Xiao Yun then opened Kendo Universe and let Dousheng Evil Corpse go in and observe it.

"Wonderful, it's wonderful. In this big world, you are the controller of Heavenly Dao. Once an Immortal is born in this big world, your strength is estimated to be able to ascend to Half step Eternal Realm."

The Dou Sheng Evil Corpse said with envy and hatred on his face.

Heavenly Dao controller, this is the most perfect way to get along.

The old guy Hongjun spent countless years, but he made Xiao Yun a wedding dress.

The envy in Dou Sheng's heart is simply not to mention.

He used to think that when he cooperated with Heavenly Emperor, he only used an escape that was useless to him to exchange for the opportunity to be promoted to the world master, which was really a big profit.

But now compared with Xiao Yun, it is nothing compared to nothing.

People picked up a treasure of chaos for nothing, but also easily became the master of Heavenly Dao, which is completely a Ying Family of life.

"Dou Sheng, I found a use of Kendo Universe, as long as I kill the enemy in it, I can devour everything of the enemy, including the Dao Law they comprehend." Xiao Yun said suddenly.

Dou Sheng Evil Corpse smiled and said: "This is normal, now this Kendo Universe is your inner world, and what it swallows will naturally feed back to you. When it is transplanted into the Chaos World, the relationship between you and it belongs to sharing. Relationship, when the Dao Law it devours, you will at most comprehend it more easily, and it is impossible to directly swallow it like now and have it."

"In that case, the inner world is better. As long as I kill Yang Mei's ancestor in it, my time and space avenue can be promoted to the realm of the realm immediately." Xiao Yun pondered.

The Tongtian Sect Master and others next to him were all shocked. Good guy, he was actually thinking about Yang Mei's ancestor, that was the peak world master, and Xiao Yun had the courage to do so.


Hearing the words, the Dou Sheng evil corpse cursed with hatred: "You kid is really an idiot, even if you devour more Dao Laws, it can make you stronger, but it won't help you to prove Tao Eternity at all, and even It will affect your preaching for eternity."

"On the contrary, transplant this Kendo Universe into the Chaos World and let it grow rapidly, and you can advance to Half Step Eternity through it, and you can also feel the Eternal Chaos Avenue at close range, which is very helpful for you to prove Tao Eternity. Big."

"Boy, take a long-term view." After Dou Sheng Evil Corpse educated Xiao Yun, he patted his head.

Xiao Yun was speechless, feeling that he had been insulted.

Forget it, for the sake of Dou Sheng helping him before, I will spare this monkey, otherwise he really wants to taste the taste of the world master level monkey brain.

"Teacher, Dou Sheng is right, proving the Tao is our ultimate goal!" Tongtian sect master also said seriously at this time.

Xiao Yun nodded, then sighed lightly: "I was going to transplant the Kendo Universe to the Chaos Realm after I swallowed Yang Mei's ancestor."

"You have no chance. Ancestor Yang Mei was suppressed by the supreme god of the realm of the gods. If you go to jail with him now, you should develop your kendo universe with peace of mind. This is your right path." grinned.

Xiao Yun nodded helplessly, and immediately, under everyone's attention, he directly transplanted the Kendo Universe near Jiuxiao Continent, so that it would be easier to immigrate from Honghuang World and Jiuxiao Continent world in the future.

The next moment, the chaotic energy surged wildly, and a world smaller than the world of Jiuxiao Continent appeared in the vicinity of Honghuang World and Jiuxiao Continent World.

With the influx of chaotic energy, Xiao Yun's Kendo Universe finally evolves into Feng Shui fire, and the Kendo Universe itself is also growing. Many Stars appear in the inner void, and a huge Universe is taking shape.

Some life is also being born, but intelligent life has not yet been born.

After all, the Kendo Universe has only just begun to breed life, and it is impossible to give birth to intelligent life so quickly.

