The Holy City of Chaos is beaming today, with lanterns everywhere, and the sky is constantly raining flowers.

The major forces in the heavens, and a strong person with a face and a face also came to congratulate.

Like Ye Heavenly Emperor, Qin Tian Emperor, Wu Heavenly Emperor, they have all entered the Tianzun Realm now.

This is because Xiao Yun has opened the heavenly gate to the prehistoric world and the realm of the gods.

Moreover, it has been three thousand years since Sword Sovereign was reincarnated and rebuilt.

Emperor Qin Tian, ​​Ye Heavenly Emperor and the others were originally trapped in Tianzun bottleneck. In the past three thousand years, they have been guided by many powerful people in the ancient times, plus some experiences and opportunities in the realm of the gods and the prehistoric world, allowing him to break through the bottleneck Also normal.

"Wow, that was Sword Saint Dugu seeking defeat. I didn't expect him to come too." An exclamation came from a distance.

Those were two chubby pink little girls, with beautiful eyebrows, very cute.

"Nonsense, today is the day when Yueling Immortal and the new Tianzun Liu Jie get married. They are Xiao Wudi and Zhao Wudi's apprentices. Who in the heavens dare not give them a face?" Another little girl pouted, but in her mind there was something wrong. A long memory emerges.

That was many years ago, in the lower world Jiuxiao Continent, when she was still a big white rabbit, she was once captured by Xiao Yun in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Demons, and then she sneaked away.

It's just that she didn't expect that the 'monk' back then would be Xiao Yun, and now it's Xiao Wudi.

"Oh, I knew I wouldn't run away from the beginning, this girl missed the big opportunity." Bai Yulan regretted for a while.


At this time, the void shattered, and a golden domineering figure stepped out from afar, it was Zao Wou-Ki.

The appearance of Zao Wou-Ki immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

After all, Zao Wou-Ki has now set foot in the Half step Immortal Realm. In the heavenly world, apart from Xiao Yun, he is already the strongest. Only Chaos Heavenly Venerate, Three Emperors, and Dragon Emperor can rival him.

Moreover, in the public discussion, Zao Wou-Ki also defeated the Dragon Emperor.

"Master, you are finally here." Liu Jie, who was wearing a bright red dress, saw Zao Wou-Ki coming, and hurriedly came out to greet him.

"Yeah!" Zhao Wuji nodded lightly.

Looking at Zao Wou-Ki's calm face, Liu Jie couldn't help complaining: "Master, today is my wedding day, didn't I tell you earlier? Why did you come now?"

Zao Wou-Ki walked in the air, walking like a tiger, his eyes staring in all directions, he heard the words and said lightly: "I just went to the battlefield of the two realms, and I am going to kill a Sage as a gift for you. Who would have known that those Sages in the prehistoric world were so incompetent. I don't dare to step into the battlefield between the two realms at all. Alas, it's all because the master's combat power is too strong, and the entire prehistoric world is under the pressure of the master."

Liu Jie: "..."

Forget it, he is too familiar with his master, and he is already used to it, so let's invite him in quickly.

When Zao Wou-Ki arrived, Qin Tian Emperor, Ye Heavenly Emperor and the others also came up to greet him.

Zao Wou-Ki glanced at them, shook his head and said: "Xiao Qin, Xiao Ye, your Cultivation Base progress is still too slow, and now you have barely stepped into the middle stage of Tianzun. Sigh!"

Emperor Qin Tian and Ye Heavenly Emperor had black lines on their faces, but the situation was stronger than others. Facing Zhao Wudi, who is now Half step Immortal, they could only accompany them with smiles.

On the other hand, Wu Heavenly Emperor didn't give Zao Wuji a good face, a beautiful face full of coldness.

However, Zao Wou-Ki smiled at her, revealing his white teeth full of confidence, and said, "Xiao Wu, marry me, be my 2933rd concubine, you and I are both talented and our children will surely surpass them in the future. Xiao Yun."

