Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1292 The Arrival Of Hongjun

After leaving Zao Wou-Ki, Xiao Yun went to Jianzun again to pay attention to Jianzun's cultivation progress.

After all, with one more Immortal, his Kendo Universe Heavenly Dao will be even stronger.

Moreover, Sword Sovereign is almost certain to advance to Immortal Realm.

It's a pity that what Sword Master needs is time. He wants to comprehend the kendo that he has comprehended one by one. He can only rely on his own Insight, and others can't help him.

Sword Sovereign spent millions of years in the past, and now re-cultivation will definitely be faster, but it will take at least 100,000 years. Even if Kendo has great advantages in cultivation in Kendo Universe, it is estimated that it will take ten thousand years. Looking forward to the promotion of Sword Sovereign to Immortal.

In fact, if you want to be promoted to Immortal, in addition to hanging up, it all depends on time to accumulate.

Jian Zun, and Dugu Baitian, they all need a long time to accumulate.

Xiao Yun and Zao Wou-Ki belong to the open-hungry category, and cannot be treated as usual.

"On the other hand, this Lu Dongbin may have an epiphany, slash his obsession, and achieve Immortal." Xiao Yun flashed and appeared in a kendo tavern.

There are such kendo taverns on all planets. After all, Lu Dongbin is very famous and powerful. There are many people who want to worship him.

Xiao Yun always felt that Lu Dongbin opened the Kendo Tavern not to recruit apprentices, but to drink.

No, Xiao Yun now saw Lu Dongbin drinking in a kendo tavern.

The Kendo Tavern has a privilege. As long as you are a disciple of the Kendo Tavern, you don’t need money to drink here.

This must be the original creation of Lu Dongbin.

"Huh? Li Yun? Xiao Yun!" Lu Dongbin's eyes lit up as he looked at Xiao Yun who walked into the tavern.

He now also knows that Li Yun Xiao Yun is the same person.

However, after coming to Kendo Universe for so long, it was the first time he saw Xiao Yun.

"Senior Brother Lu, long time no see, you can treat me as Li Yun." Xiao Yun said with a smile, then sat down beside Lu Dongbin.

The people around looked like they didn't see Xiao Yun, and didn't even know that there was another person in front of Lu Dongbin.

"Another pair of bowls and chopsticks!" Lu Dongbin pointed to the opposite side and called to the maid next to him.

The maid next to her was stunned for a moment. She looked at the vacant seat opposite Lu Dongbin and felt a little puzzled. Is there something wrong with her brain? Obviously no one, why do you still need a pair of bowls and chopsticks?

Although she complained in her heart, the maid respectfully took a pair of bowls and chopsticks and placed them opposite Lu Dongbin. Although she did not know Lu Dongbin's true identity, when Lu Dongbin came in, the token displayed was the Elder token of the Kendo Tavern. High status in their kendo tavern.

"You're a boss now, why do you have time to come to me? Are you looking for me for a drink?" Lu Dongbin looked at Xiao Yun across from him and said with a smile.

Xiao Yun was a little speechless. Lu Dongbin obviously liked the game of mortals. His tone of speech was no different from that of mortals. Immortal didn't look like a mortal. No matter how he looked, he looked like an alcoholic. Compared with the original sword Immortal, it was too far.

Of course, playing the mortal world and going through the tempering of three thousand red dust is also good for cultivation.

"Let's see you, after all, apart from the senior brothers who have intercepted the sect, in the entire prehistoric world, the powerhouses who have immigrated here are your strongest and have the best chance of being promoted to Immortal." Xiao Yun said with a smile.

"Promotion to Immortal?" Lu Dongbin drank and shook his head. "I'm still a long way off. I haven't cut off my obsession. I think my obsession is to pursue kendo, but I can't let me give up kendo."

"Not necessarily, the real obsession is not what you think in your heart." Xiao Yun thought of the Tongtian Cult Master. At first they thought that the Tongtian Cult Master's obsession was Hongmeng Ziqi, but it turned out to be the friendship between the Sanqing brothers. .

"Let's see fate. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. I can teach Immortal anytime." Lu Dongbin is also a bit of a reckless personality. He now likes the atmosphere of Kendo Universe. .

There are both wine and swords, what is there to be dissatisfied with in life?

After thinking about it, Lu Dongbin drank three glasses in a row.

