"This world of the mind is so terrifying!" All the saints were very shocked when they heard Hong Jun's words.

Hong Jun said lightly: "You don't need to pay attention to Xiao Yun, no matter how strange his mind power secret technique is, he will still be a dead end when he comes to the prehistoric world."

He didn't care about Xiao Yun, as long as the ancestor Yang Mei came back, Xiao Yun would not be able to turn the tide.

Even if Xiao Yun was promoted to Realm in a short period of time, it would be useless.

Hongjun is very clear about the strength of Yang Mei's ancestors. Just because the opponent has not fallen in the Chaos Realm for so many years, you can guess how terrible the opponent's strength is.

Moreover, Hongjun was able to know the information of the world of the mind, and it was the ancestor Yang Mei who told him, and the ancestor of Yang Mei had also learned from the powerhouses of the world of mind, and he did not fall behind.

"Let's all go away!" Hong Jun glanced at the saints, and the avatar disappeared.

All the saints also left Zixiao Palace one by one.

It's just that everyone's mood can't be calm.

Among them, Amitābha, Daode Tianzun and others, whose spiritual realm has reached the Immortal level, are all ready to gain insight into the spiritual avenue and explore the cultivation technique of spiritual power.

Other sages, including Rahu, also became interested in mind power.


"Heavenly Dao Sage...with the power of Heavenly Dao...hehe, it's ridiculous!" Lingbao Tianzun returned to the Biyou Palace with a self-deprecating smile.

He used to think that even if he didn't rely on the power of Heavenly Dao, he could fight Immortal-level powerhouses only by killing the Immortal sword formation.

But this time, Xiao Yun launched a mental attack just from a long distance away, so that he didn't even have the ability to cast the Immortal Sword Formation.

Is this still comparable to Immortal?

How ridiculous this is!

Lingbao Tianzun clenched his fists with both hands and looked towards Chaos Heaven. At this moment, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, but he hadn't made up his mind yet.

"Master, did you call me?" Li Yun's voice came from outside.

Lingbao Tianzun's face returned to calm, looking at Li Yun who was walking outside the hall, he smiled gently: "This time I want to remind you, the new world master Xiao Yun of another world appeared not long ago, and his strength is very strong. , even we and Sage have suffered a big loss in his hands, you should not enter the battlefield between the two realms in the future."

"Yes, Master!" Li Yun nodded, but he was very speechless, f*ck, he still regarded himself as a realm master. If I were the world master, you Sages couldn't escape just now.

However, this time, Li Yun was still very happy.

After planning for so long, he finally stood at the pinnacle of the cultivation path. Except for the old monsters like Hongjun and Yang Mei ancestors, he has nothing to fear.

"Next, I will Ascension my physical body and my law perception to the Immortal level, then my strength will skyrocket again." Li Yun thought to himself.

However, this time against the saints, he used the Soul Execution Thorn, and the last time he dealt with Yang Jian, he also used the Soul Execution Thorn.

Once that Yang Jian and the saints have a discussion, I am afraid that he will be exposed.

Li Yun felt that he should consider the way back.

Up to now, his avatar has been successfully completed, and if he stays in the prehistoric world, it will not be of much use.

Saying goodbye to Lingbao Tianzun, both Li Yun's deity and the good corpse both left the Biyou Palace, leaving only the evil corpse and Zhao Youji's clone remaining in the Biyou Palace.

The reason why Li Yun did this was to prevent his identity from being exposed.

After all, once his identity is revealed, his deity and the three corpses will be wiped out, and he will not be able to escape even if he wants to.

Although Xiao Yun didn't care about the clones of Li Yun anymore, there were still three treasures on Li Yun's body, which were very precious.

Xiao Yun didn't want to lose these treasures, after all, he still had to set up the Immortal sword formation.

"There is only one evil corpse left in the Biyou Palace. Even if the identity is exposed, only one evil corpse and ten second-rank Karma Red Lotus will be lost."

Li Yun thought to himself.

After all, he still feels a little guilty about Lingbao Tianzun and Intercepting Jiao. If his identity is revealed, he should compensate Lingbao Tianzun for the ten second rank karma red lotus. After all, Lingbao Tianzun gave him a time and space Jian, still taking care of him like that.

And Li Yun's body and good corpse, with the Immortal Array, the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the Sword of Time and Space, left the Biyou Palace far away, and found a place to hide in the prehistoric world and secretly cultivate.