Wu Heavenly Emperor said with a cold face: "I will not marry in this life, unless you can defeat Xiao Yun."

"Okay, it's a deal, you wait. After I set foot on Immortal, I will definitely be able to defeat Xiao Yun." Zao Wou-Ki smiled confidently, and left with Liu Jie without being too entangled.

"Too crazy!" In the crowd, Qin Shisan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Ye Qilin next to him muttered: "He has crazy capital now!"

"It's all to blame for Xiao Yun Closed Door Training for too long. No one in the entire heaven can control him." Qin Shisan sighed.

"Today their apprentices are getting married, Xiao Yun should be out." Ye Qilin said.

Qin Shisan nodded, and then looked at the back mountain of the Holy City of Chaos. More than three thousand years have passed. I wonder how strong Xiao Yun will be today?

In fact, many people came to attend Liu Jie and Xing Yueling's wedding this time, all hoping to see Xiao Yun and wanting to know what Realm Xiao Yun is now.

After all, Xiao Yun was Immortal three thousand years ago, and at that time, Xiao Yun had only cultivated for less than a thousand years.

Now that three thousand years have passed, how strong should Xiao Yun be?

Just can't imagine.


Back Mountain.

Xiao Yun slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were gentle and deep. When he came to his Realm, he had already returned to his basics. On the surface, he looked like a mortal person. Only a strong person above Immortal could see how strong he was. .

"Three thousand years have passed!"

"I've always been worried that Yang Mei's ancestor will come back. I didn't expect to wait for three thousand years and he didn't come back."

Xiao Yun shook his head.

He had underestimated the scale of the Chaos Realm before. The Chaos Realm was vast and boundless. Ancestor Yang Mei liked to make waves everywhere. Even if he received news from Hongjun, he would not be able to return in a short time.

However, this is good news for Xiao Yun.

Over the past three thousand years, he not only cultivated the Dao of Chaos to the Immortal level, but also cultivated the Dao of Time and Space to the Immortal level.

Moreover, Xiao Yun's spiritual Realm has also reached the peak of Immortal cultivation, but after reaching the peak of Immortal, he can no longer progress.

Since then, Xiao Yun has continued to Insight Chaos Avenue and Space-Time Avenue, but these two avenues are still far from complete.

Having said that, Xiao Yun's current strength is not what it used to be.

He felt that he was now completely comparable to the World Lord, and at least when he was competing with the Dou Sheng, he only fell into a slight disadvantage.

Especially after the Avenue of Time and Space reached the Immortal Realm, Xiao Yun could already summon his body, and after the fusion of the two bodies, his combat power was not much worse than that of Dou Sheng.

It's a pity that Xiao Yun couldn't summon the future body yet.

"It is estimated that when my time and space avenue reaches the level of the world master, I can summon the future body." Xiao Yun has some expectations in his heart. Once his time and space avenue reaches the level of the world master, he will also become the world master. At that time, the three bodies will become one, and he thinks that he estimates At least half step eternal level.

It's just a pity that the stage from Immortal to World Lord took too long.

"Uncle, the auspicious time has come, haven't you been out yet?" Suddenly, Xiao Tianci's voice came from outside.

When Xiao Yun heard this, he passed through the Great Hall and appeared in front of Xiao Tianci.

Today's Xiao Tianci has also stepped into the Tianzun Realm, and he is still the late stage of Tianzun, because he also cultivated the "Chaos Sutra", created the Chaos Body, and made him progress rapidly on the Chaos Avenue.

Of course, the most important thing is Xiao Yun's advice.

Xiao Yun still values ​​Xiao Tianci as a Junior. Although he has been in Closed Door Training for three thousand years, he occasionally distracts Xiao Tianci and a few apprentices.

Xiao Tianci walked the Chaos Avenue again, and created the Chaos Body again. Xiao Yun, who came here, pointed him, and the natural effect was multiplied.

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