Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

The 10200 And 42 Chapters Of Hongjun's Backhand

"Kill it, attack the heaven first!"

In the battlefield between the two worlds, Luo Hu took the lead in rushing forward, and the dazzling light of the deadly gun in his hand was swept away like a dark demon world swept over.

With every step forward, his aura would skyrocket.

Looking from a distance, it seems that an ancient demon god came across time and space, boundless demonic energy enveloped the entire void, the surrounding space was distorted, and countless ghosts and ghosts were roaring.

Where Luo Hu passed, it was as if Shura had descended from the demon world, and some practitioners in Jiuxiao Continent were so frightened that they retreated.

"No, it's the Holy Rahu!" Someone on the Jiuxiao Continent exclaimed.

"What about the Holy One? With my Zhao Wudi here, no one wants to advance half step!"

A deafening voice came.

Immediately after the golden light was prosperous, a domineering figure shattered the space, and his body was full of red glow, like an immortal Phoenix of Nirvana, and his eyes were brilliant with golden light, like two golden lamps.

The person who came was Zao Wou-Ki.

He stared at the opposite Luo Hu, his eyes were blazing with golden light, and he shouted violently: "Today, I will slaughter the saint here to preach Immortal."

Drinking it in one voice is like the first divine sound of Universe, which runs through the dark yellow of heaven and earth, spans all ages, pierces the past, the present and the future, shocking the world.

Zao Wou-Ki is like a god-king of Wudi, standing in the sky, overlooking the heaven and earth, and suppressing the Nine Heavens.

"Hmph, the jumping beam clown!"

Luo Hu glanced at Zao Wuji, without any hesitation, the god-killing spear in his hand had already stabbed towards Zhao Wuji.

Terrifying power surged out, and some of the nearby cultivation practitioners shattered their bodies and scattered their souls.

This strike was very terrifying, the whole world was roaring, and the void in front of him seemed to be an ink painting, dragging Zao Wou-Ki into it.

At this moment, the world seems to have dropped from three-dimensional to two-dimensional.

"It does have some strength!" Zao Wou-Ki's eyes became a little dignified, he stared at Luo Hu, he snorted, his whole body was filled with golden divine light, the power of the ancient Sacred Body was surging, and the whole person gushed out into the sky. The Blood Qi even formed an extremely terrifying field that affected time and space.


Zao Wou-Ki suddenly stretched out two fingers, wanting to clamp Rahu's magic slaying spear, but he hesitated for 0.00001 seconds before finally grasping Rahu's magic slaughtering spear with his hands.

The next moment, the Innate Lingbao glove on the outer layer of Zao Wou-Ki's palm shattered completely in an instant, but the power of his ancient Sacred Body also exploded, forcibly blocking the attack of the God-killing spear.

"That's the strength of the dignified sage?" Zao Wou-Ki looked at Luo Hu with a mocking expression, ignoring the pain in his palm, his eyes staring at the world.

Luo Hu's face turned cold, and his forehead was exposed with anger. His fighting strength was once again Ascension, and he tried his best to activate the God-killing spear.

"Unbounded!" Zhao Wuji's eyelids twitched. Before, it was enough for Luo Hu to strike at random. Now Luo Hu is urging the God-killer with all his strength.


Wujie had been staring at Luo Hu for a long time. After all, Luo Hu was the strongest at the scene. He received Zhao Wuji's voice transmission, and he had already urged Soul Punisher to assassinate him.

The Soul Punisher is invisible and invisible, and its speed is extremely fast. Even if it crosses the layers of void, it does not cause the slightest fluctuation.

When Rahu fully mobilized the God-killing spear, the terrifying tearing pain came from his primordial spirit and soul again.

"Ah..." Luo Hu screamed, the power of the divine gun was greatly reduced, and Zao Wou-Ki took the opportunity to smash the Innate Spirit Treasure into the air.

"My Zhao Wudi can be defeated by leaps and bounds, who can fight?"

Zao Wou-Ki blasted Luo Hu, roaring loudly on the battlefield, for fear that others would not notice his world-shattering achievements.

However, his head-to-head repelling Rahu did indeed attract the attention of many people, and he had a great time.

"This guy has become so strong." Not far away, Sage Zhunti also came. Seeing this scene, his pupils could not help shrinking.

And Zao Wou-Ki also saw Zhun Ti at this moment, and when the enemies met, they were jealous and murderous.

