In the spotlight, Xiao Yun finally stepped into the grave of marriage.

As the best man, Zao Wou-Ki blocked everyone's toasts for Xiao Yun when he took the two daughters to BYD.

"Something's wrong, when did this guy support Brother Xiao so strongly? Was he beaten by Brother Xiao recently?" Liu Tiandu asked in the crowd.

Qin Shisan smiled and said: "You don't know, Brother Xiao gave him the Pangu banner. This is the treasure of Innate. This guy has to go up and kneel and lick."

"It's my turn to kneel and lick!" Liu Tiandu looked envious and jealous.

"Let me just say, Brother Xiao is his Gold Finger, and this guy is the protagonist of destiny." Ye Qilin also envied.


a few days later.

Chaos world.

Xiao Yun brought the two daughters, Zhang Xiaofan, Zao Wou-Ki, the others, and a group of kendo practitioners from the Dugu family into the kendo universe.

"The most perfect Universe Kendo!" In the crowd, Jian Zun looked at this new big world with fiery eyes, looking very excited.

"I feel that my practice here has sped up a lot!" Dugu Baitian also exclaimed.

The two chose to integrate into the Kendo Universe without hesitation.

Di Tian looked at Xiao Yun and said doubtfully, "Teacher, we are not in kendo, what are you bringing us here for?"

Xiao Yun also brought Di Tian, ​​Lei Zu, and Indestructible Old Ancestor over this time.

Because he wants to give these people a big chance.

I saw Xiao Yun stretched out his hand to probe, and there were six primordial purple qi in his hand. He smiled and looked at Di Tian and the others, and said, "This is the primordial purple qi, and you all know the effect. I brought you here, just want to ask. I ask you, would you like to be the Heavenly Dao Sage of my big world?"

Di Tian, ​​Lei Zu, Indestructible Old Ancestor, Lin Xiaoya, Xi Chunyu and their aptitudes are just like that. There may be a chance to be promoted to Tianzun, but it is impossible to be promoted to Immortal.

So, Xiao Yun hopes that they can become Heavenly Dao Sage, so that at least as long as his Kendo Universe is not destroyed, these people will not die.

"There is such a good thing, of course I am willing!" Di Tian was stunned when he heard the words, and then blurted out.

Lei Zu and Indestructible Old Ancestor also nodded quickly.

Just kidding, being able to become Heavenly Dao Sage, in the Kendo Universe, even has the strength of a world master, and it can be immortal, they are stupid and they don't want to.

After all, they are still very self-aware, knowing that with their talent, it is destined to be difficult to become an Immortal powerhouse.

"When did the holy position of Heavenly Dao become so worthless? It really is a man who has attained the Tao and ascended to heaven!" Not far away, the leader of Heavenly Dao couldn't help sighing when he saw this scene.

He thought of the scene when Hongjun released Hongmeng Purple Qi in Zixiao Palace, the demon master Kunpeng and the ancestor of Ming He were eager to see through, envious and jealous.

How precious is the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

It's like Xiao Yun is now sending it out like a Chinese cabbage.

Of course, if you want to be sanctified, it is not enough to have Hongmeng Purple Qi. At the very least, Cultivation Base must first reach the Heavenly Venerate Realm, and then they must have great merit to help them refine Hongmeng Purple Qi.

However, Xiao Yun couldn't help it, because he was the Heavenly Dao controller of the Kendo Universe, and giving Di Tian their merits was not just a matter of words, and he could also raise their Cultivation Base to the Heavenly Venerate Realm abruptly.

Of course, this kind of forced Ascension Cultivation Base belongs to the kind of seedlings and encouragement, and it belongs to the kind of destruction of the foundation. Basically, there will be no more Ascension in the future. But to Di Tian and the others, they didn't care at all. After all, as long as they could become holy, they wouldn't have to cultivate again in the future.

Within a few years, six Heavenly Dao Sages were born in Xiao Yun's Kendo Universe: Lin Xiaoya, Xi Chunyu, Lei Zu, Di Tian, ​​Indestructible Ancestor, and Nanhai Yun.

The immigrant army of Jiuxiao Continent and Honghuang World also smoothly integrated into Kendo Universe.

Among these immigrants, not only those who practice kendo, but also some mortals and Demonic Beasts, which makes Xiao Yun's kendo universe more and more complete.

Xiao Yun's Chaos Avenue also broke through to Realm, the realm.

"Boy, your Chaos Dao has finally made a breakthrough, how is your strength now?" The Dou Sheng evil corpse sensed Xiao Yun's breakthrough and came to ask immediately.

Tongtian Sect Master, Zhang Xiaofan, Zao Wuji and the others also came.

Hearing this, Xiao Yun felt the condition of his body and said with a smile: "The Chaos Avenue is very compatible with my Eternal Body, so the Ascension is very large, and my current combat power has surpassed that of the Peak World Lord. According to Dou Sheng The division should belong to the Wudi world master level."

"Isn't that the same level as that old Hongjun?" Even though Dou Sheng had expected it, he couldn't help but take a breath at the moment.

It was really shocking, after all, Xiao Yun had only been promoted to the world master, and he had this kind of strength, which was terrifying.

The old guy Hongjun, but he has cultivated for countless years before he has such strength.

"Hahaha, Tu'er, maybe you are the one of us who has the most opportunity to prove the eternal Tao." Tongtian sect master also laughed excitedly.

Xiao Yun smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "I have a headache when it comes to preaching the Eternal. I only understand now that it is correct to concentrate on cultivation."

"What's going on?" Tongtian Cult Master asked in surprise.

Xiao Yun sighed: "When my Universe Kendo was promoted to Realm, I felt that my Universe Kendo was the most perfect, and I had the urge to prove it for eternity. Now, I feel that my Chaos Avenue is also the most perfect. Yes, it's really hard to decide."

"Who told you that you like to become stronger!" Dou Sheng corpse smiled and said: "This is inevitable, every kind of cultivation to the realm, you will feel the most perfect. Just like your master Heavenly Emperor is very good. Smart, he got the Heart Code from you, so he won't go to cultivation."

Xiao Yun squinted at Dou Sheng's corpse: "Didn't you also cultivate "The Book of Heart"!"

"My grandson is just for reference. Only the Immortal-level spiritual avenue will not have any impact on my grandson's power path." Dou Sheng Evil Corpse said a little proudly.

Xiao Yun sighed helplessly. He had actually expected such a result.

But Xiao Yun still chooses to cultivate various avenues, because he pursues the strongest strength, as long as he can strengthen his strength, he will go to cultivation.

"It seems that I specialize in Samsara Dao is the most wise, Xiao Yun, although you are stronger than me, but in the end it is Wuzhao Wudi who proves the eternal Dao." Zao Wou-Ki suddenly spoke, showing a sense of existence there.

Xiao Yun didn't bother to pay attention to him, looked at the fighting corpse and said, "Although cultivating multiple paths will interfere with my eternity, but if you are strong, you will stand tall, and if you stand tall, you will see far away. , each with its own pros and cons.”

"What you said also makes sense, you can see farther if you stand tall, but you still have to choose a way to prove the way for eternity." Dou Sheng Evil Corpse pondered.

Xiao Yun nodded, taking that last step, he had to choose a target.

However, Xiao Yun is not in a hurry now. When his time and space avenue is also promoted to Realm, his strength will be stronger, and maybe there will be a different discovery at that time.

"Boy, your strength has become stronger now, go to the battlefield of the two realms to see if you can rescue us." Dou Sheng suddenly said.

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