It has been decades since Xiao Yun and Hongjun left. During this period, he turned into the Kendo Universe many times. Unfortunately, Hongjun was not fooled at all. In the end, Xiao Yun had to give up.

Xiao Yun was a little speechless. This guy's obsession was actually drinking. If he hadn't reminded him, I'm afraid Lu Dongbin would never have been able to cut off the obsession corpse in his life.

"Master!" Xiao Yun saluted slightly, then nodded to Zhang Xiaofan and asked with a smile, "Not Closed Door Training?"

Originally, he was going to continue the Closed Door Training Insight Avenue of Time and Space, but after being despised by that guy from Zao Wou-Ki, he felt that he had to prove it to himself.

After saying goodbye to Hong Jun, Xiao Yun went back to making villains.

He Xiao Yun's future child is this commander.

The two agreed that they would attack the Heavenly Gate of the Two Realms Battlefield together in a hundred years, attracting Heavenly Dao of the Realm of the Gods to defend, so that Heavenly Dao of the prehistoric world would have a chance to resist.


Lu Dongbin is dressed in white like Immortal, Sword intent flows all over his body, his eyes are like swords, his sword style is indescribable, and there is even a faint phenomenon that fits perfectly with this universe.

What's more, this Immortal is still his own.

"Hey, I'm going to be despised by that guy Zao Wuji again." Xiao Yun shook his head and walked away.

Yunxiao Immortal's white clothes are dancing, her hair is shiny and smooth, her forehead is full and white, and her beautiful eyes are flowing.

"Although I have cut off the obsessive corpse, it will take some time to merge the three corpses into one." Lu Dongbin sighed. Like Yunxiao Immortal, he did not have the accumulation of the Tongtian leader, nor the actions of the Tongtian leader. The background of Heavenly Dao Sage requires time to understand the unity of the three corpses.

"Master, what do you want to say?" Xiao Yun rolled his eyes.

"I thank you, Lei Zu, I introduced a few old women to you last time, why don't you?" Xiao Yun pouted.

Xiao Yun's eyes lit up when he saw Lu Dongbin.

Lei Zu also came over, pointed at Yunxiao Immortal who was standing on the top of the peak not far away, and said, "Your master means that Lin Xiaoya and Xi Chunyu's bloodline is too weak to bear your bloodline genes, maybe only Immortal can I'm worthy of you, for example, your senior sister Yunxiao Immortal, anyway, everyone is their own, why not kiss each other?"

Lu Dongbin laughed and said, "Thanks to Brother Xiao's guidance, I just cut off the obsessive corpse not long ago."

"Blindly Closed Door Training is not easy to break through, and this is the first time Immortal was born in Kendo Universe, which may inspire me a little." Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile.

How can a man say no?

I can!

Xiao Yun nodded and said, "The cultivation system of the Honghuang World is indeed somewhat unique. You can also use the Heavenly Dao power of the Kendo Universe, and you can observe it carefully at that time."

A group of sect disciples looked at the immortal Immortal son Yunxiao Immortal on the top of the peak with adoration and fanaticism.

Xiao Yun felt that a small chaotic body was about to appear, and he couldn't let that kid from Zao Wuji become arrogant.

When Di Tian saw Xiao Yun's arrival, he leaned in and said, "Teacher, it's been so long and no little chaotic body has been born. I discussed it with Lei Zu and the others, and I think it's not just about your bloodline being too strong, maybe The woman's bloodline is too weak."

Everyone watched this scene with excitement, and the first Immortal powerhouse in the Kendo Universe was born.

Besides, Zao Wou-Ki gave birth to a large army of ancient Sacred Body, and now he lacks a commander.

However, Xiao Yun then congratulated: "Okay, this time our Kendo Universe is a double blessing."

Lei Zu bared his teeth in anger and scolded: "Stinky boy, don't change the subject, we are worrying about you. Are you worried that Lin Xiaoya and Xi Chunyu will get angry? Don't worry, you can ask your wife to persuade them at that time. They can be resolved."

The three corpses gradually merged into one, and Immortal's qi gradually bloomed from the cloudy Immortal's body. She was like a round of white scorching sun, and suddenly the light was brilliant, illuminating the world.

"It's simple, my disciple is now in three corpses in one, you must observe it carefully, you must have some inspiration. If there is anything you don't understand, you can also ask this seat." Tongtian Sect Master said with a smile.

The main reason is that Xiao Yun's bloodline is too strong. He has an eternal body that is stronger than the chaos body. He has also reached the level of the world master, and he is also the Wudi world master with extremely high combat power.


Behind her, three figures exactly like her were slowly sinking into her body.

Decades have passed in a flash, Xiao Yun has not proved himself after all.

Xiao Yun was speechless for a while.

At the same time, Xiao Yun stole some memories of the domestic BYD from the clone Hill, um, to support domestic production.

"You—" Xiao Yun walked away in anger, these old guys don't need to cultivate now, worrying about these things every day makes him speechless.

"Old Zhao, you are the first general under your command, and your descendants are my son's army!" Xiao Yun smiled confidently and went to look for Lin Xiaoya and Xi Chunyu.

"Brother Xiao, Brother Zhang, Master Tongtian!" At this moment, another acquaintance came, it was Lu Dongbin.

He still admired Lu Dongbin very much. After all, in the former prehistoric world, among the strong swordsmen, apart from him, Lu Dongbin was the best.

Not far away, Master Tongtian was chatting with Zhang Xiaofan, when he saw Xiao Yun coming over, he could not help but wave.

Xiao Yun's figure disappeared at this moment, merged into the heaven and earth, and entered the Heavenly Dao origin of Kendo Universe.

His bloodline is many times stronger than that of Zao Wou-Ki, and he doesn't have as many wives as Zao Wou-Ki, so despite his decades of hard work, he still has no children.

Even the sectarians of the prehistoric world, such as Our Lady of Wudang, came to the Kendo Universe with the help of the Master Tongtian. They also wanted to witness Yunxiao Immortal preaching Immortal. After all, this is their classmate.

Like Master Tongtian and Zao Wou-Ki, Xiao Yun also gave Zhang Xiaofan some Heavenly Dao powers of the Kendo Universe, so that he could be in that kind of pseudo-realm, which is just a matter of words for him, the Heavenly Dao controller. .

With Yunxiao now being promoted to Immortal, the origin of Heavenly Dao of Kendo Universe is also increasing rapidly, as if undergoing some kind of transformation.

Although Lu Dongbin was Taishang's apprentice, Tongtian sect master also had some festivals with Taishang, but with his stomach, it was naturally impossible to implicate a Junior.

Not long ago, he had received news that Yunxiao Immortal had prepared the three corpses in one and preached Immortal.

Biyou Palace.

At the same time, the outsiders like Tongtian Sect Master, Zhang Xiaofan, and Zao Wuji all felt that the sense of oppression in the shadows became stronger, giving them a sense of oppression of the vastness of the sky.

All eyes turned to the top of the mountain.

"I heard that Zhao Wuji mocked you last time?" The indestructible ancestor approached a little and gave Xiao Yun a bloody knife.

"Huh? Lu Dongbin, you actually cut off the obsessive corpse!" The Tongtian sect master stared at Lu Dongbin, his eyes suddenly condensed.

Di Tian, ​​Lei Zu and the others also came, and they also attached great importance to Immortal, the first born in Kendo Universe.

At this time, the night is silent, the east is getting brighter, the morning sun is beginning to show, and the clouds are rushing.

Soon after, a terrifying wave swept through the entire Biyou Palace and spread out in all directions.

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