"Zhunti bald donkey, I've wanted to kill you for a long time!" Zhao Wuji roared, swallowing mountains and rivers, as if the whole void was shaking with him, and then he rushed forward alone, but it was terrifying to the extreme, just like It was a huge star crashing.

Zhunti was Sage after all. He couldn't remove the Face and dodged directly. Instead, he gritted his teeth and took Zao Wou-Ki's strike.

"What is the most holy, what is the Sage, they are all my defeated generals. Who can fight against me in the entire battlefield?"

Zhao Wuji roared, his voice trembled in all directions, his fighting spirit was high, and his blood was boiling.

Hearing the words, the powerhouses in the prehistoric world glared angrily, looking at Zao Wou-ki with cold eyes.

"The arrogance of the really special mother, I want to flatten him." From the rear, Wu Chaozu couldn't help scolding.

Chu Yidao and others nodded.

Ao Jiujiu had a look of envy on his face. He also wanted to be so arrogant, but unfortunately his strength did not allow it.

Zao Wou-Ki is a Half-step Immortal. He recently merged with the clone of the Realm of the Gods, and his strength is infinitely close to the Immortal level.

Therefore, he does have the strength to suppress those Heavenly Dao Sages in the battlefield of the two worlds.

"Dark Abyss!"

At the same time, Wujie casts the dark abyss and wants to capture all the cultivators in the prehistoric world.

But when his dark abyss swept through the battlefields of the two worlds, the practitioners in the prehistoric world did not respond at all, and continued to kill the Jiuxiao Continent.

"Huh? What's going on?" Wujie's eyes were condensed, a little unbelievable.

Xiao Yun, who was in the Chaos Realm, also noticed this scene. He ran Double Pupils to the extreme and observed those cultivation practitioners in Jiuxiao Continent.

Those Sages were hard to observe, but those quasi-sages were seen through by Xiao Yun.

I saw that in their bodies, a pure white object was faintly shining, and the light enveloped their bodies, blocking the boundless dark abyss.

"Dark Abyss!" Xiao Yun's pupils narrowed, and he also cast Dark Abyss, but the result was the same as Wujie, and it was still useless to those cultivation practitioners in the wild world.

It wasn't until Xiao Yun cast the Soul Punisher that the light that could shatter the surface of those human bodies.

"This thing can actually defend against mental attacks, at least against the dark abyss." Xiao Yun frowned, and the fact that the prehistoric world still had this hand was unexpected.

"Master, you all have an item in your body, exactly the same, what is that? It can actually defend against mental attacks!" Xiao Yun couldn't help but ask Lingbao Tianzun through voice transmission.

Lingbao Tianzun smiled and said: "That is a good fortune jade disc clone, which contains part of the power of Heavenly Dao, which can make us not afraid of your mental attack for a period of time."

Chaos treasure is really extraordinary!

Xiao Yun sighed secretly when he heard the words, last time he used his heart to defeat the prehistoric world, and Hongjun was really prepared. The reason why Hongjun didn't use the good fortune jade plate at the beginning was probably because he wanted to fight one of them while waiting for the big battle. Unprepared.

The old yin force is the old yin force. Since the group attack is useless, Xiao Yun can only look forward to the practitioners of Jiuxiao Continent. Fortunately, he has opened up the realm of the gods over the years, which has made Jiuxiao Continent's strength Ascension a lot.

"Teacher, you have to get ready later. When we invade the heaven, Hongjun will do his best to suppress Heavenly Dao in your Jiuxiao Continent world. At that time, your Jiuxiao Continent world's suppression force on our Sage will be weakened a lot. At least it will allow us to have Sage-level combat power in a short period of time."

Lingbao Tianzun suddenly sent a voice transmission to Xiao Yun: "This news was just received by the teacher. When Hongjun was suppressing Heavenly Emperor these years, he was secretly accumulating power. Once the power he accumulated was fully released, he could Your Heavenly Dao in the world of Jiuxiao Continent is suppressed to the limit."

Xiao Yun's face changed greatly after hearing this. Originally, he was not afraid of being invaded by the practitioners of the Great Desolate World, but if those Sages could have the power of Sage, then the world of Jiuxiao Continent would never be able to stop them.

"Sure enough, it's an old man!" Xiao Yun cursed inwardly. Although he prepared a backhand, Hongjun also prepared a backhand, and Jiang was still hot.

And Hongjun was hiding deep enough that he didn't inform Sage until this time. If it wasn't for Lingbao Tianzun standing by his side, I'm afraid the world of Jiuxiao Continent would suffer a big loss this time.

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