"Why doesn't Jian Zun cultivate "The Book of Heart"? With your understanding, it shouldn't be a problem." Xiao Yun looked at Jian Zun and asked with some doubts.

Xiao Yun admires this kendo supreme.

Being able to play the half step Immortal's combat power with the Zhundi Realm is even more powerful than his open-hungry, which is completely a bug.

If it weren't for Sword Master's kendo flaws, I'm afraid his achievements are no less than 'Heavenly Emperor'.

You must know that Sword Sovereign has insight into many kinds of swordsmanship, and in terms of understanding, it is estimated that it will surpass Zhang Xiaofan.

"This is not my way!" Jian Zun looked at Xiao Yun with a dull expression, not the way of kendo, he disdains cultivation, what he pursues is pure kendo.

Xiao Yun immediately understood the look in Jian Zun's eyes, because he had also seen this kind of look in the eyes of his eldest nephew Dugu Baitian. They are such cheap... swordsmen, who only have the way of swordsmanship in their hearts, and can no longer tolerate other ways. .

They are pure swordsmen.

"Jianzun's swordsmanship, Junior also admires very much." Xiao Yun looked at Jianzun in front of him with respect in his eyes.

Jian Zun stared at Xiao Yun and said, "I already feel the swordsmanship I pursue in you!"

"Hehe, Jian Zun is talking about Universe Kendo?" Xiao Yun smiled and passed the information containing Universe Kendo to Jian Zun.

These ancient human ancestors have selflessly taught the Juniors in the Cultivation Technique, so Xiao Yun naturally does not treasure himself.

What's more, the reason why Xiao Yun was able to forge the universe's kendo was based on Jianzun's kendo.

Jian Zun closed his eyes at this time, and after a while of careful understanding, he slowly opened his eyes, looked at Xiao Yun in front of him, and exclaimed: "Universe Kendo, this is the most perfect Kendo, one sword creates the world, one sword creates the world. Although the universe is only a framework at present, it is still very immature, but you have enough time to perfect it.”

After all, Jian Zun also passed his own ultimate kendo to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun also thought about it for a while, then opened his eyes, looked at the swordsman in front of him, and sighed: "The swordsman is really a gift from heaven."

Only when he really felt the ultimate swordsmanship of Jianzun did he experience the amazing and peerless resources of Jianzun. There were three thousand kinds of kendo, which were integrated by Jianzun and turned into the most powerful ultimate kendo.

With such a terrifying kendo, it's no wonder that Sword Master's combat power is so heaven-defying.

Among the people Xiao Yun knows, who can master more than 3,000 kinds of 'dao', it is estimated that only the Taoist ancestor Hongjun, but the other party is also Heavenly Dao, who is in charge of the prehistoric world, and relies on Heavenly Dao to help him understand.

On the other hand, Sword Sovereign is completely comprehended by himself, and this kind of comprehension is probably second only to epiphany.

This made Xiao Yun admire very much.

"My kendo is wrong after all!" Jian Zun's praise for Xiao Yun was not very happy, instead he looked a little lonely.

In fact, he figured out Universe Kendo a long time ago, but by then it was too late to change.

And now, after referring to Xiao Yun's universe kendo, he finally determined that his ultimate kendo had gone to the extreme and was irreversible.

Looking at the lonely swordsman in front of him, Xiao Yun felt a little pity in his heart.

Just now Insight's ultimate kendo, he also understood the flaws of Jianzun's kendo.

If Kendo is likened to a glass of water, Xiao Yun's Universe Kendo is a huge cup filled with a small amount of water, although it currently holds very little water, Xiao Yun has enough time to fill it.

The ultimate kendo of Sword Sovereign is a small cup filled with water, and the water in the cup has already overflowed.

Xiao Yun's cup is big, and although it lacks water, he can continue to add water.

But Jian Zun couldn't change the cup, he could only watch the water in the cup become more and more until it collapsed.

"Jianzun, if you can strengthen your physical body and use your physical body to carry your ultimate swordsmanship, you may have the opportunity to be promoted to Immortal." Xiao Yun pondered for a while, and then gave Jianzun a direction.

Sword Sovereign is amazing, Xiao Yun doesn't want this human ancestor to sink in this way.

Jian Zun shook his head when he heard the words and smiled bitterly: "The kind of flesh you are talking about, I am afraid that I need to prove the Dao with strength like Dou Sheng, only then can I accommodate my ultimate swordsmanship. But this road is too difficult!"

Xiao Yun was silent, it was really difficult to prove the Dao with strength, and only one Dou Sheng succeeded.

The key to proving Dao with strength is not physical strength. In fact, Yang Jian’s physical body is already strong, and Xiao Yun’s physical body is also very strong, but proving Dao with strength is the way of insight. Proving Dao with absolute strength, if you can’t comprehend Dao Through this point, no matter how strong your physical body is, it is useless.

"You don't have to worry about me."

Jian Zun looked at the silent Xiao Yun and said with a smile: "Actually, for me, reincarnation is the best choice, and then I can follow your universe swordsmanship."

