Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1229 Master And Apprentice Meet

"Good apprentice, you really did not let your teacher down. You have achieved such achievements in just over 3,000 years, which is much better than being a teacher." Heavenly Emperor said with a smile, he was very happy.

Xiao Yun said humbly when he heard the words: "Master has been awarded. If it wasn't for Master who gave me a family, I wouldn't be able to have the Cultivation Base I am now."

"Hehe, you don't have to humble yourself. Even if someone has an epiphany to help you, it is impossible for you to achieve Immortal so quickly. What's more, your combat power is already close to that of Dou Sheng."

Heavenly Emperor waved his hand, looked at Xiao Yun and said with a smile: "Although I have been suppressed by Hongjun these years, I can still follow your growth through Heavenly Dao in the world of Jiuxiao Continent. You can achieve today's achievements because of you. Opened the gate of heaven and gained the opportunity of the prehistoric world and the realm of the gods, a single gate can't help you so much."

Xiao Yun heard this and said angrily: "I'm lucky to have opened the gate of heaven, but it's far inferior to you, Master, you have opened all three gates."

His master, Heavenly Emperor, was considered unlucky. Before he achieved Immortal, he encountered the invasion of the prehistoric world.

At that time, even if Heavenly Emperor opened the gate of heaven, there was no way to go to the prehistoric world to seek opportunities. Therefore, Tianmen did not help Heavenly Emperor at all.

"Luck is also a part of strength!" Heavenly Emperor carried his hands on his back, looked at the direction of the distant world, and said with a smile: "Dou Sheng always wanted to open the Heavenly Gate, but unfortunately he opened the Earth Gate. The element of luck, you can open the gate of heaven, obviously you are destined to have great luck in your body."


A cold hum suddenly entered Xiao Yun and Heavenly Emperor's ears.

Immediately, a familiar voice came: "Heavenly Emperor, you just came out and you killed my old grandson behind your back? Yes, my old grandson was unlucky and didn't open the gate of heaven, but my old grandson has the blessing of the underground gate, and his strength is also among the world masters. The top ones are nothing compared to the old monsters like Hongjun. Even if your future body, past body, and present body are all in one, they are only comparable to my grandson."

This is the voice of Dou Sheng.

In the sight of Xiao Yun and Heavenly Emperor, it was clear that there was no one in front of them, but the Saint Dou seemed to be in front of them.

Xiao Yun just squinted his eyes and saw the Dou Sheng hidden in the virtual world.

Heavenly Emperor can also see Dou Sheng, after all, his time and space avenue has been completed, even in the virtual world, it is difficult to escape his control.

"Dou Sheng, long time no see!" Heavenly Emperor greeted Dou Sheng with a slight smile, they are old friends.

Xiao Yun also smiled and nodded to Dou Sheng.

Dou Sheng curled his lips and said, "You kid is really a monster. Now that you have merged in the past, you are almost the same as my grandson. After you are promoted to the world master, it is estimated that you will be able to compete with Hongjun. If you can summon the future body in the future, the three body Unity, it is estimated that Half step is eternal."

The smile on Heavenly Emperor's face grew even bigger when he heard this, he looked at Xiao Yun with satisfaction, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect Xiao Yun to be so strong. Back then, I guided Zhang Xiaofan to create "The Book of Chaos", hoping that Xiao Yun could create it. Chaos body, that is because the eternal avenue of our universe is the Chaos Avenue. If Xiao Yun takes the Chaos Body to the Chaos Avenue, and with the help of people, he will be promoted to Immortal in the future, that is also the top powerhouse in Immortal, Coupled with the time and space avenue I passed on to him, it is enough to make him a strong man among the world masters."

"But I didn't expect that he would create Universe Kendo. The attack power of Kendo is strong enough to be comparable to your Power Avenue, Chaos Avenue, Space-Time Avenue, and Universe Sword Canon under the superposition of the three. "

Heavenly Emperor sounds amazing.

He has been secretly paying attention to Xiao Yun's growth, and he has also set up secret plans in advance to guide Xiao Yun's growth.

But Xiao Yun's achievements exceeded his expectations.

There are two reasons, the first is that Xiao Yun opened the gate of heaven, and the second is that Xiao Yun created the universe kendo.

It was these two points that made Xiao Yun so outrageous.

"This is the general trend. You have high hopes for this kid, and he has also won the love of Heavenly Dao in the world of Jiuxiao Continent. He is the son of luck of this world, so there are many opportunities, and it is difficult to not become stronger."

Dou Sheng was a little envious, and continued: "And this kid has also merged with the one who escaped from the prehistoric world, and somehow got a part of the heaven and earth of the prehistoric world, combining the luck of the two worlds in one, since ancient times, who has Can you match him?"

Xiao Yun heard the words and said modestly: "Junior is today because of the two of you in the past."

Heavenly Emperor and Dou Sheng glanced at each other and couldn't help but smile.

They didn't expect Xiao Yun to be so strong at first.

Heavenly Emperor just wanted to leave a hope for Jiuxiao Continent. In his vision, Xiao Yun must be able to be promoted to Immortal, but he can only say that there is a high chance of being promoted to World Lord.

Dou Sheng also thinks so, he doesn't even think Xiao Yun will become the realm master.

But Xiao Yun's growth far exceeded their expectations.

The two also felt a little weird at the moment.

"Junior Zhang Xiaofan, I have seen Heavenly Emperor senior, I have seen Dou Sheng senior." At this time, Zhang Xiaofan had also completely stabilized the Immortal Realm, and came from a distance to salute Heavenly Emperor and Dou Sheng.

He also cultivated "The Book of Heart", and he could see the fighting saints in the virtual world.

Dou Sheng glanced at Zhang Xiaofan and didn't pay much attention to it, in his eyes, he was just an Immortal, and he was not valued by him unless it was an Immortal with abnormal combat power like Xiao Yun.

"Not bad!" Heavenly Emperor looked at Zhang Xiaofan in front of him and said with admiration, "You are born with Chaos, I expected you to be able to achieve Immortal, but I didn't expect you to be so fast."

"Thanks to Brother Xiao for passing me "The Book of Heart"!" Zhang Xiaofan looked at Xiao Yun gratefully.

Xiao Yun smiled and said, "You and my brother, don't mind."

After all, Xiao Yun also passed on the "Heart Canon" to Heavenly Emperor.

Heavenly Emperor looked at it for a while, then shook his head and said, "This Cultivation Technique is useless to me!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Xiao Yun in front of him solemnly, and said solemnly: "As a teacher, I also want to remind you that you have insight into various avenues, although your strength is very strong. However, if you want to pursue the eternal avenue, the most important thing is It's better to just focus on one thing without any distractions."

Xiao Yun understood what Heavenly Emperor meant, nodded and said, "After solving Yang Mei's problem, I will specialize in Universe Kendo."

"I said Heavenly Emperor, your apprentice is no worse than you now. He understands all the truths you're talking about. There's no need for you to point fingers. Let's think about how to completely escape Hongjun's suppression." Dou Sheng smiled beside him. road.

Heavenly Emperor shook his head and said: "The Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world is too strong, it is worthy of the great world evolved by the son of the Dao, Pangu god-tier, I can't get rid of Hongjun's repression at all, this time with the help of Zhang Xiaofan to break through Immortal, I just barely escaped With a trace of strength, if you want to escape completely, at least an Immortal must be born."

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