Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1295 Double Pupils Extreme

The promotion of Heavenly Dao is different from personal promotion. Generally, it is difficult for others to feel the promotion of Heavenly Dao, but Xiao Yun is the controller of Heavenly Dao. At this moment, he is Heavenly Dao, so he can clearly feel the transformation of Heavenly Dao.

The ocean of origin is surging, the runes of the Dao Law are rising, the fire is shining into the sky, the divine flame is blazing, and the endless chain of order is constantly extending outward.

Xiao Yun can clearly feel that the source of Heavenly Dao is getting stronger, and the power he can get is also getting stronger when he is in it.

In a trance, Xiao Yun seemed to have surpassed Wudi and reached a higher level.

Outside the chaotic world, countless chaotic energies surged in, and the entire kendo universe was rapidly expanding.

Xiao Yun is like a supreme god, standing in the source of Heavenly Dao, a pair of Double Pupils, mapped in all the time and space of the Kendo Universe.

outside world.

Everyone was still immersed in the boiling news of Immortal's promotion to Immortal, and suddenly saw a pair of cold and indifferent Double Pupils on the sky. At this moment, everyone felt their own insignificance, and their hearts were shaking violently.

"That's Brother Xiao's Double Pupils!" Zhang Xiaofan's pupils shrank, even when he met these eyes, he felt as small as an ant.

"The time in the left eye, the space in the right eye, and the entire universe of time and space are all reflected in his eyes." Tongtian Sect Master was shocked, and he saw terrifying scenes from these Double Pupils.

Yes, at this time Xiao Yun also found out that his own Double Pupils had been promoted.

This pair of eyes was once considered by him to be a second-order divine body, but later, Xiao Yun discovered that the potential of Double Pupils was not only that, but could definitely be comparable to the top ten supreme bodies.

But now, Xiao Yun found himself underestimating Double Pupils again.

When Kendo Universe Heavenly Dao was promoted, Xiao Yun also received feedback, and the most profitable one was his Double Pupils.

"I didn't expect that Double Pupils has been developed to the extreme, and it can actually map the time and space of the entire universe. This already involves the power of destiny."

Xiao Yun felt the change in his eyes and was very pleasantly surprised.

With the promotion of Double Pupils, his time and space avenue also got a breakthrough, reaching the peak of Immortal.

It is getting closer and closer to the realm master level.

Moreover, with the help of these Double Pupils, it would not take much time for him to get the Insight of the Avenue of Time and Space to the world master level.

What's more, these Double Pupils have now become his most powerful weapon, mapping the long river of time and space, beheading enemies in different time and space, making Xiao Yun's attack methods even more bizarre.

To a certain extent, these Double Pupils are very restrained by cultivation practitioners who take the Dao of Time and Space. Even if they encounter a strong person who cultivates the Dao of Destiny, Xiao Yun's defense will be greatly enhanced.

"Congratulations fellow daoist Xiao's Cultivation Base has gone up a level!" Just when Xiao Yun realized the magic of Double Pupils, Hong Jun's figure suddenly came to his ears.

Xiao Yun turned to look at Chaos Realm.

At this time, not only Hongjun came, but also Dou Sheng, Yang Mei ancestor, and gray robe world master.

Xiao Yun was not surprised by this. After all, the promotion of Kendo Universe was too loud, and the entire Universe was expanding rapidly. The dojos of several of them were nearby, so they would naturally be disturbed.


Xiao Yun stepped out and appeared outside Kendo Universe, looking at Hong Jun and the others opposite.

Hongjun looked at Xiao Yun deeply. If the former Xiao Yun made him feel a strong threat, then the current Xiao Yun made him feel unpredictable and unfathomable.

At this moment, Xiao Yun was also looking at Hongjun.

Contrary to Hongjun, he used to feel that Hongjun was unfathomable and unpredictable.

But now, Xiao Yun found that Hongjun in front of him gave him a strong sense of threat, like a thorn in his back.

Xiao Yun is very happy about this, which means that he is finally on the same level as Hongjun.

Because only the unfathomable enemy is the most terrifying.

Being able to see a dangerous enemy is not so scary.

"Boy, you are progressing so fast!" Dou Sheng came over with a look of emotion on his face. He almost watched Xiao Yun grow up step by step.

Once upon a time, the junior who wanted to go to the realm of the gods to hunt and kill the master of the fire system still needed his shot, but now he has completely surpassed him.

"It seems that you have all returned to your peak state!" Xiao Yun's eyes swept across Dou Sheng, Yang Mei's ancestor, and the gray-robed world master. Under the observation of his Double Pupils, the state of these people was different. Clearly.

"Boy, your eyes..." Dou Sheng was swept away by Xiao Yun's gaze, and his irritating eyes burst out, but when his eyes fell on Xiao Yun, he seemed to see a mighty space and time The long river is flowing, and Xiao Yun's figure is reflected in countless time and space.

"The time of the left eye, the space of the right eye, your eyes contain complete time rules and space rules, it is equivalent to two world masters!" Yang Mei ancestor looked at Xiao Yun's Double Pupils, and then revealed a shocking expression. color.

On the side, Xinli Immortal 'Unbounded', who was behind the gray-robed world master, heard the words and asked in surprise: "Can time and space also cultivate to the Immortal level?"

Before Ancestor Yang Mei explained, the gray-robed world master in front of him explained: "The Avenue of Time and Space can be cultivated to the level of the world master, and the same is true of the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space. The reason why few people cultivate the Avenue of Time or the Avenue of Space alone, It's because the time-space avenues they combine are easier to promote and more powerful."

Ancestor Yang Mei shook his head and said, "The Dao of Time and the Dao of Space are not weaker than the Dao of Time and Space when they cultivated to the world master level, but they are weaker because they lack the ability to summon the future body and the past body."

"Not bad!" Hong Jun also nodded and said: "Space is king, time is respected, these two paths, any one of the cultivation to the level of world master perfection, has the strength of the top world master. It's just that the avenue of time and space can summon the future body. And the past body is slightly stronger than these two paths."

After finishing speaking, Hongjun looked at Xiao Yun again, and said with some emotion: "Xiao fellow daoist has a lot of luck. With these eyes, your space-time avenue will soon reach the level of the world master."

He was a little speechless. Before Xiao Yun cultivation Universe kendo hung up, he gave him a good fortune jade plate. Xiao Yun's cultivation on the Chaos Avenue is an eternal body, good guy, and now his cultivation is also on the Time and Space Avenue.

f*ck, this guy just got promoted all the way by cheating.

This is the person who should be robbed of countless tribulations, the protagonist of destiny in the chaos world.

"You guys are here just in time. I'm about to attack the Heavenly Gate on the battlefield between the two realms and rescue my master, Heavenly Emperor. Let's join you too!" Xiao Yun looked at the people in front of him and said with a smile.

Hong Jun promised Xiao Yun long ago, and nodded naturally.

Not to mention Dou Sheng, Yang Mei Ancestor and the others. After all, Xiao Yun also saved them before, and Xiao Yun is now strong, and they will have to rely on Xiao Yun a lot for the next trip to the world of the puppet.

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