
In front of Heavenly Emperor Palace, Xiao Yun opened his eyes with a pale face, his heart was hurt just now, Hong Jun is really terrifying, just the simulated Pangu Kaitian can directly hurt his heart.

Generally speaking, only mental attack can hurt the soul, but although Hongjun doesn't understand mental attack, he imitated Pangu's vision of opening up the world, but he forcibly shook Xiao Yun's heart that had reached the Immortal Realm.

"Senior brother!"

"Brother Xiao!"

When everyone saw Xiao Yun open their eyes, they all hurried forward, and the Chu Emperor asked nervously, "How is it? Junior Brother, have you seen Master?"

Xiao Yun shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed: "Master didn't see it, I saw Hongjun, and he was injured."

"Ah...then are you alright?" Emperor Chu asked quickly.

Xiao Yun smiled and waved his hand: "A little injury, I'll be able to recover soon."

No matter how powerful Hongjun is, he still doesn't know much about mental strength, not to mention that he doesn't have much power to mobilize now, so naturally he can't seriously hurt Xiao Yun.

The most important thing is that Xiao Yun is in the battlefield between the two realms, not in the prehistoric world.

Hongjun's power was limited a lot in the battlefield between the two realms.

"Junior brother, it seems that we will not be able to contact Master in a short time, but now we are not afraid of the prehistoric world. As long as there are many Immortals among us in the future, then Master will naturally get out of trouble." Chu Huang's eyes were firm. said.

Others also showed uplifting eyes, full of confidence in the future.

In the past, they could not see the dawn of victory.

But now, with Xiao Yun, they are not afraid of the prehistoric world.

The people present are all geniuses, whether it is the Dragon Emperor, Zhang Xiaofan, or the Three Emperors of the Human Race, they all have the potential to be promoted to Immortal, but it will take a long time.

And now, since the prehistoric world cannot invade the world of Jiuxiao Continent, they will have enough time to attack Immortal Realm.

"If we are promoted to Immortal, Shizun will be able to get out of trouble?" Xiao Yun couldn't help showing doubts after hearing Emperor Chu's words.

He had already explored the origin of the world just now, and with Hongjun personally suppressing it, even if there were a few more Immortals, it would be difficult to shake the Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world.

Emperor Chu looked at Xiao Yun and smiled mysteriously: "This is what Dou Sheng told us, as long as three Immortals can be born among us, Na Hongjun will not be able to suppress Shizun. And now, you are Immortal, When the Dragon Emperor senior and Zhang Xiaofan are also promoted to Immortal, it will be time for the respect of the teacher to see the sun."

Hearing this, Xiao Yun was still a little puzzled, but since it was said by Dou Sheng, it was not necessary for Dou Sheng to deceive them.

While they were talking, they had already entered the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

The palace was empty, only some futons were randomly placed on the ground, and there was also a futon in the front of the palace, and on the back wall of this futon, there was a map of the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

Emperor Chu looked at the futon in front of the map and sighed: "In those days, Master often gave us sermons here, instructing us to cultivate. If it wasn't for his own guidance, it would be difficult for me to break through to the Realm."

Xiao Yun nodded. He didn't think that Emperor Chu was belittling himself. Emperor Chu and others had talents. If they were in the prehistoric world, it would be very easy to cultivate to a quasi-sage Realm.

But the problem is, on the side of Jiuxiao Continent, the cultivation of Emperor Chu and the others is an innovation every step of the way. Each of them is a Great Master who is creating his own path, so it is more difficult.

Fortunately, Heavenly Emperor, a former practitioner, was in front of him.

"Junior Brother, you are now promoted to Immortal Realm, so please give us good advice." The Emperor Beishan sat down on a futon next to him and said with a smile.

When the Dragon Emperor and the others heard the words, their eyes lit up, and then they stared at Xiao Yun.

He's been trapped in the Half step Immortal Realm for years, and he used to be guided by Heavenly Emperor, but no one is now.

And Xiao Yun, even though he is a junior, in cultivation, he himself is the first.

Xiao Yun is an Immortal strong man, so he is qualified to point them.

"Yeah, Junior Brother, now that Master is not here, you are the strongest, and you are the leader of our Jiuxiao Continent world. We all rely on you for guidance." Emperor Chu also said with a smile.

Xiao Yun's face was speechless when he heard the words, he made his breakthrough by spiritual Realm, if you really want to count his own Cultivation Base, he is not as good as Dragon Emperor and Zhang Xiaofan, at most the same as the Three Emperors.

