Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1275 Xiao Fellow Daoist Has A Kind Heart

Western Buddhism.

Amitābha sits cross-legged on the lotus pedestal, his body is full of radiant Buddha light, and behind him is a vision of hundreds of millions of beings bowing to him, which is extraordinarily Sacred and aloof.

Opposite him, Zhun Ti had a look of emotion on his face. Senior Brother's Cultivation Base became more and more inscrutable, and he might soon be able to enter the Realm of the Realm.

It's just Amitābha's personality change that makes him very helpless.

Since the end of the war with the realm of the gods, once Amitābha returned to Buddhism, he cleared away the sins that were hidden before Buddhism.

Like the Eight Heavenly Dragons that they forcibly subdued before, and some demons who took refuge in them, they were all eradicated by Amitābha.

There are even some Buddhist greats who have made mistakes, no matter if you are Da Luojin Immortal or a quasi-sage, they will still be punished by Amitābha, or even directly into Samsara in serious cases.

Like the Buddha of Joy, who was directly beaten by Amitābha, and his soul was scattered.

Now Buddhism can be described as a clear and bright.

Just such an operation directly caused the loss of Buddha's strength by at least more than one-third, and it was very distressing to see it.

But there was no way, and Zhunti couldn't stop Amitābha now.

Even recently, Amitābha often preached to Zhunti, warning him not to engage in any conspiracy in the future, and Buddhists were merciful and should walk the righteous path.

But there is no way, Amitābha now has a big fist, and Zhunti has to obey.

"Senior brother has become stronger, but unfortunately it's not my senior brother anymore." Zhunti suddenly felt a sense of loneliness in his heart. He and Amitābha's senior brother for so many years had a very deep relationship, but now it has completely disappeared.

The current Amitābha is truly selfless, with no selfishness at all, and is a true Buddha.

"Hey, why is that monkey here?" Zhunti suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance, where a golden long rainbow was blazing.

Amitābha on the opposite side suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the person coming.

It is the good corpse of Dou Sheng.

"That's right, that's right, catch up, now you are the real Buddha." Dou Sheng Shan Shi stared at Amitābha, then smiled.

Amitābha said with a slight smile: "Fighting over the Buddha, now the sins of Buddhism have been swept away, I wonder if you can come to Lingshan to be a Buddha?"

"Uh... Where's Tathagata?" Dou Shengshan was stunned when he heard the words.

Zhunti next to him said with a dark face: "It was suppressed by him, and now he is in the Closed Door Training of Ksitigarbha to reflect on himself."

"Good pressure!" Dou Sheng Shan corpse immediately smiled, remembering the five hundred years when he was suppressed by Tathagata. Although he had beaten Tathagata for revenge after he became a saint, but now hearing that Tathagata was unlucky, he still felt extremely Cool.

When Zhunti heard the words, his face darkened even more.

Dou Sheng Shan Shi looked at Amitābha and waved his hand: "Forget it, my old grandson doesn't have the patience to be a Buddha. Since you put Tathagata on the Ksitigarbha, it's better to call the Ksitigarbha back, he is the The most qualified to be a Buddha."

Amitābha shook his head and said, "Ksitigarbha doesn't want to come back!"

"Yes, he has great perseverance!" Dou Sheng Shan Shi nodded, and then said: "Then let my master be the one. He is Tathagata's apprentice, and it is justifiable to take over Tathagata's position now."

"Jin Chanzi? It's also appropriate!" Amitābha pondered for a moment after hearing the words, then nodded with a smile.

Zhunti was speechless, let Jin Chanzi be the Buddha, plus Amitābha, in the future his Zhunti Sage will be a display in Buddhism.

"Old Zhunti, my old grandson is here to find you this time." Dou Shengshanshi suddenly looked at Zhunti. Zhunti's face turned dark, and the monkey cub took advantage of others as soon as he opened his mouth. If he couldn't beat him, Zhunti really wanted to light him up.

Hey, Dou Sheng has now been suppressed by the Supreme God, just a good corpse, not his opponent at all.

Zhun Ti suddenly looked at Dou Sheng Shan's corpse, his eyes flashing with an unknown look.

"Junior Brother!" Suddenly, Amitābha's resounding voice shook Zhunti's mind.

Zhunti's face darkened, and he felt tired immediately.

He found that he really wanted to take action against Dou Sheng, and it was estimated that Amitābha would be on Dou Sheng's side.

Alas, my dear senior brother will never come back.

Like a child who lost his mother, Zhunti glared at Dou Sheng Shan Zhe angrily: "What good can you do to me?"

"It's really not a good thing!" Dou Shengshan grinned when he heard the words: "That kid Xiao Yun is going to kill you, and I want to ask you to help spread a word to old Hongjun."

"What?" Zhunti stared at Dou Sheng Shan's corpse in disbelief, widened his eyes and said, "Are you crazy, or is he crazy, or do you think I'm crazy?"

Kill me, and ask me to help send a message to Hongjun.

Can you say that too?

Zhunti has lived for so many years, and he has never seen anyone more shameless than him, but today I finally saw it.

"Get out of here!" Zhunti said angrily, pointing at Dousheng Shanshi, even if he was Sage, a Buddhist monk, he couldn't hold his emotions anymore.

On the other hand, Amitābha, who was next to him, did not change his face, looked at Dou Shengshan and asked with a smile: "That Xiao fellow daoist should not be so unreasonable, there should be something important, I want to contact Hongjun fellow daoist, but I don't know how to fight. Can the saint tell you?"

Zhunti looked at Amitābha with a resentful look on his face, Senior Brother, they are going to kill me, yet you can still laugh.

"My old grandson doesn't know what that kid is thinking, Zhunti, why don't you go to the Chaos Realm and talk to him?" When Dou Shengshan was talking, he winked at Amitābha and Zhunti.

In an instant, Zhunti and Amitābha knew that Dou Sheng was deliberately not telling the reason, which must be guarding something, but who could eavesdrop on their conversation? There is one supreme being, and there are those supreme gods.

There is a high probability that it should be guarding against those supreme gods.

Amitābha looked at Zhunti and said, "Junior Brother, why don't you go to Chaos World."

"Senior brother, they want to kill me." Zhunti looked at Amitābha resentfully.

Amitābha put his hands together and said, "Xiao fellow daoist can save the two worlds from being invaded by the realm of the gods. He is not such an unreasonable person."

"Did he make sense?" Zhunti heard the words and looked at Dou Sheng Shan's corpse.

Dou Shengshan rubbed his head and grinned, "It doesn't seem to be, this kid is more sinister than anyone else."

"You guys are too good-looking, you can't see people, it shows that fellow daoist Xiao has a kind heart." Amitābha said.

Fighting Saint Good Corpse: "..."

Zhun mention: "..."

Suddenly, Dou Sheng Shan corpse looked at Zhunti with a sympathetic face. If Amitābha became like this, the future of Zhunti might not be easy.

With a dark face, Zhunti said angrily to Dou Sheng Shan Zhe: "Let's go, I'll go with you, but I'll see what that kid has to say to move me."

Now he has understood Xiao Yun's purpose, the other party wants to contact Hong Jun through him, so that he can guard against those supreme gods.

But why did the other party let him agree to such an outrageous request?

Send yourself an Innate treasure?

Humph, he must mention that he is also a Heavenly Dao Sage, how can he bow down for five buckets of rice?

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