In the palace, chaos filled the air, Xiao Yun Lotus Position sat in the palace, and hundreds of millions of stars sank in from the dome, covering him.


"Proving the Dao with strength is really amazing!" Yang Mei's eyes narrowed slightly, and then the long river of time and space behind him was revealed. A stalwart figure came from the past, and a stalwart figure went upstream from the future. Two stalwart figures Finally merge now.


This day has finally come.

"You are the ancestor Yang Mei, right? This is the first time my grandson saw you, and he said that you are very powerful, and your reputation is well-deserved." Dou Sheng stared at the ancestor Yang Mei opposite, his eyes were extremely solemn.

"Let's go and meet with the ancestor Yang Mei for a while. If you really can't stop it, you can only take that step." Xiao Yun felt the heavenly gate in his body, and then stepped out one step and merged into the layers of void.

Chaos Demon Ape was also one of the three thousand gods and demons of the year, and he was still the best among them. Ancestor Yang Mei had dealt with him, so he was full of emotion at the moment.

"Prove the Way with Strength!"

Not far from the opposite of Dou Sheng, there is an old man with crane hair standing in the void, stepping on the chaotic waves, with extraordinary momentum. Where he stood, the space was layered upon layers, like a thousand-layer cake, and a long river of time ran through it, making him seem to be in front of him, as if in the future of billions of years, and as if he had traveled through the past.

"Shit!" Dou Sheng's pupils shrank when he heard the words.

In the distance, Xiao Yun entered the Chaos Realm from the world of Jiuxiao Continent, and saw the fierce battle ahead at a glance.

Without Xiao Yun's command, Zhang Xiaofan and Wujie had already led the powerhouses of the world of Jiuxiao Continent into the battlefields of the two realms, blocking the army of the prehistoric world.

Xiao Yun's expression was solemn. He felt an unfamiliar world master's breath, and it was very powerful. He was facing the Dou Sheng outside the world of Jiuxiao Continent.


"Haha, since fellow daoist knows my heart, why don't you just retire? After all, if fellow daoist Hongjun proves that the Tao is eternal, it will be good for you and me." Ancestor Yang Mei said with a smile.

Unlike Luo Hu, who was despised by him, the Yang Mei ancestor in front of him made Dou Sheng feel a little vigilant in his heart. He was sure that the person in front of him had the strength to threaten him.


When Dou Sheng and Yang Mei ancestors fought, the army of the prehistoric world also invaded the battlefield of the two realms, preparing to attack the heaven.

"Ancestor Yang Mei, since you have already traveled to the Chaos World, why do you need to come back to this murky water?" Dou Sheng's voice was deafening, as if thunder was bombarding the world.

Ancestor Yang Mei's aura was extremely tyrannical at this moment. He was like an ancient god and demon, overlooking the Dou Sheng, and his voice was deafening: "Since you insist on doing this, let me see how strong your junior is!"

Ancestor Yang Mei smiled and said: "Hongjun fellow daoist is willing to give me the good fortune jade plate, do you think I should come back?"

Xiao Yun took a deep breath and slowly stood up.

Chaos world.

"Ancestor Yang Mei!"

"Get ready, the ancestor Yang Mei is back!" The voice of Dou Sheng sounded.

Ancestor Yang Mei was also looking at Dou Sheng, looking at the tall and majestic golden monkey in front of him, his eyes were full of emotion, he couldn't help but praise: "In those days, when the Chaos Demon Ape Fellow Daoist died, the Primordial Spirit was wiped out and his intelligence was destroyed. Divided into four, you, the Lingming Stone Monkey, was born the latest, but unexpectedly achieved the highest achievement.

Dou Sheng was not surprised by this. After all, he learned from Xiao Yun that Yang Mei's ancestors had a long time ago to discuss with the powerhouses in the world of the mind. It's not difficult.

This kind of attack is very fierce and domineering. In just a moment, it seems to destroy the sky and the earth. If it weren't for the Chaos World, I am afraid that the whole world's creatures will die here under a single strike.

"What if my old grandson wants to stop it?" Dou Sheng clenched the golden cudgel in his hand, his fiery eyes became more and more radiant, and the aura that erupted from him became more and more terrifying.

Xiao Yun Double Pupils opened spontaneously, shooting two bright beams toward the sky, piercing through layers of space, his eyes were extraordinarily fiery, like two torches, burning with blazing flames.

Sure enough, the next moment Dou Sheng's voice entered Xiao Yun's ears.

But things couldn't always go as he wished, and Yang Mei's ancestor finally returned ahead of schedule.

"It's already started!"

Dou Sheng's tall body stands in the sky, and around him, there is endless chaotic energy permeating, divine power is like a prison, he is like an eternal overlord of heaven and earth, overlooking the chaotic world, his aura is extremely terrifying, a pair of fiery eyes like two stars, The sharp eyes pass through the layers of void, and the beam is extremely bright!

"This is the way of the fellow daoist of Hongjun. No matter how successful or not, you and I should not stop it." Yang Mei's ancestor smiled and responded, although he did not think that Hongjun could successfully prove the eternal Tao by swallowing a big world, but this What does it have to do with him? All he needs to do is get a good fortune jade plate.

This is exactly the same as when he competed with the powerhouses in the world of the mind.


Although he very much hoped that the ancestor Yang Mei would come back later, when he stepped into the Realm of the realm, he would not be afraid of the ancestor Yang Mei.

He is doing his best to Insight Chaos Avenue Law, and he is getting closer and closer to the peak of Immortal.

At that time, his Universe Kendo and Chaos Avenue are both the peaks of Immortal, which is enough to take his strength to a higher level.

Dou Sheng sneered when he heard the words: "Those stupid Heavenly Dao Sage said that, that's all, your ancestor Yang Mei has been in the chaotic world for countless years and has seen many powerful big worlds. You think swallowing a few big worlds can prove it. Is it eternal?"

When the words fell, the space around Dou Sheng shattered one after another, and dazzling divine lights came from different time and space, drowning his huge body.

"Hmph, just this kind of attack is not enough to tickle my grandson."

Dou Sheng and Yang Mei's ancestor are both terrifyingly strong, and where they fought, pieces of chaotic time and space were destroyed and restored.

Dou Sheng and Yang Mei ancestors fought fiercely, and every blow was very terrifying. Except for the attack at the beginning, Yang Mei's remaining attacks can invade the virtual world, and even attack the main body of Dou Sheng without being weakened much.

Xiao Yun suddenly looked in the direction of the prehistoric world.


A cold drink sounded, Dou Sheng's body was unscathed, and the golden hoop in his hand burst into an unparalleled divine brilliance, drowning the ancestor Yang Mei in front of him.

"This is the virtual world of the great world of the mind! You actually cultivated the "Book of Heart"!" Ancestor Yang Mei's pupils shrank, and his previous attacks on Dou Sheng were all empty.

He cursed inwardly, that old boy Hongjun is really brave, and he is willing to give away such a chaotic treasure as a good fortune jade plate. It seems that in order to prove the eternity of the Tao, he decided to break the cauldron and fight the last one.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun opened his eyes, the sun and the moon were moving in his eyes, the star was on and off, and the terrifying scene that Universe was opening up.

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