Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1212 The Origin Of The World Meets

Heavenly Emperor Palace.

Even the Chaos Heavenly Venerate Zhang Xiaofan is under Hongjun's attention, even the Sword Venerable who hid his strength before, can't hide it from Hongjun.

This kind of 'ignorance' comes from the one who has escaped, and it is a very terrifying magical power.

However, how vast and terrifying the Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world is, is simply not something that Xiao Yun, a small Immortal, can shake.

At the same time, in the ocean of the origin law of the world in Jiuxiao Continent, Xiao Yun gathered a huge amount of mental energy, and repeatedly impacted the prehistoric world Heavenly Dao that blocked him.

Because Xiao Yun's growth and rise is legendary, he is the protagonist of destiny in the world of Jiuxiao Continent, and he is related to 'Heavenly Emperor', it is impossible for Hongjun not to pay attention to him.

Xiao Yun stood in front of the Heavenly Emperor Palace, closed his eyes just like that, and tried his best to stimulate his own mind.

If it was before, Xiao Yun would not be able to come to this place at all.

"The Great Dao is fifty, and Tianyan is forty-nine. This one is the most amazing. I will only pay attention to you when you are in front of my eyes. Once I can't see you, I will not pay attention to you anymore." Hong Jun stared at you. Xiao Yun in front of him, his plain and indifferent eyes, began to brew a peerless murderous intent.

Just like he "ignored" Dou Sheng back then.

"It's the palace!"

Fortunately, his spiritual Realm has reached the Immortal level, so he can barely resist this shock.


These could not escape the eyes of Hongjun. He suppressed the origin of the world in Jiuxiao Continent, and the entire time and space of Jiuxiao Continent was clearly seen by him.

"Junior, this is not where you should come!" Suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded in Xiao Yun's heart.

Hongjun's shot was very decisive. When he noticed that Xiao Yun had merged with the escape, he immediately revealed murderous intentions.

Even the gray-robed world master on the seventh floor of the Seven Prison Building was definitely not Hongjun's opponent.

"Spiritual vortex!"

Xiao Yun Double Pupils' eyes narrowed.


"Where is Shizun now?" Xiao Yun couldn't help asking, looking at the palace in front of him that he was familiar with in his memory.

However, when Xiao Yun's mental strength entered the ocean of the laws of the world of Jiuxiao Continent, a majestic coercion surged.

"Xiao Yun is exploring the origin of the world, could he enter it?" The Dragon Emperor seemed to have noticed something, and stared at Xiao Yun in disbelief.

The most important thing is that Xiao Yun, like the Dou Sheng back then, made him ignore it unintentionally.

However, Hongjun didn't care about these ants.

After all, Hongjun is the Heavenly Dao who suppressed the prehistoric world, but the four supreme gods can only choose to give up their emotions to merge with Heavenly Dao, which is clear at a glance.

Immediately, the three emperors and a group of experts from the Nine Heavens Continent stood by Xiao Yun's side, waiting for news from Xiao Yun.

This was the first time he had met with Hong Jun, and Xiao Yun also had a trace of awe in his heart for the ultimate boss of this prehistoric world, the legendary figure standing at the top of the age of mythology.

Pangu swung his axe and slashed at the galaxy in front of him.

Emperor Chu and the others didn't know what Xiao Yun was doing, but they faintly felt a terrifying force that intertwined and collided in the depths of the void.

And this is the terrifying part of the one who has escaped.

"It's the Heavenly Dao of the prehistoric world!"

Even the four supreme gods in the realm of the gods are definitely not as good as Hongjun alone.

Because it wasn't until Xiao Yun stood in front of him that he saw bits and pieces of Xiao Yun's past. At that time, Xiao Yun rose from the Chaos Sacred Land, and even returned to the Primordial Era, and was accepted as a direct disciple by Heavenly Emperor.

This is an unfathomable powerhouse.

Xiao Yun yelled.

"Brother Xiao, he has already entered the origin of the world, but was blocked by Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world." At this time, Zhang Xiaofan also said, his face was a little dignified, as a Half step Immortal, he also felt it.

It can even be said that Hong Jun is the strongest among the powerhouses Xiao Yun currently knows.

