Xiao Yun looked at the Supreme God of Fate who was invincible for a long time, frowned deeply, feeling a little irritable in his heart.

Since he cultivated, he has basically pushed everything horizontally, until he met these supreme gods, and he kept hitting the wall.

Even if he can exert the eternal power of half step now, he still can't help the supreme god of destiny on the opposite side.

"The so-called half step eternity is not my own power after all!" Xiao Yun sighed with emotion.

He knew very well in his heart that the Half Step Eternal Power exerted by the power of Kendo Universe Heavenly Dao seemed to have reached the Half Step Eternal level, but it was far worse than Pangu's own Half Step Eternity.

Because of the lack of the eternal law and Tao of Half step.

Just like Xiao Yun now, he can only use the Heavenly Dao power of Kendo Universe and the Heavenly Dao power of the Realm of the Gods to fight against each other. The two sides have no skills at all, they are completely stronger than whose Heavenly Dao power is.

This fighting style is too crude to unleash the true power of half step eternity.

Like Pangu, the power of the eternal law of the half step is far beyond this rough application.

"Forget it, we can only rescue Master Heavenly Emperor next time."

After Xiao Yun received Li Yun's message, he did not continue to entangle with the Supreme God of Fate, turned around and returned to Kendo Universe.

The Supreme God of Destiny wanted to invade, but Xiao Yun quickly closed the temporary heaven gate, making the Supreme God of Destiny a step slower.


Kendo Universe.

Sect Master Tongtian and Zhang Xiaofan are guarding here, and seeing Xiao Yun come back, they immediately greeted him.

"How is the situation?" Zhang Xiaofan asked hurriedly, he still cares about Heavenly Emperor very much, after all, he lived in the ancient era, he knew that Heavenly Emperor made great contributions to the human race and admired it very much.

"Failed!" Xiao Yun sighed in response to Zhang Xiaofan's expectant gaze.

Zhang Xiaofan was a little sad when he heard the words.

Heavenly Emperor is definitely a Wudi genius. Unfortunately, he was born at an untimely time. He just met Hongjun, an old yin B in Wudi, and has been living a "prison" life since then.

But even so, Heavenly Emperor also came to Realm.

From Immortal to World Lord, Heavenly Emperor only took a million years.

This is naturally incomparable to Xiao Yun, but it is too terrifying compared to other people, even if Zhang Xiaofan, a heaven-defying person with a chaotic body, has been working hard outside, and so far he has not stepped into the Realm of the Realm.

Heavenly Dao Sage, who has been the leader of Heavenly Dao for countless years, has now stepped into the Immortal Realm and has accumulated a huge amount, but he still has not stepped into the level of the world master.

Even if it is the protagonist of destiny like Dou Sheng, it is still hundreds of millions of years of cultivation, and finally, with the help of the power of belief in Jiuxiao Continent, he is promoted to Realm.

One can imagine how heaven-defying Heavenly Emperor's qualifications are.

If it wasn't for him being in prison, he would definitely be at the level of Wudi world masters like Xiao Yun and Hongjun.

"Don't worry, wait for me to plan, next time I make a move, I will be able to rescue Master Heavenly Emperor!" Xiao Yun comforted Zhang Xiaofan and left Kendo Universe.

"I want to Closed Door Training and attack the Realm of the Realm!" Zhang Xiaofan made up his mind to be promoted to the Realm and continued to Closed Door Training in Kendo Universe.

The current situation reminded him of the ancient times.

At that time, Xiao Yun brought a group of geniuses from all clans to fight on the battlefield of five clans. And he's just a burden and can't help at all.

The same is true now, although he is already a peak Immortal powerhouse, he still cannot help Xiao Yun.

Zhang Xiaofan is no longer the Zhang Xiaofan of the Primordial Era. After millions of years, he is already the Chaos Emperor of Wudi.

He didn't want to be a burden.

"Even this junior has this kind of will, I should work hard." Tongtian Sect Master looked at Zhang Xiaofan's back, and felt a little pressure in his heart.

Now that he is not at the level of the world master, he is not even qualified to fight side by side with Xiao Yun. How can he, a master, bear this?

Even if it is the gray-robed world lord, at least he still has the qualifications to make soy sauce.

There is also Heavenly Emperor, and also let the Heavenly Lord Alexander.

After all, Heavenly Emperor is also Xiao Yun's master.

Although Xiao Yun still has the master 'Di Tian', the Tongtian Sect Master always felt that he was Xiao Yun's real master.

After all, Di Tian's strength was too weak, and Heavenly Emperor was in prison again. The one who really taught Xiao Yun was the Heavenly Sect Master.

But when Heavenly Emperor comes out, how can he compete with Heavenly Emperor for this 'True Master' card?

"I am not weaker than human beings!" The leader of Tongtian made up his mind and returned to the Biyou Palace Closed Door Training. He swore that he would not leave the gate if he did not break through the Realm.


Chaos World, Dojo of Dou Sheng.

Xiao Yun, Hongjun, Dou Sheng, Yang Mei ancestor, and the gray-robed world master gathered here to discuss matters.

After listening to Xiao Yun's fight with the Supreme God of Fate, Hong Jun shook his head and said, "At present, it seems that there is no way to rescue Heavenly Emperor fellow daoist. Maybe we should go to the Great Puppet World first."

Xiao Yun frowned, going to the Great Puppet World now, even if he could force the powerhouses in the Great Puppet World to tell the whereabouts of the Eternal Ruins, but in that case, Hong Jun and Yang Mei ancestors would definitely go to the Eternal Ruins. Might help him save Heavenly Emperor again.

Dou Sheng seemed to see Xiao Yun's thoughts and said, "Let's rescue Heavenly Emperor first, without him, we may not be able to force the Great Puppet World. After all, what Yang Mei's ancestor discovered was only the Great Puppet World. Part of the strength of the Great Puppet World, who knows how strong the real strength of the Great Puppet World is?"

"You can try it out first!" Ancestor Yang Mei interjected, he actually didn't want Heavenly Emperor to come out. After all, Heavenly Emperor is not weak, and Xiao Yun's side is stronger after coming out.

The gray-robed world master was playing soy sauce on the side. He knew that he had no right to speak, and neither Xiao Yun's side nor Hongjun's side could offend him.

The gray-robed world lord lowered his head at the moment, observing an ant on the ground. Although this is the terrifying Chaos World, there is still life in Dou Sheng's dojo, and there are naturally ants. Hey, this ant actually crawled on my leg.

"It's better to rescue my master, Heavenly Emperor, or you will go to the big puppet world by yourself!"

Xiao Yun coldly stared at Ancestor Yang Mei.

Ancestor Yang Mei sneered and said, "Do what you want to do." He scolded inwardly, staring at me for anything, and staring at Hongjun if you have the ability.

Xiao Yun did turn his head to look at Hong Jun, his eyes were threatening, he was a 'young man', so naturally he had to keep his sharp edge.

Of course, Xiao Yun now also has strong qualifications.

Hong Jun looked at Xiao Yun and smiled lightly: "Heavenly Emperor fellow daoist is trapped, and I also have Karma. Since my little friend is determined to do this, I naturally have to do my part."

He knew that it would be unwise to go against Xiao Yun, the protagonist of the Chaos World.

Because during this period, most of the luck in the Chaos World will be blessed by Xiao Yun, and if you go against Xiao Yun at this time, you will be against the Chaos World, and naturally it will not end well.

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