The true spirit of Yuanshi Tianzun was once again wrapped in the purple air of Hongmeng, and floated to the origin of Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world. He needed to be nourished for a moment in the origin of Heavenly Dao before he could be resurrected again.

"This bastard—"

Yuanshi Tianzun cursed in his heart, and he was slaughtered by Xiao Yun just after his resurrection. The anger in his heart can be imagined.

Moreover, this was the second time Xiao Yun had killed him.

By the way, his Pangu axe was also snatched by Xiao Yun.

What's more, Xiao Yun is also the apprentice of Tongtian Sect Master.

In simple words, the two are now inexhaustible.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun sighed helplessly soon, because Xiao Yun was too strong, even if he recovered Heavenly Dao Sage's Cultivation Base after being resurrected, he would not be Xiao Yun's opponent.

"It doesn't matter, whether it's Xiao Yun or Tongtian, they both offended Hongjun, this old guy will definitely not let them go." Yuanshi Tianzun cursed in his heart, and now he can only expect Hongjun to avenge him.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated Xiao Yun's strength.


Biyou Palace.

Master Tongtian was taking medicine to heal his wounds, and when he saw Xiao Yun coming over, he couldn't help but smile: "You killed Yuanshi again?"

"It's a waste, I'll kill it easily." Xiao Yun sat down carelessly, and said with a nonchalant expression on his face.

The Tongtian sect leader laughed when he heard the words, but because he was too excited, he involved the wound, which made the injury aggravated, and he coughed up blood.

"Master, are you alright?" Xiao Yun's expression changed slightly, and he quickly asked with concern.

"I was sneak attacked by the supreme god of destiny before, and it is fortunate that the master of life was in a hurry to escape from the prehistoric world, otherwise I would be dead." Tongtian sect master said helplessly.

Before the Supreme God of Fate gave up on Heavenly Dao, who suppressed the prehistoric world, He also freed up his hands, so he secretly gave Tongtian Cult Master, almost killing Tongtian Cult Master.

It is also because of this that the Master of Life escaped from the Immortal Sword Array and left the prehistoric world.

"This supreme god of destiny is very courageous. He knew that he couldn't annex Honghuang, so he left and retreated." Xiao Yun snorted coldly.

The Supreme God of Fate obviously got the news when he killed the Lord of Destruction, and then chose to give up Heavenly Dao, who suppressed the prehistoric world.

Because Xiao Yun's strength after being promoted to the world master is too strong, if he is given time, he will soon be able to kill all the remaining masters of the realm of the gods and the main gods, and no one will be his opponent.

So the supreme god of fate gave up the Heavenly Dao that suppressed the prehistoric world, and with the suppression of the Heavenly Dao of the prehistoric world, Xiao Yun's strength was weakened.

Only in this way, the masters and main gods of the realm of the gods are also suppressed, so the supreme god of destiny will take a step ahead and notify these masters and main gods to flee to the battlefield of the two realms.

The two worlds battlefield has the supreme god of destiny personally sitting in charge, Xiao Yun did not dare to go.

In the prehistoric world, although Xiao Yun's strength will be weakened a lot, the attack from the supreme god of destiny will also be weakened, and it will not threaten Xiao Yun.

But if Xiao Yun went to the battlefield between the two realms, he would end up with Dou Sheng and Yang Mei ancestors, and they would all be suppressed.

Although Xiao Yun has now opened up a big world and is the master of Heavenly Dao, the big world he just opened is still in the initial stage, and it can't give him much power.

There are only two ways for a big world to become stronger. One is to create more Immortal powerhouses inside, and the second is to devour other big worlds.

Xiao Yun's great world of kendo, now that not a single creature has been born, nor has it swallowed other great worlds, naturally there is no strength bonus.

Therefore, Xiao Yun is not qualified to face the Supreme God of Fate now.

However, Xiao Yun is not afraid of these supreme gods in the realm of the gods, as long as he does not go to the realm of the gods, these supreme gods can't help him.

"It's a pity, let the masters and the main gods escape." Tongtian sect master looked in the direction of the battlefield of the two realms, and frowned.

Those rulers were powerful, and they were notified in advance by the supreme god of destiny, so they all escaped smoothly.

