Hearing the words of Dou Sheng's corpse, Xiao Yun turned to look in the direction of the battlefield between the two realms.

Tu Sheng is fine, but Tu Sheng just wants him to pass a message to Hong Jun for you, which is too extravagant.

"It's not the first time to kill a saint anyway." Xiao Yun said with a grin, Yuan Shi Tianzun has been killed twice by him, do you still care about one more time?

"The situation is different!" The Dou Sheng corpse shook his head and said: "The reason why the world barrier is so strong is because of the blessing of Heavenly Dao's power. Now, whether it is Heavenly Dao in the realm of the gods, or Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world , most of the power is in the world of Jiuxiao Continent. In the battlefield between the two realms, only a small part."

He's not stupid, he won't listen to the words of the Dou Sheng Evil Corpse, so he ran to the battlefield of the two realms to take risks.

Although he won't die, if he is suppressed by the supreme god of life, wouldn't he be imprisoned?

Zao Wou-Ki's face turned green when he heard the words, and he remembered the tragic time when the wick was lit.

Before Zhang Xiaofan was promoted to Immortal, Heavenly Emperor also took the opportunity to release a clone, but with the invasion of the Realm of the Gods, this clone dissipated.

"You kid also has the blessing of Heavenly Dao from the Kendo Universe. Although the Kendo Universe is still very weak, it can at least increase your strength by a large amount. It is not easy for the supreme god of life to suppress you." Dao, his deity is still being suppressed, which makes him very uncomfortable. After all, it is impossible to cultivate after being suppressed, and what kind of eternal avenue can he prove.

"If you attack from a distance, you will be weakened a lot when you enter the world barrier." Tongtian Sect Master frowned.

"Don't talk about Dou Sheng, this matter must not be risky." Tongtian Sect Master snorted coldly.

Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment, the leader of Tongtian and Empress Nuwa had already preached Immortal, Empress Pingxin was not Heavenly Dao Sage, and Amitābha had also preached Immortal, so don’t expect him to pass the word, then only Zhunti and Yuanshi Tianzun are left. Two people.

Xiao Yun pondered for a moment and said.

The Dou Sheng corpse shook his head and said: "Hongjun can hear it, and the supreme gods of the realm of the gods will also know. When we agree on the time to attack, maybe those supreme gods are already ready. If you want to rescue us, They have to be caught off guard, and they cannot be prepared in advance."

Xiao Yun rolled his eyes at him, how could you convince Zhunti that you hate so much.

"It's not impossible!" Tongtian Sect Master suddenly lit up.

For the creatures inside the world, the world barrier is their outermost protective layer, which can weaken the attacks of enemies from outside the world.

When Hongjun was so strong back then, even using a good fortune jade plate, he couldn't kill the Heavenly Emperor who wasn't Immortal through the world barrier of Jiuxiao Continent.

"I can try to attack the Supreme God of Life in the Chaos Realm. You, Yang Mei's ancestor, and the grey-robed realm master took the opportunity to resist. As for whether you can escape, it depends on your own abilities."

"Then you can only choose to mention it."

"I still have to slaughter the saints. Only by sending them a message to Hongjun will they not be noticed by the supreme god of the realm of the gods." Xiao Yun frowned.

Xiao Yun glanced at this product. Before, he thought that this product could simulate the Samsara Avenue in other worlds. Later, he learned that this product could only simulate the Samsara Avenue in the prehistoric world, and he could only play in the prehistoric world and the Jiuxiao continent world. Immortal combat power is nothing but rubbish.

This shows how terrifying the weakening of the World Barrier is.

There is no one in the battlefield of the two realms now, whether it is the prehistoric world, the world of Jiuxiao continent, or the realm of the gods, no one goes to the battlefield of the two realms.

Only Xiao Yun felt ashamed of Dou Sheng and wanted to save Dou Sheng, but he would not be foolish enough to take risks.

"What kind of riddles are you two playing?" The Dou Sheng Evil Corpse didn't react, and asked impatiently.

Under the absolute suppression of the Realm of the Gods, they could not contact Hongjun and Heavenly Emperor at all.

Dou Sheng Evil Corpse Didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You want to kill him and ask him to help you pass a message to Hong Jun. Do you think he will agree? Otherwise, you can discuss it with Yuanshi Tianzun."

"This is not an ordinary message. This is to kill him first, and then let him do the message. What kind of benefits do we have to pay to impress him?" Dou Sheng Evil Corpse sighed.

Tongtian sect master was speechless: "Why are you staring at him alone, others can too."