At the moment, Xiao Yun looked at the people in front of him and smiled wryly: "I was promoted to Immortal because of the breakthrough of the spiritual Realm. The cultivation Cultivation Technique of the spiritual Realm was acquired by my adventure. I will teach it to you first, but if I can. If you can't help you break through, it depends on your own chances."

Everyone was surprised when they heard the words. They were able to break through the cultivation Cultivation Technique of Immortal Realm, which was not available in their Jiuxiao Continent world.

Although Heavenly Emperor has been promoted to Immortal, the space-time avenue he walks does not match everyone's. On the Nine Heavens Continent, basically everyone walks a different path.

The cultivation of the spiritual realm is different, as long as the strong person, the spiritual realm is not very weak, like the Amitābha in the prehistoric world, it is even more unfathomable, just because he does not know the Cultivation Technique of the spiritual power of cultivation.

"This Cultivation Technique is called "Xin Dian", and the mental power it cultivates can ignore defenses and attack the enemy's soul." Xiao Yun immediately taught the "Xin Dian" to Emperor Chu and the others.

As for the secret technique of mind power, he didn't rush to teach it. First, let's see if these people have Talent in the cultivation "Heart Canon".

You must know that the reason why Xiao Yun was able to break through Immortal by relying on "The Book of Heart" was because of the funding of Lingbao Tianzun, the help of the epiphany system, the Taishang Wangqing Dan, and Amitābha's dream of Samsara for millions of years, and finally more It was only by integrating the godhead dominated by the Fire Element that it broke through in one fell swoop.

So many opportunities have helped Xiao Yun save countless years of hard work, so this method is naturally inappropriate for Chu Huang.

"Xin Li..." Emperor Chu closed his eyes and started cultivating "Xin Dian". He faintly felt that this "Xin Dian" was somewhat compatible with him.

"Interesting, this Cultivation Technique fits me very well!" Beishan Renhuang felt the "Heart Canon", and gradually showed his joy.

After reading "The Book of Heart", the Emperor Lieyang smiled bitterly at Xiao Yun: "This Cultivation Technique is not suitable for me, but I can cultivate it. After all, my mental strength is strong, and it is also very helpful for me to calculate my own path."

Xiao Yun nodded. The mental strength is not only used for attacking, but also very good at calculation. It is very helpful to use it to deduce his own Cultivation Technique.

His Hill clone, after merging with the master godhead, is fully deducing the Cultivation Technique of "Chaos God and Demon Body", which has been deduced to the Immortal level. Next, he only needs to cultivate step by step, and it is estimated that it will not take much time to be promoted to Immortal.

"Xiaofan, what about you?" Xiao Yun turned his attention to Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan is the first chaotic body, Talent is the highest among the people present, and it is estimated that only Jian Zun can compare with him.

Therefore, Xiao Yun is looking forward to Zhang Xiaofan.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan was also comprehending "The Book of Heart", when he heard Xiao Yun's question, he opened his eyes and said with a smile, "This Cultivation Technique is very helpful to me, I have found the opportunity to break through Immortal, it just takes a while time."

Everyone was surprised and envious.

Among them, the Dragon Emperor was the most painful. He grabbed his head and said with a sad face: "What is this Cultivation Technique? It's too difficult. It made my head go crazy when I saw it."

"..." Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment.

Lieyang Human Sovereign sent a voice transmission to Xiao Yun and said, "Junior Brother, most of the demon clan's strong people rely on their bodies. They are born strong, but the world is fair, giving them strong bodies, but it limits their understanding. .The cultivation of this "Book of Heart" requires a lot of comprehension, so I have no problem waiting, but for the Dragon Emperor, it is extremely difficult."

Xiao Yun suddenly realized, and then he took out the Fire Spirit Orb and handed it to the Dragon Emperor and said, "Dragon Emperor, you are promoted to Heavenly Venerate from the Insight Water and Fire Avenue. This Fire Spirit Orb was conceived in the law of the origin of flames in the prehistoric world, and it may have something to do with you. help."

"Really?" The Dragon Emperor took the Fire Spirit Orb to investigate, and his face immediately showed joy, and he quickly thanked Xiao Yun: "Thank you, little friend, this Fire Spirit Orb has indeed inspired me a bit."

"Dragon Emperor, don't be polite." Xiao Yun waved his hand, the Fire Spirit Orb was useless to him, and it was nothing to lend it to the Dragon Emperor temporarily. If the Dragon Emperor could break through to the Immortal Realm, it would also be good for them.

Xiao Yun then looked at the Sword Master in the crowd.

After Jian Zun got the "Book of Heart", he just glanced at it briefly and stopped paying attention, so it was very conspicuous among the crowd, which made Xiao Yun a little puzzled.

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