Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

The 10200 And 28 Chapters Double Happiness

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Bye husband and wife!"


Liu Jie and Xing Yueling raised their heads and smiled at each other, then left with the blessing of everyone.

Above, Xiao Yun and Zao Wou-Ki also got up, preparing to go to the banquet.

"Haha, Lao Xiao, I didn't expect the two of us to become in-laws! Liu Jie is a good boy, just like me." Zao Wou-Ki laughed beside him, very proud.

Xiao Yun watched his own baby apprentice Xing Yueling being taken away by Zhao Baldzi's apprentice Liu Jie. He forcibly endured the unhappiness in his heart, and a hypocritical smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then, looking at Zao Wou-Ki with a proud face, Xiao Yun said lightly, "I heard that you defeated the Dragon Emperor not long ago?"

"Well, it's just a small matter. I didn't expect you to be disturbed? Dragon Emperor is too old. When I fought with him, I had already taken a three-pointed effort. Who knew that he was vulnerable." Said, as if to say a small thing.

Xiao Yun squinted at him and said, "Since you are so strong, after the banquet, let's go and learn about it?"

"Forget it, today is the day of my apprentice's big wedding. Of course, as a master, I will get drunk, and we will discuss it another day." After saying this, Zao Wou-Ki didn't dare to continue to pretend to be coercive, and hurried to catch up. Wu Chaozu and the others who were chatting in front.

Xiao Yun looked at Zao Wou-Ki's back with a sneer. He Closed Door Trained for three thousand years, but he let this guy free himself, so he had to find another time to beat him up.

"Uncle, today is Junior Sister Yueling's wedding day, why do you look unhappy?" Xiao Tianci came over and asked with some doubts.


When Xiao Yun heard this, he slapped Xiao Tianci hard on the head.

Xiao Tianci covered his head, looked at Xiao Yun innocently, and asked, "Uncle, why did you hit me?"

"Crack!" Xiao Yun gave Xiao Tianci another slap, and he scolded with some hatred: "You idiot, you were childhood sweethearts with Yueling since childhood, but Liu Jie's idiot even picked peaches, our Xiao family How can you be such a fool."

Xiao Tianci heard that Didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he quickly said: "Uncle, you have misunderstood, I and Junior Sister Yueling are purely brother and sister relationship, without a trace of love. Besides, I don't want to get married, I only have chaos in my heart. avenue."

Xiao Yun's pupils shrank when he heard the words, and then he stared at Xiao Tianci coldly, and said with a bad look: "Don't want to get married? Who did you learn this from?"

"I learned from you!" Xiao Tianci said honestly: "You have always been my goal, I have been learning from you, women are the stumbling block in my pursuit of Immortal Avenue, and I have already cut off the love between men and women."

Xiao Yun heard that the veins on his forehead were exposed. He pointed at Xiao Tianci's nose and scolded: "Who told you to learn from daddy? If you don't get married, how will our Xiao family pass on the lineage? Besides, marriage will not delay your cultivation. "

"Immortal has not yet been completed, why is it home!" Xiao Tianci shook his head and said firmly with both eyes.

Xiao Yun Haoxuan was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He didn't expect Xiao Tianci to have such an idea. Could it be that our Xiao family will all be bachelors in the future?

"Master! Master!" At this moment, Dugu Nobita's voice sounded.

Xiao Yun looked at it and found a group of young and beautiful women behind Dugu Daxiong, he couldn't help frowning: "Who are they?"

"Uh, Master, these are my cousins, yes, they are cousins." Dugu Daxiong sneered.

Xiao Yun rolled his eyes, cousin? Do you think I'm an idiot?

Xiao Yun glanced at the women behind Dugu Daxiong, there are more than 600 of them, he is the second of Zao Wou-Ki.

Looking at Xiao Tianci next to him, Xiao Yun was speechless. He was also taught by him. Why is there such a big difference? Could it be that there are bachelor genes in our old Xiao family?

"Master!" Ao Shuiyao also came to salute Xiao Yun at this time. She was even more beautiful, with a dusty temperament, extremely holy, clear eyes, and a very moving smile.

