Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1269 Prepare To Immigrate

"It seems that after I was promoted to Immortal, the Realm of the Gods knew that the invasion was hopeless, so I immediately chose to retreat."

In midair, after Zhao Wuji was shocked, he quickly reacted.

Although his promotion to Immortal can be concealed from others, it must not be concealed from those supreme gods. Once the supreme god knows, he will definitely notify the masters of the realm of the gods.

After all, when Zhao Wudi was not promoted to Immortal, he was able to fight against the Lord of Light. Now that he is promoted to Immortal, it must be stepping on the Lord of Light and punching the Lord of Darkness.

Those supreme gods must have known this and felt that they could no longer invade the prehistoric world, so they chose to retreat immediately.

It must be so.

Zao Wou-Ki regained confidence in his eyes. With his hands on his back, he stepped on the reduced version of the Golden Light Avenue and rushed towards the Biyou Palace.

At the same time, the breath on his body was constantly recovering, gradually returning to Immortal Realm.

He is imitating the Samsara Avenue in the prehistoric world, thereby deceiving the Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world.

This method surprised Xiao Yun who was watching from far away in Biyou Palace.

"It's interesting, he can actually simulate the Samsara Avenue in the prehistoric world. If he can also simulate the Samsara in other worlds, wouldn't it be possible to not fear the suppression of Heavenly Dao in other worlds?" Xiao Yun was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Lao Zhao still had this hand.

In this way, Zao Wou-Ki will be able to maintain his Immortal combat power when he enters other big worlds, which is very impressive.

After all, many Immortals are suppressed when they enter other worlds.

Like the masters who escaped before, it is because of this.

The way that is not suppressed, Xiao Yun now only knows about the space-time avenue, the physical body, and the mental power.

Now, add Zao Wou-Ki's Samsara Avenue.

"If that's the case, then I'll see how good you are!" Xiao Yun rolled his eyes and immediately retracted his past body that was fighting Taishang in the distance.

At the same time, he opened the Kendo Universe, isolating the Biyou Palace.

"Huh? Where is this?" Tongtian Sect Master was the first to discover the situation of Kendo Universe, and his pupils could not help shrinking.

Xiao Yun smiled and said, "This is the big world I created, using the good fortune jade plate."

He told the Heavenly Dao prototype in the good fortune jade plate to the master of the sky.

"Hongjun has suffered a big loss this time." Tongtian Sect Master was stunned for a moment, then he understood the reason, and suddenly laughed with a cheerful expression on his face.

Xiao Yun waved his hand, and the sky suddenly showed the scene of the prehistoric world.

"Where's Biyou Palace?" Zao Wou-Ki has already walked over the Golden Light Avenue to the sky above Biyou Palace. He was going to show off to Xiao Yun, so that he would know that I, Zhao Wudi, have also been promoted to Immortal. Both are the same Realm.

Moreover, Zao Wou-Ki felt that after he was promoted to Immortal, his strength should not be much weaker than Xiao Yun, and at most he was inferior to Magic Treasures. After all, Xiao Yun had too many Innate treasures.

But the Biyou Palace in front of him suddenly disappeared from Zhao Wuji's sight, which surprised him.

"what happened?"

Zhao Wuji's eyes narrowed, he guessed it was Xiao Yun's ghost, after all, he sensed Xiao Yun's breath in Biyou Palace just now, but the question is, how did Xiao Yun get Biyou Palace gone?

With his current Immortal Realm, he couldn't even understand it.

Biyou Palace seemed to disappear out of thin air.


Just when Zao Wuji was in shock, a tyrannical aura came from not far away.

Zhao Wuji turned his head and stared at him, but he saw that it was too much. His indifferent eyes were staring at Zhao Wuji coldly, and he immediately urged the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth to crash towards Zhao Wuji.

At the same time, a huge Tai Chi map, Shrouding the Heavens, blocked the sun and blocked Zao Wou-Ki's retreat.

"Fuck, my own!"

