Xiao Yun walked in front, and Hong Jun was half a position behind him.

Knowing that Xiao Yun likes to play majesty, Hongjun does not compete with him.

"Dou Sheng told me before that you are a fellow practitioner of the Three Thousand Dao, and you want all Dao to become one, so that you can achieve eternity. But doing this, it seems to be no different from Heavenly Dao, but Heavenly Dao is not the eternal Dao."

Xiao Yun was walking when he suddenly turned to the side, as if he had accidentally entered the Kendo Universe.

Hong Jun, who was following behind him, was a little tired. Do you really think I'm an idiot? This little trick is going to lead me into the Kendo Universe?

Ignoring Xiao Yun's little thought, Hongjun continued to walk along the edge of Kendo Universe.

"Heavenly Dao's all-in-one is based on itself as a carrier and integrates ten-thousands. I use the good fortune avenue to integrate the ten-thousand, and ultimately everything belongs to the good fortune avenue, which is somewhat similar to your universe's kendo." Hong Jun said lightly.

Xiao Yun walked out of Kendo Universe with some regret, this old guy was not fooled, he was simply too smart, his IQ must be at the level of a kindergarten senior class.

"What does it look like? It's obviously identical to my Universe's kendo." Xiao Yun turned serious.

As Hongjun said, his good fortune avenue is also in the direction of universe kendo.

Of course, the premise is that Hong Jun is telling the truth.

"It's still a little different. Your universe swordsmanship is filled with other avenues, not a real fusion. My good fortune avenue is a real fusion of other ways." Hongjun shook his head.

Xiao Yun was stunned, he understood what Hongjun meant, but this operation was too time-consuming, and only an old monster like Hongjun had so much time, he didn't have that much time.

One by one, it takes a lot of time to integrate into the own avenue. Xiao Yun was born too late, and he is destined to not have so much time.

"If you can succeed, there is indeed a chance of proving eternal." Xiao Yun said with sincere admiration.

Hongjun shook his head and sighed: "I'm all waiting for the crossing. Who can succeed in the end, and who can say for sure? Maybe, all of us are wrong."

"If it's wrong, it's wrong. Isn't the Ruins of Eternity able to avoid chaos and restart? We can just hide there." Xiao Yun didn't care. After learning the information of Ruins of Eternity, he was relieved a lot. .

Hong Jun looked at Xiao Yun and said with a light smile: "That place is very dangerous. Only the world master is qualified to enter. Even if you can survive there, what about your relatives and friends?

"Can't you put them in the space I created?" Xiao Yun frowned.

Hongjun shook his head and said: "The power of chaos restart drowns everything. Except for the incomplete Eternal Avenue, there is no way to avoid it. If you want to avoid Chaos Restart, you can only rely on the incomplete Eternal Avenue, and others can't be spared at all."

Xiao Yun's face turned gloomy. If it is true as Hongjun said, then I am afraid that only the world masters and the strong will be able to live to the next era of chaos.

"So, there may also be powerhouses from the last Chaos Era in the Ruins of Eternity?" Xiao Yun suddenly thought of something and looked at Hong Jun suddenly.

Hong Jun nodded and said: "Otherwise, why do you think there are so many strong people in the Great Puppet World in the Eternal Ruins? If there were not the last Chaos Era, or even the powerhouses of the last Chaos Era, the Great Puppet World would have been leveled long ago. Ruins of Eternity. However, those people do not belong to this era of chaos, they can only stay in Ruins of Eternity forever, and even if they survive, they will not be able to prove eternity."

"Only outside can you prove Tao Eternity, and surviving is like going to jail." Xiao Yun sighed, it seems that only proving Tao Eternity is the real way out.

Hong Jun watched Xiao Yun sighed and turned into Kendo Universe again. He couldn't help feeling tired for a while. This kid really wanted to trick him when he got a chance.

"I'm sorry, I always go the wrong way, don't you mind!" Xiao Yun walked out of Kendo Universe again, looking at Hong Jun with a simple and honest face.

Hongjun ignored him and continued to move forward.

"Actually, you don't have to worry. My Kendo Universe has not yet created an Immortal, and that little Heavenly Dao power can't suppress you." Xiao Yun said frankly.

"Xiao fellow daoist, are you trying to rescue your master, Heavenly Emperor? Let's discuss this matter." Hong Jun sighed, not wanting to see Xiao Yun anymore.

Xiao Yun said with a smile: "Since Hongjun fellow daoist is willing to help, that would be great. I actually had an idea long ago that I could open a heavenly gate to the realm of the gods, and Hongjun fellow daoist went over there. Sneak attack on those masters and lead those supreme gods back. And I am responsible for attacking the gate of heaven on the battlefield of the two realms, attracting the power of Heavenly Dao, the realm of the gods, so that Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world will have the opportunity to resist the realm of the gods. Heavenly Dao's repression."

Hearing the words, Hong Jun said lightly: "I'm not familiar with the Realm of the Gods, and I don't even know the masters. Xiao fellow daoist has been to the Realm of the Gods more than once, so he must be more familiar than me. It is more suitable for Xiao fellow daoist to hunt and kill the ruler of the realm, and I will be responsible for attacking Tianmen on the battlefield of the two realms."

"Is fellow daoist Hongjun worried that those supreme gods will trap you in the realm of the gods?" Xiao Yun asked.

Hong Jun looked at him faintly and said, "I'm worried that you will close the gate of heaven when I pass by."

"Cough, I'm not that kind of person, you think too much!" Xiao Yun coughed dryly, to be honest, he really had that idea.

Looking at Xiao Yun, Hong Jun felt a little tired and sighed: "Before entering the Ruins of Eternity, it would be better for you and me to be united. In the matter of saving your master, as long as you don't talk to me, I can do my best to help you. to help you."

Before entering the Ruins of Eternity, Hong Jun really didn't want to offend someone like Xiao Yun who had great luck. After all, he had no conflict of interest with Xiao Yun now.

"Hey, Hongjun fellow daoist, you have misunderstood me too much. In fact, I am a very easy person to get along with. Forget it, we will see the truth for a long time. I plan to attack the Tianmen of the battlefield between the two realms in a hundred years, because at that time, Senior Sister Yunxiao I should be able to be promoted to Immortal." Xiao Yun said.

"Yunxiao?" Hong Jun was a little surprised to hear that.

He only paid attention to those few Sages before, and at most Yang Jian, Ming He, Zhen Yuanda Immortal and others. He doesn't care much about Yun Xiao as a Junior. After all, he has just been released from the Conferred God List, how much can he achieve?

"Senior Sister Yunxiao actually cut off the obsessive corpse when she first appeared on the Conferred God Ranking. Not long ago, he had already cut off all three corpses." Xiao Yun said with a smile.

"Hey, Tongtian!" Hong Jun sighed helplessly, the sect master of Tongtian was hidden deep enough, and Xiao Yun in front of him, these two masters and apprentices really have the same temperament. Then pay attention to the sect master.

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