"The origin of the world..." Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed when he heard the words, and his majestic mental energy immediately went deep into the origin of the world of Jiuxiao Continent, the ultimate place of countless laws, intertwined with countless rules and orders. .

This is not normal.

At this moment, Xiao Yun only felt that his own spiritual world was split in half by an axe, causing him to scream in pain.

"Yang Jian and Zhunti were hit by my soul slaying stab, it should be so miserable!" Xiao Yun suddenly had this thought in his mind, but was quickly overwhelmed by the tidal wave of pain.

The universe collapsed, the Galaxy Cluster was turbulent, and the scenes of the annihilation of the stars suddenly appeared one by one, shaking Xiao Yun's spiritual world.

A terrifying figure condensed in Heavenly Dao. It was Pangu god-tier, holding a divine axe and slashing towards Xiao Yun.

Emperor Chu and Emperor Beishan were all surprised when they heard the words. For so many years, they couldn't contact Heavenly Emperor, and they didn't know what the situation of Heavenly Emperor was now, which made them very worried.

And now, Xiao Yun might be able to contact Heavenly Emperor.

The Emperor Chu sighed and said, "Hongjun used Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world to suppress the world origin of our Jiuxiao Continent, and the master was suppressed by him in the origin of the world."

He is Half step Immortal. Although he can't communicate with the origin of the world, he can faintly perceive it.

Heavenly Dao murder, that is the punishment.

Xiao Yun came here and looked at the familiar palace in front of him, and suddenly some memories of his time in the Primordial Era appeared in his mind.

Even though they were far apart, those two forces made their hearts tremble.

It is a pity that the palace is still the same today, but there is no one in it.

Especially the terrifying scene where Pangu evolved from Heavenly Dao, just the impact of the Heavenly Dao made Xiao Yun's soul shudder, and he only felt that his mind was about to collapse.

But Hongjun's attack also forced Xiao Yun to withdraw from the origin of the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

Xiao Yun inspired Double Pupils, followed the huge mental power, penetrated the layers of time and space, and looked into the vast ocean of the boundless ocean of the source law of the world.

It made Hong Jun "ignore" Xiao Yun.

But Xiao Yun was also prepared and tried his best to mobilize his mental defense.

The Heavenly Emperor Palace in front of him was the same palace that was suspended above Heavenly Emperor City back then, and it was the place where his cheap master 'Heavenly Emperor' retreated.

The power of the stars in the sky turned into bright rays of light, pouring in from the dome of the palace, making the entire palace bathed in the sea of ​​star power.

Although Heavenly Emperor City is a bit shabby, the palace is very majestic. At first glance, it is majestic and magnificent.

But now, his mind has broken through to the Immortal level, but he can break through the blockades of these rules and orders, and enter the unfathomable ocean of the origin law of the world.

"Boom!" The huge vortex, wrapped in unparalleled mental strength, seemed to have evolved into a galaxy, blocking Xiao Yun's body.

"Junior, I can't see through you, the one who escaped from the world of Jiuxiao Continent should be in your hands!" Hong Jun stared at Xiao Yun, his eyes suddenly became sharp, the junior in front of him was the second Immortal powerhouse in the world of Jiuxiao Continent. , and also cultivated the Cultivation Technique of the Great Mind World, which made him a little curious.

But this junior named 'Xiao Yun' made Hongjun have to pay attention.

But until he saw Xiao Yun with his own eyes, he didn't really pay attention to this person.

This coercion contained the vast aura of chaos and wilderness, and vaguely revealed the terrifying scene of Pangu's creation of the world. Just touching it, Xiao Yun's heart trembled, and his concentrated mental strength almost collapsed.

In the boundless world of Heavenly Dao, a face gradually condensed. There was a pair of indifferent eyes on that face, staring at Xiao Yun without the slightest emotion.

It stands to reason that Hongjun suppressed the world origin of Jiuxiao Continent. He knew everything and everything in the world of Jiuxiao Continent, and everything could not escape his eyes.

Fortunately, Xiao Yun's spiritual Realm has reached the Immortal level, and Hongjun has to suppress Heavenly Emperor, so he can't mobilize much power at all, he can only hurt Xiao Yun, but cannot kill Xiao Yun.

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