"It's terrifying, that guy can actually compete with the Supreme God!" The Earth Element Master looked at Xiao Yun in the distance with a shocked expression on his face.

"Last time he killed the Master of Destruction, and this time he killed the Master of Destiny. Is another world so terrifying?" The Master of Life had some lingering fears. Fortunately, she didn't appear in front of Xiao Yun just now, otherwise she would be the one who died now. .

"Thanks to the Supreme God, he also let us invade another world. There are such perverted powerhouses. If they don't invade us, we will be lucky." The Lord of Death also said.

"In fact, he has already invaded." The Dark Lord smiled bitterly.

Master Guangming looked solemn, staring at Xiao Yun not far away, he shook his head and said: "Don't worry, he can't invade us yet, we have four supreme gods, and only one is coming back. I guess his real purpose should be I want to force the remaining supreme gods to come back."

"In any case, we still have to be careful in the future. This person can open the portal to our world at any time. If he wants to sneak up on us, who of us can drag the Supreme God to help?" said the life master.

All the masters were silent when they heard the words.

Even the strongest Master of Destruction and Master of Destiny were beheaded by Xiao Yun. If they encountered Xiao Yun, they would probably be killed soon.

"I think it's necessary for us to gather together next time!" said the Lord of the Earth System weakly. Although he is known for his strong defense, whether it is the Lord of Destruction or the Lord of Destiny, there is a supreme artifact defense. , but not weaker than him.

Several masters nodded when they heard the words, they didn't want to be beheaded by Xiao Yun alone.


Chaos world, the edge of the battlefield between the two worlds.

Hong Jun and the others were still bombarding the gate of Heaven on the battlefield between the two realms, and they had clearly seen that the supreme god of fate had returned.

"Xiao Yun has successfully lured the supreme god of fate, why hasn't Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world resisted?" Dou Sheng frowned and stared at the battlefield between the two realms.

Ancestor Yang Mei shook his head and said: "There are two supreme gods who are suppressing Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world. If it were normal, they would definitely not be able to suppress the Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world. But you must know that the Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world is now. Dao, most of the power is suppressing Heavenly Dao in the world of Jiuxiao Continent, and there is not much power that can be spared."

"f*ck, it's all to blame for this old fellow Hongjun, who went to suppress Heavenly Dao in the world of Jiuxiao Continent after he was full." Dou Sheng couldn't help scolding in a hurry.

Hongjun: "..."

Well, I can pretend not to hear.

"What should we do now? Do you want to ask Xiao Yun?"

Dou Sheng said: "His deity is now in the realm of the gods against the supreme god of fate. You can find someone to go to the prehistoric world to ask his avatar, Li Yun. Forget it, my grandson should ask."

He communicated directly with the good corpse in the prehistoric world, and ran to Biyou Palace to find Li Yun.

Although the Master Tongtian also established a Biyou Palace in Kendo Universe, the real Biyou Palace is still in the prehistoric world.

After all, the main body of the sect is still here, and the second generation of sects of the Wudang Virgin are also in the prehistoric world.

Li Yun has been in Biyou Palace for a long time.

Therefore, although there is no Sage in the interception of the prehistoric world, no one dares to provoke it.

After all, the higher-ups in the prehistoric world are well aware of the horror of Xiao Yun's group.

"Li Yun boy!"

The Dou Shengshan corpse came from the Huaguo Mountain tearing the void, and shouted outside the interception.

Li Yun immediately walked out of Biyou Palace and looked at the corpse of fighting saints.

"What's the current situation on your deity side? According to the current situation, it's not enough to just lead a supreme god!" Dou Sheng Shan corpse brought the matter one by one.

Li Yun opened the gate of heaven, went to the realm of the gods to investigate, and shook his head to Dou Sheng: "My deity and the supreme god of destiny are deadlocked. After all, the power of Heavenly Dao in the Kendo Universe is not too weak, only Barely hold back a supreme god."

"This is also normal. After all, you are a newborn big world, and only one Immortal has been born at present, which is much weaker than the world of Jiuxiao Continent." Dou Sheng Shan Zhe frowned.

Li Yun pondered: "For now, we can only wait for Lu Dongbin to prove Immortal, but even if he also proves Immortal, I'm afraid he can only hold back one supreme god."

In the big world, the appearance of the first Immortal powerhouse will cause Heavenly Dao to transform. But when the second one appears, it won't.

Unless there are seven or eight more, it will cause a qualitative change.

After all, whether it is Jiuxiao Continent World or Prehistoric World, it has undergone countless years of evolution.

After all, Kendo Universe is too young. If you want to change qualitatively again in a short time, you can only rely on more Immortal numbers to accumulate.

"There is another way, that is to find the origin of other worlds and let your Kendo Universe swallow it up!" Dou Sheng Shan Zhe suddenly said.

Li Yun was stunned, and then he remembered. Back then, Sword Sovereign won the origin of a broken world and let the world of Jiuxiao Continent devour it, which caused the Spiritual Qi to recover in the world of Jiuxiao Continent, and made all Heavenly Dao in the world of Jiuxiao Continent. grown a lot.

"That thing shouldn't be easy to find, right? Let's talk about it first. Although I don't think I'm a good person, I can't do it if I go to destroy other big worlds." Li Yun said solemnly.

How many creatures does a big world have to have? Destroying so many creatures at once, Li Yun really can't do it, he is not a peerless devil.

"Don't worry, my old grandson is a Buddha. The origin that Sword Sovereign snatched at the beginning was just a fragment of the origin of a great world of annihilation. In the chaos world, there are many great worlds, and some of them have died." Dou Shengshan glared at Li Yun.

Li Yun said in surprise: "The great world will also die?"

"The big world also has a lifespan. Some big worlds have a weak foundation, and they will slowly enter annihilation if they are unable to give birth to Immortal powerhouses. This is actually the same as the Chaos Realm. Our Chaos Realm can't give birth to eternal powerhouses for a long time. reboot."

Dou Sheng Shan corpse shook his head and continued: "Not every big world is as powerful as the Great Wilderness World, some big worlds are even born incomplete, and they were created by a super-powerful person for experiments. For example, my old grandson , my old grandson can also open up a big incomplete world, but this big world will die in a short time."

"Do you know where there is such a big world?" Li Yun asked.

Dou Sheng Shan corpse looked at him like an idiot: "If my grandson knew, would it be your turn?"

"Then you're not talking nonsense?" Li Yun was speechless.

Dou Sheng Shan corpse said: "You can ask the ancestor Yang Mei, this old guy has been in the Chaos Realm and knows the Chaos Realm better than any of us."

"It seems that my master, Heavenly Emperor, will continue to be imprisoned!" Li Yun sighed.

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