"Reincarnation and rebuilding?" Xiao Yun widened his eyes upon hearing this.

He did not expect that Jian Zun would choose to reincarnate and rebuild.

Although Jian Zun was reincarnated and rebuilt, he could indeed follow his Universe kendo. After all, with his precedent and Jian Zun's superb understanding, it was very easy to create Universe kendo.

But the 3,000 kinds of kendos that Jianzun understood are about to disappear. These kendos can't be brought back to reincarnation and rebuilt. Jianzun can only re-comprehend them step by step.

This is Sword Sovereign's accumulation of more than a million years. If you give up, you will give up. How bold is this?

"Hehe, don't think it's a pity." Jian Zun looked at Xiao Yun's shocked look and said with a smile, "Actually, I was a little hesitant before, but since I heard your news, I have I am determined to reincarnate and retrain. Because before I am reincarnated, I can completely transfer my ultimate kendo into your universe kendo to help you perfect the universe kendo, so that I will not waste my millions of years of penance."

"This..." Xiao Yun's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and then he was a little shocked. Is Jianzun going to give him the ultimate swordsmanship?

Indeed, his Universe kendo now has an empty frame, and what is missing is the more than three thousand kinds of kendo that Jianzun has understood.

If Xiao Yun can get these kendos, his Universe kendo will immediately be able to break through to the Immortal level, or even higher.

After all, there is no possibility of his Universe kendo collapsing. The more kendo he understands, the stronger his Universe kendo will be.

From this point of view, Xiao Yun's universe kendo can better break out the peerless combat power of the ultimate kendo.

It's just that this gift... is really too big.

It was so big that Xiao Yun was shocked.

There are more than 3,000 kinds of kendo, even if Xiao Yun has an epiphany to help him, he doesn't know that he can comprehend all of them in the year of the monkey.

It saves him too much time.

Send Xiao Yun directly to Kendo Immortal Realm.

"Jianzun, you..." Xiao Yun looked at Jianzun in front of him, not knowing what to say.

refuse? He was reluctant.

do you accept? Xiao Yun felt ashamed, this was the accumulation of over a million years of hard work.

Jian Zun is free and easy, he looked at Xiao Yun and smiled: "You don't have any psychological burden, anyway, I want to reincarnate and rebuild, it's a pity to throw this ultimate kendo away, it's better to give it to you. What's more, the stronger you are, Only then can I be reincarnated with peace of mind.”

In fact, he wanted to reincarnate and rebuild a long time ago. The reason why he didn't make up his mind was that he was reluctant to give up the ultimate swordsmanship.

After all, he is now a Half-step Immortal combat power. Once he loses his Half-step Immortal combat power, it will be a disaster for the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

But now, with the Immortal powerhouse Xiao Yun, he can reincarnate and rebuild with peace of mind.

"If that's the case, then Junior will not refuse. However, Junior will also give you a gift, and please don't refuse."

Xiao Yun took a deep breath, then stretched out his palm, and a small golden bell slowly appeared in his palm.

"East Emperor Bell!" Jian Zun's eyes narrowed.

At the beginning, Li Yun also used the Donghuang Bell in the battlefield of the two realms. Sword Sovereign will naturally not be ignorant of this Innate treasure, which is famous in the prehistoric world.

"It's the Eastern Emperor Bell!" Xiao Yun looked at Jian Zun and said with a smile: "The Eastern Emperor Bell integrates attack and defense, and it can also speed up time. It is perfect to have it guard your reincarnation and rebuild."

Jian Zun quickly shook his head and said, "No, this Innate treasure is too important to you."

"Although the Innate Treasure is important, it is not as good as sending me directly to the Immortal Realm of Kendo," Xiao Yun said.

He has no modesty, an Innate Treasure, although precious, is not as good as a true Immortal powerhouse, especially a Kendo Immortal.

Jianzun heard the words with a wry smile on his face: "I was afraid that the ultimate swordsmanship would be wasted."

"If the senior doesn't accept the Donghuang Bell, the junior will feel uneasy. You also know that what cultivation practitioners like us pursue is to have a clear idea and feel uneasy. How can we climb to the peak of cultivation?" Xiao Yun said sternly.

Jian Zun hesitated after hearing the words.

If it affects Xiao Yun's cultivation, it is his sin.

Xiao Yun looked at the silent Sword Master, and immediately took out three swords, a time and space sword, and two supreme divine swords.

Having obtained the half of the Supreme Divine Token from the Fire Element Master before, Xiao Yun also exchanged for a Supreme Divine Sword again.

"You...this..." Looking at the three divine swords in front of Xiao Yun, Jian Zun couldn't help widening his eyes. In his senses, the auras of these three swords were not much different from those of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"Jianzun, you have also seen, I have no shortage of Innate treasures." Xiao Yun looked at Jianzun with the attitude of a nouveau riche.

Jian Zun was completely speechless.

When did Innate Arcana become so worthless?

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