Dou Saint Dojo.

After Xiao Yun made up his mind, he was ready to act immediately. He was impatient and didn't want to delay the time. Anyway, he couldn't have Ascension in a short time, so it would be useless to continue delaying time.

"How long will it take to reach the Great Dragon World from us?" Dou Sheng asked.

Xiao Yun looked at Ancestor Yang Mei and asked, "Do you have any corpses from the Great Dragon World? If so, I can open a heavenly gate and arrive in an instant."

"No!" Ancestor Yang Mei shook his head, the corpses below the world lord were useless to him, and the corpses above the world lord were not so easy to obtain, so naturally he would not have these corpses.

Immediately afterwards, the ancestor Yang Mei said: "The great dragon world is not far away. At my speed, it only takes 1200 years to travel with all my strength."

"It's not far?" Xiao Yun was speechless. With Yang Mei's Cultivation Base, it would take more than a thousand years to travel at full speed, and the distance was a bit outrageous.

Hongjun and Dousheng are nothing different. For these old monsters who have cultivated for countless years, a mere thousand years is indeed not worth mentioning.

"We're all gone, what if the Realm of the Gods launches an attack?" the gray-robed world lord suddenly said.

Xiao Yun said lightly: "Don't worry, I can open the gate of heaven and come back at any time."

It doesn't take long for him to open the temporary gate of heaven. Although he can only accommodate him to come back alone, with his own strength, he can block the realm of the gods.

"Let's go, go early and return early!" Hong Jun didn't hesitate, and rushed in the direction of the giant dragon world.

Xiao Yun and the others followed immediately.

The journey in the Chaos World is very boring, it is chaotic, and there are no beautiful scenery, not to mention that they are rushing at full speed, the speed is too fast, and it is impossible to browse any scenery.

However, several people present have cultivated their mental energy, and they directly built a 'group chat' with their mental energy and chatted in it.

"Ancestor Yang Mei, I heard that only the great world that cannot give birth to Immortal will perish. This giant dragon world is so strong, why would it perish?" Dou Sheng suddenly asked.

Ancestor Yang Mei said indifferently: "The Great Dragon World is only the current name. Who knows what it was called the Great World before? The Great Dragon Clan is not the native creatures of the Great Dragon Great World. They killed all the native creatures and replaced them. of."

"Hey, so ruthless?" Dou Sheng bared his teeth for a while.

Xiao Yun frowned and said, "So, it was that colorful dragon who discovered a big world that was about to die, and then slaughtered all the creatures in it. He himself reproduced in it. Why did he do this?"

"Being a native creature makes it easier to obtain the origin of the world. Moreover, he also needs to rely on the power of Heavenly Dao, which annihilates the world, to defend against foreign enemies. After all, a big world that is about to die out is a great deal for any strong person. Attracted, he needs to resist these foreign enemies before the world is destroyed." Yang Mei ancestor said.

Hong Jun said: "So, there are other forces eyeing the dragon world?"

"Of course!" Ancestor Yang Mei said with a smile: "It is about to die, not immediately, at least tens of thousands of years. Who knows how many powerhouses have passed through the great dragon world in such a long time. I guess the big puppet world has already set its sights on the giant dragon world, and our enemies will be more than one colorful dragon."

The gray-robed world master said: "I understand, now that the colorful dragon replaces the native creatures, he can use the power of Heavenly Dao in the great dragon world. With his strength, in the great dragon world, he can almost play half step eternity. The combat power is enough to withstand those foreign enemies."

"When the world is destroyed, he will no longer have this kind of combat power. At that time, the power of Heavenly Dao, which is the remnant of the world's origin, can at most give him the strength comparable to Wudi's world master, and it will not last long. At that time, there will inevitably be Many powerhouses have taken action to snatch the origin of the world." Yang Mei ancestor said.

"A big melee!" The gray-robed world master was vigilant. He felt that he had to open the virtual world at any time, so he could save his life first, and leave the looting to Xiao Yun and Hongjun. Xiao Yun said to a few people, "Let's keep a low profile and keep our breath away, so as not to shoot the first bird."

