Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1276 The Panicked Quasi Mention

Xiao Yun Lotus Position sat on the ten second rank karma red lotus, surrounded by two supreme gods, holding the sword of time and space in his hands.

Beside him, Master Tongtian sat on the Immortal Immortal Array, holding the Immortal Sword in his hand, spitting out sword lights from time to time.

The Eastern Emperor Bell is suspended above Zhang Xiaofan's head, releasing a terrifying aura.

Zao Wou-Ki used the Pangu flag as a fan, and his golden eyes stared at the prehistoric world in front of him.

On the edge of the prehistoric world, Zhunti looked at the few people in front of him who were like wolves and tigers. The soles of his feet were just about to be lifted, but he didn't dare to step out.

f*ck, the people in front of him are all his enemies.

Zao Wou-Ki was given a wick by him.

The Master Tongtian was an old opponent, Zhang Xiaofan also fought him more than once in the battlefield between the two realms, and Xiao Yun was the same.

By the way, and this monkey next to me.

Zhunti felt like he had entered a wolf's den.

"Let's go, it's all for this sake. Even if you want to escape, you can't escape. Besides, if they want to kill you, where can you escape?" Dou Sheng Evil Corpse shouted towards Zhunti.

Zhunti said indifferently: "Who is afraid? I am just looking at the vastness of the Chaos World."

After all, he stepped out of the prehistoric world and entered the chaos world.

The surrounding chaotic energy was tumbling and surging, and Zhunti was so frightened that he hurriedly urged the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree to barely resist the invasion of the chaotic energy.

Seeing this scene, Zao Wou-Ki disdainfully said: "Waste, you have to rely on Innate treasure to gain a foothold in the Chaos Realm."

Zhunti glanced at him, of course he could not fail to know this Buddhist spy who had been lit by his wick. It's just that now, the opponent is Immortal, and there is Pangu Fan in his hand. If we really want to fight, even in the prehistoric world, it is not certain who wins and who loses.

In this chaotic world, let alone the few people present, even the weakest Fighting Saint Evil Corpse can crush him.

After all, without the blessing of Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world, he is just a quasi-sage in the chaos world.

"I don't know who I lit the wick back then." Zhunti looked at Zao Wou-Ki with a sarcastic expression.

Although he is not as strong as others, he does not admit it at this moment. After all, he knows that the few people in front of him are asking for him.

"Yo, if you didn't mention this, I forgot." Zao Wou-Ki immediately stood up when he heard the words, his strong body exuded a blazing golden light, and the Pangu flag in his hand burst out terrifyingly under his urging. fluctuation.

Zhunti was a little flustered, but his expression remained unmoved. He stared coldly at Zao Wuji and said, "It's just a new Immortal. If you are in the prehistoric world, I can suppress you by turning my hand."

"OK OK!"

Zao Wuji wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Xiao Yun's wave.

He was a little impatient to hear that these two 'I' came to 'I'. Who is better than you, what's the point of pretending to be here?

Xiao Yun looked at Zhunti and said lightly: "Zhunti, you and I have been fighting for so many years, and the hatred is deep. However, if you help me this time, I promise that no one in Jiuxiao Continent will trouble you again in the future, including Zhao. Infinite."

Zhunti sneered: "What? You want white wolves with empty gloves? Do you really think I'm afraid of you? Anyway, our Heavenly Dao Sage won't die."

"Really?" Xiao Yun also stood up, a powerful breath rushed towards his face, freezing the surrounding time and space.

At this moment, including Tongtian Sect Master, Zhang Xiaofan, Zao Wuji and others, they all felt that their bodies could not move, and the surrounding time and space seemed to be completely frozen.

Of course the same is true.

"This..." Tongtian Sect Master, Zhang Xiaofan, and Zao Wuji rolled their eyes and felt incredible in their hearts, even with the strength of the three of them, they couldn't move at the moment.

How big is this gap?

At this moment, Tongtian Sect Master has a feeling of facing Hongjun.

Zhunti also felt this way. After all, they had a lot of contact with Hongjun, and that old guy often intimidated them, so they still had a vague sense of Wudi's aura.

"Zhunti, I'm not afraid to tell you that my current strength is no longer weaker than Hongjun. Moreover, I can go further. Do you think that if I help the Realm of the Gods now, can I destroy Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world?" Xiao Yun coldly looked at Zhunti and said.

The surrounding time and space had recovered, Zhunti gasped a little, he looked at Xiao Yun in front of him, his heart was full of fear, it was too strong, it made him feel suffocated.

"Our Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world is destroyed, and your Heavenly Dao in the world of Jiuxiao Continent cannot escape destruction." Zhunti gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun pointed to the Kendo Universe in the distance, and said lightly, "That's the Kendo Universe I created. People from Jiuxiao Continent can move in at any time. Even if Heavenly Dao in the realm of the gods devoured Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world and the world in Jiuxiao Continent. Heavenly Dao, it's not a threat to me either."

Zhunti looked at Kendo Universe in the distance. When Xiao Yun opened up Kendo Universe, there was a lot of movement, and he naturally knew it.

Moreover, during this time, the Master Tongtian is also promoting the Kendo Universe, and letting a group of cultivators in the wild world who cultivate Kendo immigrate to it.

Zhunti suddenly discovered that Xiao Yun really had the ability to kill him.

"You two, let's sit down and talk, my old grandson has known Zhun Ti for many years, and this old man is very reasonable." Dou Sheng suddenly said when he saw the tense atmosphere in the field.

Zhunti has a black face, so obviously singing a black face and singing a red face, when he doesn't know?

However, when looking at Xiao Yun, Zhunti was still full of trembling in his heart.

This Xiao Yun is so terrifying, every time he sees him, his strength will skyrocket.

In the past, there were rumors in the prehistoric world that Xiao Yun was the reincarnation of the eternal god-tier, but now it seems that it may be true.

"You pass me the "Book of Heart", and I'll help you go!" After a moment of silence, Zhunti finally confessed.

Originally, he was going to ask for another Innate treasure, but seeing Xiao Yun's strength, he didn't dare to be arrogant anymore.

After all, if you irritate this guy, maybe this guy might actually help the Realm of the Gods destroy Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world. After all, the Realm of the Gods was originally attracted by this guy.

"You're acquainted!" Zhao Wuji snorted coldly, his face full of mockery.

Zhunti clenched his fist secretly, his strength is not as good as others, that's the result.

"The Book of Hearts? Yes!" Xiao Yun nodded before thinking about it for a long time.

Anyway, he has already passed on the "Book of Heart" to a lot of people, and it is almost a mainland product, and it is not a big deal to pass it on to Zhunti. After all, he only taught "The Book of Heart", and he did not teach those secrets of mind power. In fact, The threat is not great.

Moreover, at the Realm of Xiao Yun, no one can threaten him anymore.

As long as he stays in the Chaos Realm and doesn't go to the enemy's world, no one in the entire Chaos Realm can threaten him.

Otherwise, how do you call Wudi World Lord?

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