"Your universe is suitable for kendo cultivation. My old grandson, the monkey monkey grandson, also has cultivation kendo. When the time comes, send them in, and you can take care of my old grandson." Dou Sheng Evil Corpse said aside.

Xiao Yun naturally agreed simply. After all, this is also good for him. The more species, the better the development of Kendo Universe.

"Teacher, this Universe has a great bonus to Jianxiu. As long as I promote it in the prehistoric world, there will definitely be many Jianxiu willing to join in."

The Master Tongtian smiled and said, "Especially that kid Lu Dongbin, with his talent, if he cultivates in this Kendo Universe, he might have a good chance of being promoted to Immortal."

"That's a genius of human teaching, can you fool... find him to come in?" Xiao Yun was naturally impressed by Lu Dongbin, and the other party did have the opportunity to be promoted to Immortal.

The Master Tongtian smiled and said, "It was naturally impossible before, but now Taishang has merged with Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world. He no longer cares about people's teachings. Do you think a mere Grand Master Xuandu can still manage Lu Dongbin?"

"Then I will trouble Shizun." Xiao Yun nodded.

At the same time, he also began to contact the Chaos Sacred Land in Jiuxiao Continent, preparing to promote the practice of kendo on a large scale, and also began to immigrate.

Xiao Yun does not dare to enter Jiuxiao Continent now. After all, there are three supreme gods there, who knows if they still have the energy to suppress him.

However, Xiao Yun sent a person to enter the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

The world of Jiuxiao Continent is now peaceful.

Although Heavenly Dao in the world of Jiuxiao Continent was suppressed, it had no effect on the creatures in the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

At most, the strength of some strong people has been suppressed.

However, the group of guys in the realm of the gods only dared to stay in the battlefield of the two realms, and did not dare to invade the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

Because when they come, they will be suppressed even more miserably.

"Brother Xiao, what's the situation now?" When Xiao Yun returned to the Holy City of Chaos, Zhang Xiaofan and his party came over.

The Three Emperors, Jian Zun, Wu Chaozu and others all came.

"Don't worry, it's all right now!" Xiao Yun said Dou Sheng's speculation with a smile.

Everyone felt a lot more at ease. Although Heavenly Emperor was still being suppressed, they were used to it. Anyway, Heavenly Emperor had been suppressed for millions of years, so he probably got used to it himself.

"As you can see, I have opened up the Kendo Universe. In my world, practicing Kendo will have a bonus effect, so I plan to promote Kendo in the prehistoric world and attract more Kendo practitioners to enter the Kendo Universe." Xiao Yun Then talk about immigration.

Zhang Xiaofan and the others will naturally not stop them, they are not Heavenly Dao Sage, they will not consider Heavenly Dao in the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

"Teacher, leave the immigration matters to Dugu Baitian. You said that after you were promoted to the world master, you would marry those two girls. Now you are the world master..." At this time, Di Tian left. came and said.

Along with him were Lei Zu, and the immortal ancestor who had just ascended not long ago. Several old guys stared at Xiao Yun together, they had been looking forward to the little chaos body for a long time.

Although Xiao Tianci also created a chaotic body, that kid was not interested in women, which really made them feel helpless.

"Did I say this at the beginning?" Xiao Yun looked at Di Tian and the others in confusion, with a secret headache in his heart.

At the beginning, he did not expect that he would be promoted to the world master so quickly.




Di Tian, ​​Lei Zu, and Indestructible Old Ancestor almost spoke in unison.

Xiao Yun smiled wryly.

Zhang Xiaofan and others next to him also watched this scene cheerfully, it was rare for them to see Xiao Yun like this, and they were also looking forward to Xiao Yun's wedding.

They have struggled for so many years, and now that the world of Jiuxiao Continent is finally at peace, it is a perfect time to have a happy event.

"Okay, let me think about it... Hey, don't drag me, ah ah!" Xiao Yun was dragged away by Di Tian and others before he finished speaking.

Pity him, a world lord, if he hadn't cared about the old arms and legs of these three old men, he could blow them up with a single fart.

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