Zhao Wuji let out a roar and hurriedly sacrificed some of the Innate Spirit Treasures on his body, but unfortunately, these Innate Spirit Treasures were directly blasted away by the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and some were even smashed directly. level.

"What the hell, daddy was helping you deal with the Realm of the Gods just now, and you turned your face so quickly?" Zhao Wuji scolded Taishang angrily.

However, there was no mood swing in Taishang's eyes, he was just a Heavenly Dao instinct in the prehistoric world, and Zao Wou-Ki was now the only Immortal of another world in the prehistoric world, and if there was a threat to it, it was necessary to eradicate it.

"In charge of Samsara - look at my god-king Wudi fist!"

Seeing that Taishang was about to kill him, Zhao Wuji was completely enraged. He roared and waved his golden fists, carrying a terrifying wave of laws, and bombarded the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.

"Boom boom boom!"

The Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth trembled constantly, and waves of terrifying power fluctuations swept across the four directions, shaking the entire prehistoric world.

It's a pity that Zao Wou-Ki's powerful punch was still unable to break through the defense of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

After all, this is an absolute defense that even the Death Lord cannot break.

What's more, Taishang has reached the Realm of the Realm at this moment, and can borrow the power of Heavenly Dao, the strength is comparable to the top Realm.

It is also now that Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world has been suppressed by Heavenly Dao in the realm of the gods. Otherwise, Taishang is the supreme god of the prehistoric world, and even Hongjun has to avoid the edge for a while.

Therefore, Zao Wou-Ki's fate is obvious.

He was almost beaten down by too much.

"Why do I have to be beaten every time I get stronger?"

Zao Wou-Ki could not help but cry without tears.


Kendo Universe.

Immortal, the three hearts of Wujie, were also here. They all felt the chill behind their backs when they saw the tragic scene of Zao Wou-Ki being beaten.

Xiao Yun, this guy even cheats on his own brother... he can't be messed with!

At this moment, the Wujie trio's fear of Xiao Yun increased to a higher level.

Moreover, seeing the kendo universe created by Xiao Yun with their own eyes made them even more afraid of Xiao Yun.

Because as long as this Kendo Universe develops, Xiao Yun's strength will be very terrifying.

"Are you cheating on him like that?" Inside Biyou Palace, Tongtian Sect Master also looked at Xiao Yun with a speechless expression.

Now he also knows about the relationship between Zhao Wuji and Xiao Yun, but when he thinks of Xiao Yun's harassment of Zhao Wuji on the battlefield between the two realms, he is a little strange. Could it be that good brothers are used to harass him?

"Master, don't mind, this guy is used to it. If I hadn't tempered him often, he wouldn't have been promoted to Immortal so quickly. Besides, you see, he's been fine after being beaten by the boss for so long now, so it can be seen that he is in Immortal. It is also extremely strong, this is the effect of my many years of tempering him." Xiao Yun said with a smile.

"..." Tongtian Sect Master was speechless.

Immediately, the Master Tongtian looked at the Kendo Universe in front of him again, and looking at the Kendo Universe that was still in its initial state, the Master Tongtian asked, "Why hasn't this great world evolved yet?"

"Right now, this world is just my inner world. Only by transplanting it into the Chaos Realm can it absorb the energy of the Chaos Realm, and then formally evolve into the Feng Shui fire to give birth to all creatures." Xiao Yun explained.

The inner world means that he can take the world everywhere, and he can use the world to trick people at any time, such as killing and destroying the master. Without the help of the inner world, it is almost impossible for him to kill the destroyer, and people can escape even if they cannot beat him.

But in this way, the energy of the Chaos Realm cannot be absorbed, and the birth of all creatures must rely on Xiao Yun's own energy, which takes too much time.

And like the prehistoric world and the Jiuxiao continent world, transplanted into the chaos world, it can absorb the energy of the chaos world, so that it is easier to give birth to all creatures.

"When are you going to transplant them into the Chaos Realm?" Tongtian Sect Master narrowed his eyes and asked.