Several people nodded, all of them were Lao Yin B, and naturally they all wanted to be a oriole.

Xiao Yun looked ahead and fell into deep thought. He hoped that he could meet the powerhouses of the Great Puppet World this time. After all, killing them would also weaken the power of the Great Puppet World.

Three hundred years later, Xiao Yun and the others finally saw a big, unfamiliar world. It seemed to be slightly stronger than the world of Jiuxiao Continent, but it was far inferior to the Great Desolate World and the Realm of the Gods.

When Xiao Yun and the others passed by this world, a huge face was reflected in the sky above the world. It had a grim face. It had three pairs of green eyes and was staring at Xiao Yun and the others, as if it wanted to choose someone to devour. look.

Xiao Yun frowned and looked at each other with sharp eyes. He was just an ordinary world master, and he didn't care.

"Ancestor, long time no see!" At this moment, Ancestor Yang Mei opened his mouth and greeted the face above the big world in front of him with a smile.

"It's you, Ancestor Yang Mei!" The huge face revealed his words. He looked very ferocious and terrifying, but his voice was very pleasant, with an ethereal feeling, very strange.

"Ancestor, we're just passing by. I'll talk to you next time when I have time." Ancestor Yang Mei waved his hand with a smile.

"Okay!" Xu Zu's voice fell, and the huge hideous face disappeared.

Xiao Yun couldn't help but look at Patriarch Yang Mei, this ALICE friend from the Chaos Realm is actually a courtesan, everyone knows him.

Yang Mei's ancestor was a little uncomfortable when Xiao Yun looked at it, and said with a shy smile: "This is the world of scooping beasts, there are no powerful world lords among them, but there are seven ordinary world lords, thirty or so Immortal, strong It's not bad in the chaos world. The most important thing is that they are all peace-loving and have a good reputation in the chaos world."

"Peace-loving?" Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment. The face just now was too ferocious and terrifying. The three pairs of green eyes, like hungry wolves, chose people to devour, and actually love peace?

"Don't be deceived by their appearances, the Beasts are really peace-loving. In their big world, there is almost no war. Even if there is grievance, they just learn from each other and see the number of Immortals they have. The Immortal born in their great world has never been killed in battle." Ancestor Yang Mei said with a smile, he still likes the great world of scooping beasts.

"Go and have a look when you have time!" Xiao Yun was a little curious.

However, they have to rush to the great dragon world now, so it is not easy to stay.

Several people continued on their way.

Ancestor Yang Mei continued in the 'group chat': "In the chaotic world, not all strong people are evil, and there are still quite a few worlds such as the Great World of Beasts."

"Yeah, our spiritual world is also very friendly. When you went to our spiritual world, ancestor Yang Mei, we also warmly entertained you." The gray-robed world master interjected.

Xiao Yun glanced at him, not wanting to expose him. The Great Mind World had conquered many great worlds back then, otherwise how could it have provoke the Great Puppet World.

However, Xiao Yun did not expose it, but the ancestor Yang Mei did it directly. He looked at the gray-robed world master and sneered, "I just used my past body to enter your spiritual world, that's it, when I left. , your Hearts Demon ancestor was still stalking me secretly, and was finally repelled by my three-in-one."

The gray-robed world master was exposed, and he laughed a little: "Hearts Demon ancestor is the devil of our big world, and he can't represent our spiritual world. After all, there are good people and bad people in every big world. This is normal."

"Haha!" Ancestor Yang Mei sneered, and then gloated: "Last time I sneaked into the world of puppets secretly, and found out that the ancestor of Hearts Demon was trapped in Emperor Haofu's Haofu Pagoda, this Emperor Haofu is a ruthless man. , it is estimated that the fate of the ancestors of Hearts Demon will not be very good."

The gray-robed world lord sighed, their spiritual world was destroyed, and half of the remaining men were captured by the Seven Prisons Emperor, and the other half were captured by the Haofu Emperor.

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