Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1270 Fighting The Holy Evil Corpse

After Xiao Yun came to the Chaos Realm, he threw Zao Wou-Ki out to recover his injuries. This guy has been promoted to Immortal, and he can absorb the energy of Chaos in the Chaos Realm to recover his injuries very quickly.

"It's not the first time for me to come to Chaos World, but this time is the easiest time." The Master Tongtian absorbed the surrounding Chaos energy and felt extremely comfortable.

In the past, when he came to the Chaos World, he had to use the Innate treasure to resist the surrounding chaotic energy. These chaotic energies were regarded as tigers by him, making them Heavenly Dao Sage extremely jealous.

But now, these chaotic energies are treasures to him, which can absorb and supplement his own consumption.

"Immortal, the realm master is in the chaos realm, like a duck in water." Xiao Yun said with a smile.

Not far away, the three Wujie are also recovering their injuries. They can also refine the chaotic energy and absorb it to supplement the consumption of mental energy.

Xiao Yun looked at them and opened his palm to reveal the Seven Prison Towers.

Wujie's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Xiao Yun in shock: "You... have you been promoted to the world master?"

"If you don't get promoted to the World Lord, do you think the Realm of the Gods will retreat?" Tongtian Sect Master next to him said with a smile.

Xiao Yun smiled slightly. After he was promoted to the World Lord, he had completely refined the Seven Prison Tower.

At this time, as long as he thought about it, the prisoners in the seventh prison would be released.


Under Xiao Yun's control, a familiar figure suddenly appeared, it was Wujie's apprentice Sacred Heart.

"Sacred Heart!"


When the two teachers met, they could not help crying with joy.

The other two Xinli Immortal next to him also smiled.

"Your spiritual world no longer exists. What are you going to do with the remaining people in the Seven Prisons?" Xiao Yun waited until Wujie master and apprentice recovered before asking.

Wujie seems to have thought about this issue for a long time, and said quickly: "We want to settle in the world of Jiuxiao Continent. Of course, if you don't allow it, we can also go to the world of Honghuang."

"Just in Jiuxiao Continent, but you three Immortals are not allowed to step into the world of Jiuxiao Continent. In fact, I don't need to say, you also know that you are outsiders after all. Once the Heavenly Dao of Jiuxiao Continent World gets rid of the repression, naturally they will not. Allow you to appear in the world of Jiuxiao Continent again." Xiao Yun said.

The three Wujie nodded quickly, it was nothing if they didn't enter the world of Jiuxiao Continent, he just built an Immortal Cave near the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

"Huh? Dou Sheng actually has a clone in Chaos World!"

Xiao Yun suddenly sensed something and rushed towards the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

Tongtian Sect Master and Wujie also followed.

After a while, they saw Dou Sheng's Immortal Cave near the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

This Immortal Cave has been set up by Dou Sheng to block the influx of chaotic energy.

Dou Sheng's corpse is here at the moment, watching Xiao Yun and the others come in.

"You're running very fast, my old grandson's corpse in Huaguo Mountain was about to find you, but you went straight to the Chaos Realm." The Dou Sheng corpse glared at Xiao Yun and said.

Xiao Yun sneered and said, "I thought you were suppressed by the Supreme God together."

"It is the deity who is suppressed. My grandson's good and evil corpses are only Wudi quasi-sages, and it is useless to go." Dou Sheng's evil corpse pouted.

The leader of Tongtian sighed on the side: "It is good to prove the Dao with strength, and you can keep the two corpses of good and evil. Like me, the three corpses combined into one Immortal, there is only one deity."

"Tongtian, congratulations on being promoted to Immortal, my grandson has long guessed that among you Heavenly Dao Sages, only you have the best chance to be promoted to Immortal, that's right." Dou Sheng Evil Corpse laughed.

"I can't compare to you. It's too deep to hide, and you're the world master before you know it." Tongtian sect leader shook his head.

Who would have thought that the monkey who was played by Heaven and Buddhism together in Journey to the West, unexpectedly became the second person in the prehistoric world, second only to the old monster Hongjun, and even the ancestor Yang Mei was only on the same level as Dou Sheng That's it.