Xiao Yun asked suspiciously, "Is there something wrong with Shizun?"

"There are many opportunities in the initial world, and there will be many Innate spirit treasures, even Innate treasures. If possible, I would like to transfer all the disciples to your Kendo Universe." Tongtian Cult Master said.

Hearing this, Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "Master, my kendo universe is a bit special. In my universe, cultivation kendo is easier to succeed. Although other ways can be cultivated, they will all be suppressed by kendo."

"Then relocate half of the disciples who are intercepting the teaching. There are also many who are cultivating kendo in our teaching!" Tongtian sect master laughed. He is good at sword formation, and there are naturally many disciples who cultivate kendo. After all, sword formation is also a branch of kendo. .

"It's so good!" Xiao Yun nodded, of course he wouldn't stop this kind of good thing. With the integration of the disciples, his kendo universe will develop faster.

In fact, he also plans to relocate some kendo practitioners in Jiuxiao Continent.

After all, in his Kendo Universe, cultivation Kendo is rewarded.

"There is also Yunxiao, let her also integrate into your Kendo Universe. She has already cut off her obsession. As long as she cuts off her kindness, it will be very fast to become Immortal. At that time, it will also enhance your Kendo Universe." said.

Xiao Yun's eyes lit up, and he naturally knew that the birth of an Immortal in the world would greatly enhance the origin of the world.

Just like Hongjun suppressed the prehistoric world Heavenly Dao for countless years, and as a result, the leader of Tongtian had just been promoted to Immortal, and the prehistoric world Heavenly Dao got rid of Hongjun's suppression.

"It's a pity that Zao Wou-Ki was promoted ahead of schedule!" Xiao Yun shook his head regretfully as he looked at Zao Wou-Ki who was being beaten up in the Great Desolate World.

However, there are other options.

Take Jian Zun, for example, this is the seedling of the firm Immortal, and he is also a practitioner of Kendo, so integrating into his Kendo Universe can be said to be the best of both worlds.

By the way, there is also the eldest nephew of Dugu Baitian. His Talent is very high, and he also has the opportunity to be promoted to Immortal.

Xiao Yun felt that after returning to Jiuxiao Continent, he needed to promote kendo more.

In an instant, it is also popularized in the prehistoric world.

He wants to suck blood from these two worlds and absorb the elite talents of these two worlds to develop his own Kendo Universe.

Needless to say on Jiuxiao Continent, it was his territory, and it was a matter of his words.

As for the prehistoric world...

The four old guys, Taishang, Hongjun, Dou Sheng, and Yang Mei Patriarch still threaten him, but Dou Sheng will definitely not care about this kind of thing. hunt him.

What Taishang is driving is the instinct of Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world. As long as he doesn't come to promote Kendo in person and let the Master of Heavenly Dao promote it on his behalf, then it will be fine.

As for Hongjun, don't worry about this old guy. He has suppressed the prehistoric world for so many years, and has long been regarded as the first blacklist by the prehistoric world Heavenly Dao. repression.

"Hey, disciple, what are you thinking? If you don't care about it, Zhao Wuji will be beaten to death by Tai Shang." The voice of Tongtian Cult Master suddenly interrupted Xiao Yun's thoughts.

Xiao Yun looked up and saw that Zao Wou-Ki in the prehistoric world had been stunned by the aura of being beaten up, and his body was covered in injuries, and he was about to lose his strength.

"Poor baby!" Xiao Yun immediately urged the good fortune jade plate to blast away the blockade of Taijitu, grabbed Zao Wuji and dragged him into Kendo Universe.

At this time, Taishang also discovered Xiao Yun's Kendo Universe, but at this moment, Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world was suppressed by Heavenly Dao in the realm of the gods. The power he could borrow was limited and could not threaten Xiao Yun at all.

Xiao Yun then put down the Biyou Palace, and took Zao Wou-Ki away from the prehistoric world and into the Chaos Realm.

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