Xiao Yun is really speechless, isn't this guy's obsession with drinking bars? Although it sounds funny, it may be true. After all, obsessed with this thing, who can tell.

At the moment, Xiao Yun informed Lu Dongbin of his own conjecture.

Lu Dongbin was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Are you kidding me? No one's obsession is to drink. If that's the case, then I...then I won't preach Immortal."

"..." Xiao Yun thought he was going to swear not to drink alcohol, but it turned out to be so, and he was almost shocked.

"Immortal robbery is imminent. Aren't you going to fight? You know, there are ants under Immortal." Xiao Yun persuaded.

Lu Dongbin drank a glass of wine, shook his head and said, "What if you are promoted to Immortal? You have to go to the Realm, the realm, to be qualified to prove Tao Eternity. Besides, when the sky falls, there are tall men like you."

"The catastrophe is the chance. When the immeasurable catastrophe comes, there will also be many great opportunities. You may not have the opportunity to prove the eternal Tao." Xiao Yun said.

Lu Dongbin stared at Xiao Yun for a while before he said, "Is it good for you if I testify that Immortal is good for you?"

"My Kendo Universe will be enhanced, which is somewhat beneficial!" Xiao Yun sneered.

"No wonder!" Lu Dongbin smiled helplessly, then put down the glass, he frowned, "I'll give it a try, stop drinking for a while, if you can really get rid of obsessions, then prove Immortal."

"Temporary abstinence is useless, you need to really put down the wine glass!" Xiao Yun laughed.

"You..." Lu Dongbin gritted his teeth and finally sighed, "Okay, after I preach Immortal, you must remind me to drink."

Xiao Yun smiled and said, "Don't worry, cutting off your obsession doesn't mean you disappear. You will still come back when you are three corpses together. It's just that at that time, you won't like drinking as much as you do now."

"Okay!" Lu Dongbin nodded.

Xiao Yun continued to chat with him for a while and then left. This time, he talked to Lu Dongbin and cast a wide net to see if any of them could be promoted to Immortal quickly.

After all, with a few more Immortals, the Kendo Universe can catch up with Jiuxiao Continent and even the Prehistoric World.

"Huh? Why is that old guy Hongjun here?" Xiao Yun had just left the Kendo tavern when he sensed something, and immediately appeared outside the Kendo Universe.

At this time, Hongjun was standing outside the Kendo Universe, watching the Kendo Universe in front of him.

"Hongjun fellow daoist, since you're here, why don't you come in and sit down, so that I can enjoy the friendship of the landlord." Xiao Yun looked at Hongjun and smiled kindly.

Hongjun stared at him faintly, and said, "Fellow Xiao, don't stare at me all day, at least before entering the Ruins of Eternity, there is no conflict of interest between you and me."

"Fellow daoist Hongjun, you've been thinking too much. I just kindly invited you in for a cup of tea. It made me seem like I was trying to suppress you with the help of Kendo Universe. Is I Xiao Yun that kind of person?"

Xiao Yun smiled helplessly, and then asked, "What is this fellow daoist doing here? Is there anything you can do to find me?"

Hongjun looked at Xiao Yun and said in a low voice, "I was cultivating in Closed Door Training, but suddenly I felt a chill behind my back, so I figured that you were thinking about me. After all, if you need any help, I promise to do my best so you don't think about me behind my back."

"Fate or Karma?" Xiao Yun narrowed his eyes. Not long after he and Tongtian Sect Master had finished talking, Hong Jun actually felt something, which was too terrifying.

Hong Jun said lightly: "I am involved in both the Avenue of Destiny and the Avenue of Karma."

Xiao Yun suddenly realized, no wonder this guy is so scary.

In the past, Hongjun and Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world were one, and Xiao Yun could still ignore Hongjun's calculations by escaping, but now that Hongjun has separated from the Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world, he can be recalculated.

"By the way, you've cultivated so many great ways, aren't you afraid of side effects? I've only cultivated a few items now, and I feel a big headache." Xiao Yun asked suddenly.

Hong Jun smiled slightly and said, "I'm actually majoring in the avenue of good fortune, and the other avenues are only cultivated to the peak of Immortal. As long as I don't reach the level of the world master, it won't affect me."

"So it is!" Xiao Yun nodded, but if Hongjun said half of what he said, it was enough to believe it.

He is sure that more than one avenue of Hongjun has reached the level of the world master, and the space-time avenue must be at the level of the world master, otherwise his strength is not so strong.

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