The Dou Sheng Evil Corpse was speechless for a moment.

The fighting corpse nodded, Xiao Yun was indeed the most cautious. After all, as long as he stayed in the Chaos Realm, the power of Heavenly Dao in the realm of the gods would not be transmitted, and the supreme god of life would not be able to help Xiao Yun.

"The Supreme God of Life relies on the power of Heavenly Dao in the realm of the gods. I am afraid that he has the eternal strength of Half Step. I am not his opponent yet." Xiao Yun said cautiously.

You can't say to Tianzun Yuanshi directly: Hey, Yuanshi, my apprentice wants to kill you, so I ask you to help spread a word to Hongjun.

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yun seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Dou Sheng, let your good corpse inform Zhunti and let him come to Chaos Realm. Let's talk about it first and see what conditions he has."

Moreover, talking in the prehistoric world will also be monitored by the supreme god of the realm of the gods, and the conversation in the chaos world will not be leaked.

"And I, Zhao Immortal!" Zao Wou-Ki interrupted at the right time.

Without complete certainty, Xiao Yun didn't want to go to jail like them.

"Actually, Zhunti is still very good at communicating!" Tongtian Sect Master suddenly said: "This guy is famous for not wanting face, he only cares about his interests. As long as you have enough interests to impress him, it is not impossible for him to spread the word."

Xiao Yun suddenly looked at Zao Wou-Ki and said with a smile, "You were a Western Buddhist student back then, and you were given priority to cultivate by Zhun Ti, why don't you try to persuade him to try it?"

"Actually, part of Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world has been restored. Hongjun can definitely hear us when we speak in the prehistoric world. Just like when Brother Xiao threatened Hongjun before, didn't Hongjun respond?" Zhang Xiaofan said suddenly.

Only the Dou Sheng, the gray-robed world lord, and the ancestor Yang Mei were suppressed by the supreme god of life, unable to move.

"Yuanshi Tianzun!" Xiao Yun immediately blurted out.

"It's not difficult to Tu Sheng, but what is difficult is how to get him to be willing to help you spread the word to Hong Jun." Master Tongtian reminded.

Tongtian sect master pondered: "It's not difficult to kill the saint, although there is a supreme being, you can stop him by just going over. And your deity is in the prehistoric world, even if your strength is weakened, it is still very easy to kill a Heavenly Dao Sage. , not to mention being a helper for the teacher.”

The Dou Sheng Evil Corpse grinned and said, "It would be great if we could contact those two guys, Hong Jun and Heavenly Emperor, and let them resist together to contain most of the power of Heavenly Dao, the realm of the gods."

"But the Realm of the Gods now has the initiative, and they can mobilize some power from the world of Jiuxiao Continent at any time." Tongtian Sect Master reminded.

Tongtian Sect Master turned his head to look in the direction of Honghuang World, his eyes were a little complicated, and he whispered: "Someone has actually seen Hongjun more than once."

"Heavenly Dao of the Realm of the Gods suppressed them to such an extent that they couldn't be contacted at all." Xiao Yun shook his head.

"My dear, you can actually think of such a method." The Dou Sheng evil corpse stared at the words.

The Master Tongtian sighed: "Forget about Yuanshi Tianzun, Xiao Yun has killed him twice, and he still has a grudge against me. It's impossible to persuade him."

Xiao Yun and Dou Sheng both looked at Tongtian Cult Master.

Xiao Yun looked at Dou Sheng's evil corpse. This guy also has a good corpse in Huaguo Mountain. It is convenient to contact Zhunti. Anyway, there is no need for him to not want to enter the prehistoric world. The feeling of being rejected by Heavenly Dao is very uncomfortable.

Xiao Yun smiled and said: "Dou Sheng, have you forgotten that the true spirits of Heavenly Dao Sage are placed in the origin of Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world? As long as they are killed, their true spirits will return to the prehistoric under the protection of Hongmeng Ziqi. The origin of Heavenly Dao in the world will naturally be able to see Hongjun at that time."

Zao Wou-Ki touched his chin and said, "By the way, how many Heavenly Dao Sages are there in the prehistoric world?"

"Sanqing has completely disappeared." Tongtian sect master snorted coldly, even if Sanqing did not disappear, he would not be able to move Yuanshi Tianzun.

"When you kill him, call me one!" Zhao Wuji gritted his teeth.

He didn't want Xiao Yun to take risks. After all, Dou Sheng and the others were suppressed, and it had nothing to do with their master and apprentice.

"So, our choices are only Zhunti and Yuanshi Tianzun." Fighting Saint Evil Corpse said.

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