"Dou Sheng, how is the situation on the battlefield between the two realms now? Those supreme gods don't seem to have retreated yet." Xiao Yun changed the subject and asked.

Although the Dou Sheng deity has been suppressed, he and the corpse can still communicate with each other.

I saw the Dou Sheng corpse looking in the direction of the battlefield of the two realms, frowning and said: "Those supreme gods have not given up, they are still suppressing us, although because of the promotion of Taishang and Nuwa, Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world has become stronger. , but now the supreme god of destiny has also gone to the world of Jiuxiao Continent to suppress it, so there is no way for Heavenly Dao to get rid of the suppression."

"What's the use of such suppression? Now that even the supreme gods of destiny can't take action, how can they invade the prehistoric world with their strength in the realm of the gods?" Xiao Yun wondered.

The Dou Sheng corpse waved his hand and said, "How would my grandson know? However, my old grandson speculates that Heavenly Dao in the Realm of the Gods instinctively drives it to want to devour Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world and Heavenly Dao in the world of Jiuxiao Continent, although now Can't see hope, but it doesn't mean that there is no hope in the future. What if a super genius appears in the realm of the gods? You know, Heavenly Dao doesn't care about time, they can wait completely. And, now After finally suppressing Heavenly Dao in the Great Desolate World and Heavenly Dao in the Jiuxiao Continent World together, of course it will not be so easy to let go, after all, there is no second chance like this."

"In that case, you will continue to go to jail!" Xiao Yun said while rubbing his chin.

The Dou Sheng Evil Corpse glared at him and said angrily: "It's not a good thing you did, my old grandson suddenly discovered that this time all of us have lost, but you have made a lot of money, not only solved the problem of Jiuxiao Continent. Your safety has also increased greatly, and even the good fortune jade plate of old Hongjun has been tricked by you."

The more and more the fighting corpse said, the more envious, envious and hated it became.

I think he used the belief of the world of Jiuxiao Continent and cultivated hard for countless years before he was promoted to the world master.

How long has this kid Xiao Yun been cultivating? Has the millennium come? It doesn't seem to be there.

This is the world master, and the good fortune jade plate, the treasure of chaos, has surpassed him in strength.

"Ahem, Dou Sheng, let's discuss how to let you out." Xiao Yun quickly changed the subject.

"How to let it go? Those supreme gods have half-step eternal strength. Your kid is at most a little stronger than my old grandson, and you will be suppressed as if you came here." Dou Sheng Evil Corpse snorted coldly.

Xiao Yun said with a smile: "I'm just breaking through the universe kendo to Realm, the realm. When my Chaos Dao is promoted to Realm, my strength will still be Ascension. Moreover, when the time comes, my underground gate will be completely opened, and my strength will be completely acceptable. Ascension a notch."

"That is equivalent to Hongjun, at most slightly stronger than Hongjun, but still Wudi world master, still not half step eternal level."

Dou Sheng Evil Corpse looked at Xiao Yun, narrowed his eyes and said, "Unless your kid's space-time avenue has also broken through to the world master level, summoned the future body, the past body, and the three bodies of your deity become one, maybe you can step into the half step eternity level."

"That's probably a little difficult. The speed of my cultivation on the Avenue of Time and Space is a little slow." Xiao Yun spread his hands helplessly. In fact, his cultivation of the Avenue of Time and Space is not slow, but compared to the existence of the Universe Kendo and Chaos Avenue, it's just that seems much slower.

"By the way, I found the prototype of Heavenly Dao in the good fortune jade plate, which opened up the Kendo Universe."

Xiao Yun said suddenly.

The Dou Sheng corpse suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed in disbelief: "Heavenly Dao prototype? Is that guy Hongjun an idiot? He has a Heavenly Dao prototype, but he doesn't refine it? Oh, my old grandson understands. Well, this old guy must be too ambitious, tsk tsk, it’s so cool, this old guy lost a lot this time, it’s so cool, I guess this old guy is bleeding right now, hahaha!”

Dou Sheng couldn't help laughing at the schadenfreude.

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