Xiao Yun was very satisfied with this apprentice, smiled and nodded, then glared at Xiao Tianci again, and then strode away.

Xiao Tianci's face was full of innocence, scratching his head in confusion.

"I obviously take my uncle as a life mentor, why does my uncle beat me? Isn't it bad to be a bachelor? Isn't he a bachelor too?" Xiao Tianci muttered.

Dugu Daxiong next to him couldn't help shaking his head, this junior was quite smart when he was a child, but he didn't expect that cultivation practice is stupid now.

"Little Junior Brother, I have a lot of girlfriends, would you like me to introduce a few to you, Senior Sister?" Aoshuiyao said with a smile.

Xiao Tianci shook his head and said, "Women are like floating clouds to me, Immortal Avenue is my pursuit!"

Aoshuiyao was speechless.


At the banquet, Xiao Yun sat with Jian Zun, as well as several other kings of the past.

Not far away, Zao Wou-Ki boasted about his achievements on the battlefield of the two realms with Emperor Qin Tian and Ye Heavenly Emperor.

Xiao Yun glanced at it and ignored the joke. He looked at Jianzun and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Jianzun's return!"

Sword Sovereign's current name is Dugu Qiufeng, and he is called Sword Saint. Few people know that he is Sword Sovereign, and only a few people know about him, including Xiao Yun, the Eight Kings, and Zao Wou-Ki.

After Jianzun was reincarnated, he didn't use his previous name. He shook his head and smiled: "I am a Juggernaut now. Of course, you can also call me Dugu Qiuwei. I heard that you used this name before, and the mood is really good. It suits me well."

Hearing this, Xiao Yun glanced at his eldest nephew Dugu Baitian not far away. Thinking of some things back then, he couldn't help but smile. It was a beautiful memory.

It's just that Jian Zun was reincarnated into the Dugu family, which is somewhat hasty.

Of course, hitting people doesn't slap the face, and Xiao Yun didn't have Eight Trigrams to inquire about Jian Zun's childhood experiences.

Although he was very curious about whether Jianzun actually learned free fall.


Xiao Yun's eyes suddenly lit up, Double Pupils widened, and across the layers of space, he had already seen the battlefield between the two realms.

"What's the matter?" Jian Zun and the others noticed Xiao Yun's strangeness and couldn't help showing doubts.

In the distance, Zao Wuji and the others also cast their gazes.

Xiao Yun ignored them and looked at the battlefield between the two realms, the Heavenly Emperor Palace in Heavenly Emperor City.

The Three Emperors and Zhang Xiaofan have been staying inside Closed Door Training.

But at this moment, an Immortal-level Chaos Avenue surged out from the Heavenly Emperor Palace, filling the entire battlefield between the two realms.

The next moment, Zhang Xiaofan also appeared outside Heavenly Emperor Palace, looking at Xiao Yun across layers of void.

"Finally breakthrough!" Zhang Xiaofan smiled.

"Congratulations!" Xiao Yun smiled very happily. Today is really a double happiness. The apprentice got married and the brother was promoted to Immortal.

At the same time, Xiao Yun clearly felt that the origin of Heavenly Dao in the world of Jiuxiao Continent was getting stronger, and the origin of the law of the world was surging.

Xiao Yun immediately stimulated his heart and stepped into it.

In the origin of the law of the world of Jiuxiao Continent, Hongjun sensed the appearance of Xiao Yun, and just after condensing his face, he found that Xiao Yun turned into a universe sword to kill.


Two terrifying forces erupted, and the entire Jiuxiao Continent world felt like an earthquake, and countless creatures felt their souls tremble.

"Hahaha, good apprentice, you really didn't let the teacher down!" A familiar voice sounded in Xiao Yun's mind, as if through the ancient times.

The divine light in Xiao Yun's eyes blazed, and he saw a familiar power forcefully emerge from the suppression of Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world.

And that trace of strength immediately condensed into the shape of 'Heavenly Emperor' beside Xiao Yun.


Xiao Yun's eyes lit up.

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