The Earth-type Lord who fought Pingxin Niangniang, the Thunder-type Lord who fought with Amitābha, and the Bright Lord who fought with Li Yun also fled in advance. After all, they already had the upper hand, and it was easy to escape.

Only the three masters who fought with Wujie, the three mental power Immortals, escaped a bit simple, but they all escaped with the help of the supreme god of destiny. Not valid for those overlords.

Xiao Yun originally had a chance to catch up with one person, but was delayed by too much.

"It doesn't matter, this time they died a Destruction Lord, and I was also promoted to Realm. They are no longer able to invade the prehistoric world." Xiao Yun said with a smile.

Tongtian sect master looked at the cheap apprentice in front of him, his eyes full of admiration and pride.

He is now an Immortal, and his apprentice is a world master.

Such a good story, life has no regrets.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Xiao Yun turned to look out.

Tongtian Sect Master also followed his gaze.

Both of them sensed the birth of two Immortal energy fluctuations in the prehistoric world.

It was two new Immortals who appeared.

"It's Nuwa!" Tongtian Sect Master's eyes lit up, and then he smiled: "Nuwa finally sees her obsession."

Xiao Yun nodded. After he was promoted to the world master, Double Pupils was almost developed by him to the extreme. At this moment, time and space could no longer block his eyes. In the distance, Empress Nuwa was promoted to Immortal, and he could see it clearly.

Even the vision revealed by Nuwa Niangniang's promotion to Immortal made Xiao Yun guess Nuwa Niangniang's obsession.

Human race, demon race, this is the obsession of Empress Nuwa.

Mother Nuwa lived in the demon clan, Emperor Wa, but she became holy because of the creation of the human race. During the Lich War, in order to defeat the witch clan, the demon clan slaughtered a large number of human races, refining the witch slaughter sword and Ascension Cultivation Base, so the demon clan and the Ascension Cultivation Base were The human race forged a bloody feud.

That was the most tragic time for the human race. They sought help from the Nuwa mother, but the Nuwa mother chose not to help each other. But this kind of mutual help was actually favoring the demon race. After all, the gap between the human race and the demon race was too big at that time. Not the opponent of the demon clan at all.

This has always been a thorn in Nuwa's heart. The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, so it is difficult to choose.

Until now, Mother Nuwa finally cut off her obsession.

"I am a monster!" In the void, Empress Nuwa sighed. She personally cut off the connection between herself and the human race. She is the goddess of the human race. Even though the human race resented her back then, she still enjoyed the luck of the human race.

Now, she has cut off this fate, and has nothing to do with the human race since then.

"Although the human race was created by me, they have grown up!" Empress Nuwa cut off her obsession, merged the three corpses into one, and was promoted to Immortal Realm.

The human races in the prehistoric world all felt it, but they didn't care much. After all, Mother Nuwa also had the grace of creation for them, and she didn't take care of them at all.

The current belief of the human race in the prehistoric world is the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, who are the ancestors of human beings and the great men who cut thorns for mankind. It is precisely because of their leadership that the human race will become the protagonist of the prehistoric world.

"Zao Wou-Ki has finally been promoted to Immortal!"

Xiao Yun looked at the other place and couldn't help but be speechless.

I saw that the underworld, which was originally filled with Yin Qi, was now filled with endless golden rays of light, and the powerful Immortal Qi machine spread throughout the entire Underworld, suppressing countless ghosts and ghosts, as well as the underworld officials and soldiers to their knees.

Even Ksitigarbha, the great Buddhist monk, was crushed and unable to move.

And in the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the depths of the underworld, an avenue of golden light stretched out, and then, Zao Wou-Ki carried his hands on his back and stepped on the golden avenue, like a god king, patrolling his own territory.

"In Samsara Nirvana, I Zhao Immortal always Wudi!"

"Then it's time for me, the protagonist of destiny, to turn the tide."

Zao Wou-Ki stepped out of the underworld step by step, and the powerful Immortal Qi machine gradually spread throughout the entire prehistoric world.

But as soon as he walked out of the underworld, he was suppressed by Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world.

The golden special effects around his body suddenly shrunk a lot.

"I'm going, why is the battle over?" Zao Wuji was stunned when he saw the situation outside clearly.

The outside has long since recovered, and Lin San's gods in the Realm of the Gods who did not have time to escape were also killed.

Only Zao Wou-Ki was messed up in the wind.

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