Somewhere in the chaotic world, the figure of Yang Mei's ancestor gradually changed from virtual to solid. When his body was completely solid, he exhaled a long breath and his eyes became relaxed.

"What's going on?" Li Yun was taken aback.

The most important thing is that Xiao Yun has the body of eternity and is in a state of epiphany all the time. Although this avatar of Li Yun does not have the body of eternity, the deity is always in the state of epiphany and has some feedback to him, which makes him comprehension has been greatly improved.

Li Yun's eyes lit up, this was an unexpected surprise. He had two chances to prove Tao Eternity. For this alone, his success rate in proving Tao Eternity has increased a lot. At least, even if he fails once in the future, he can take the opportunity to summarize. the reason for the failure.

"This puppet world is so terrifying, no wonder it can destroy the world of the mind."

Li Yun and Dou Sheng talked about the Tao, and the two exchanged their insights on the way of strength. Of course, most of them were Dou Sheng pointing Li Yun.

Since he couldn't cut off the obsessive corpse, Li Yun concentrated on walking to prove the Way.

He felt that the secrets of the puppet world might help him to prove the eternal truth.

Since Hongjun is willing to give him the good fortune jade plate, he can no longer fish for it. After all, it is the treasure of chaos, and it has been completely restored by Hongjun.

During this time, he always wanted to sneak into the world of puppets, and then find the place where the powerhouses of the world of minds were imprisoned, so as to rescue them.

"It doesn't matter if these guys make Immortal-level puppets, they can even make world-lord-level puppets. Where did they find the materials?"

But Ancestor Yang Mei didn't expect that he would be discovered just after sneaking into the puppet world.

Ancestor Yang Mei was very curious.

Afterwards, he infiltrated several times and was still found.

Li Yun's eyes lit up, indeed, there is only the law of chaos in the chaotic energy, but it contains all forces.

Although the insights gained from one's own cultivation are very important, they may also inspire oneself when guiding others.

For materials like Immortal, it is good to say that there are some wonders of heaven and earth in Chaos World, which are very extraordinary. With the strength of the puppet world, it is not difficult to obtain these wonders of heaven and earth.

Ancestor Yang Mei felt that as long as he rescued a strong person in the world of the mind, the other party would take the initiative to give him the "Book of Heart". After all, the situation is different now. Before the world of the mind was still there, they would naturally not leak the "Book of Heart". This is the supreme Cultivation Technique, but now that the world of the mind is gone, and the world of chaos is about to restart, it is useless for them to keep it.

Ancestor Yang Mei almost didn't run out.

Moreover, Li Yun is also trying to prove the Dao with strength. This is good news for Dou Sheng. At least my Dao is not alone. It is better to have a 'same Dao' to communicate with than to work behind closed doors alone.

"This puppet world must have a big secret, but unfortunately I'm not strong enough, sigh!" Yang Mei ancestor sighed with regret, then turned around and accelerated in the direction of the prehistoric world.

With the guidance of a senior like Dou Sheng, and his talent, the success rate is still very high.

Li Yun was shocked, and he came back to his senses. He was almost Qi Deviation just now.

There is the direction of the puppet world.

"What is 'power'? The 'power' of the avenue of power is not only the power of the physical body, but the power of all laws, including mental power, all power belongs to the avenue of power." When Dou Sheng pointed Li Yun, he was also in the Sort out own perception.

Ancestor Yang Mei shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Is own Universe Kendo wrong?

However, the materials needed for the body of the puppets at the level of the world masters cannot be created by ordinary wonders of heaven and earth. Where did they find so many?

Dou Sheng looked at Li Yun in front of him and said with a smile: "Actually, if your avatar can prove Immortal with your strength, maybe you will have two chances to prove the Tao for eternity in the future."

However, there are actually 4 puppets of the world master level and 24 puppets of the Immortal level under the command of this world master. What is even more terrifying is that these puppets can actually cooperate with the world master to form a large formation, under full bombardment, That attack power exceeds that of the peak world master.

Dou Sheng smiled and said: "This is your unique opportunity. Your soul came from the prehistoric world, but with the help of Heavenly Emperor, it has been integrated into the world of Jiuxiao Continent. Generally speaking, the creatures of each world can only prove the Tao once. Eternal opportunity, you will die if you don’t get it. But you are different. Your avatar was born in the prehistoric world, and your soul was originally a person in the prehistoric world, so even if the deity of Jiuxiao Continent dies, your avatar can still be used. Survive. Therefore, my old grandson said that you will have two chances to prove the Eternal Dao in the future."

Yes, this is the Tao of Dou Sheng, and it is not necessarily correct.

"Dou Sheng, according to what you said, isn't it similar to my universe's kendo, you need to understand all the laws of the Dao, and finally all Dao is one?" Li Yun said slowly.

Is this the way of eternity?

"Dou Sheng thinks that the avenue of eternal power is a pure eternal avenue, and should not be mixed with other avenues?" Li Yun thought for a while, and then understood the idea of ​​Dou Sheng.

So for him, there is no difference between cultivation and cultivation, the most important thing is perception.

"Return of Ten Thousand Paths?" Dou Sheng's eyes flickered, staring at Li Yun and nodding: "This is a good idea, in fact, Hongjun is also taking the path of returning to one, but my grandson's path of power is different. , what my grandson wants is the unity of all forces, abandoning those Dao laws and comprehension, my old grandson only needs their strength."

Li Yun was confused for a while.

He is the world master, and the law of the Dao of Power has been completed, and it can no longer be Ascension.

If there were such obvious mistakes, it would be impossible for them to cultivate to this level.

When refining Immortal and World Lord-level puppets, the body material of the puppets is the most important. After all, the strength is not enough, and it is easy to be broken.

Ancestor Yang Mei glanced at the rear with lingering fears.

Seeing this, Dou Sheng quickly shouted: "This is my old grandson's own way, and it may not be correct. You can refer to it, but you shouldn't get caught in it."

The prehistoric world, Huaguo Mountain.

Just now, he was hunted down by a world lord in the puppet world. The world lord's strength is not as good as him, but he is only a top world lord, at most comparable to his past body.

"With the good fortune jade plate, my strength will be stronger. Maybe next time I can break through the blockade of the puppet world and discover their secrets." Ancestor Yang Mei thought to himself.

"You can refer to other people's ways, learn from them, and improve your own way, but you must stick to your own way." Li Yun had a clear understanding in his heart.

Dou Sheng nodded and said: "Yes, that's right, you have been to the Chaos World, and you have refined Chaos Energy, you should have discovered that Chaos Energy does not contain other Dao Laws, only Chaos Laws, but Chaos Energy's It has all the power in it.”

"Old Daoist, I have traveled countless years in the Chaos World, and I have seen several powerful worlds that are comparable to or even surpass the Great Mind World, but this is the first time I've seen such a terrifying world as the Great Puppet World."

Everyone is looking for a 'way', and those who can cultivate to their level almost all think that their own 'way' is correct.


In other big worlds, Immortal powerhouses are high above, almost a handful. But in the puppet world, Immortal-level puppets can be seen almost everywhere, and generally the strong cannot sneak into the puppet world at all.

As the first existence in the prehistoric world to prove the Dao with strength, Dou Sheng personally instructed Li Yun, which naturally benefited him a lot.

It was also the realm master of Yang Mei's ancestor who walked the time and space avenue, who was lucky to sneak in, but was quickly discovered.

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