His body has already merged with the escaped one, and even Hongjun can't figure out his position, so as long as he doesn't take the initiative to appear in front of those Sages, he will be fine, and he can open the gate of heaven and leave at any time.

"Huh? The deity of this kid and the corpse have both left, what are you going to do?"

Biyou Palace, Lingbao Tianzun is in control of every move of Biyou Palace, Li Yun and Shanshi left, and he was naturally discovered by him.

Although it's a bit strange, Lingbao Tianzun didn't think much about it. After all, Li Yun is still very young, and going out for more walks is also helpful for cultivation.

Moreover, Lingbao Tianzun is facing a crucial decision at this moment, and he has no intention to care about other things.

"How should I choose?"

"No, we'd better wait. It's not a good time yet, and Hongjun won't allow it."

"Just wait for the ancestor Yangmei to come back!"

Lingbao Tianzun's eyes flickered, as if he had made up his mind.

In fact, among the saints, his Lingbao Tianzun is the most motivated, otherwise he would not be fighting in the battlefield between the two worlds all the year round.

Being hit by Xiao Yun this time, he finally made that decision.

"I'm going to be a real Sage!"

Lingbao Tianzun closed his eyes.


The battlefield of the two worlds, Heavenly Emperor city.

This is not the city of Heavenly Emperor in ancient times, but the city of Heavenly Emperor that was built when they came to the battlefield of the two worlds later.

However, this Heavenly Emperor city is not majestic, but rather dilapidated, with traces of war everywhere.

"Back then, the prehistoric world came to Heavenly Emperor many times, and this Heavenly Emperor city has been destroyed more than a dozen times. It was not until the rise of Chaos Heavenly Venerate that we gradually resisted the invasion of the prehistoric world." Emperor Chu looked in front of him. Heavenly Emperor City, said with emotion.

Xiao Yun nodded. He could imagine the difficulties of the Nine Heavens Continent at that time. Heavenly Emperor was suppressed. The Three Emperors and the others had just broken through to the Heavenly Venerate Realm. Naturally, they could not stop the invasion of the prehistoric world.

Fortunately, they can retreat into the heaven at any time, barely able to protect themselves.

"It's alright now, with your junior brother here, don't think about invading our Jiuxiao Continent again in the prehistoric world." Beishan Human Sovereign laughed beside him.

Everyone else was smiling too.

The strength Xiao Yun showed this time was too strong, and he directly swept the Sages of those prehistoric worlds. How could the Sages of those prehistoric worlds dare to invade their Jiuxiao Continent world in the future?

"Boss, you're finally here, so many years I've thought of you so much!" A five-clawed golden dragon suddenly flew from the sky and appeared in front of Xiao Yun, turning into a young man, his face full of excitement and tears He stared blankly at Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun recognized it as Ao Jiujiu, and he was still very impressed by this not-wanting-faced dragon.

Especially those relics left by this guy in Jiuxiao Continent, tsk tsk, actually tampered with history, saying that he had defeated him.

When Xiao Yun thought of this, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

Ao Jiujiu seemed to sense the killing intent in Xiao Yun's eyes, and quickly pointed to Zao Wou-Ki who was still looking sad not far away and said, "Boss, not long ago this guy said that you were his follower, and I was scolded by me. I gave him a hard lesson. Hmph, who is my boss? That was the first genius of the ancient times, I knew he was lying from the beginning, so I gave him a hard beating."

Dead fellow daoist is not dead, I, Ao Jiujiu, have always been very smart.

Zhao Wuji in the distance heard the words, his face turned black with anger, dammit, this damn bastard dragon, didn't you also say that Xiao Yun is your follower?

It was the first time that Zao Wou-Ki saw someone more shameless than him. No, the other person was not a human, but a dragon, a shameless dragon.

"You two—" Xiao Yun looked at Ao Jiujiu in front of him, and then looked at Zao Wou-Ki not far away, his majestic mental energy surged out, and he instantly activated "One Thought Becomes Sad".

Ao Jiujiu and Zhao Wuji were stunned for a while, and then their eyes became redder and redder. Finally, they both shouted and rushed towards each other, as if they saw themselves killing their father's enemy, they started to kill each other.

"Xiao Erniu, I, Zhao Wudi, are the real protagonists of destiny, I will definitely defeat you today!" Zhao Wuji roared and punched Ao Jiujiu.

"Xiao Yun, I, Ao Jiujiu, are the number one genius in Jiuxiao Continent!" Ao Jiujiu also roared and fought against Zao Wuji.

This person and one dragon suddenly started fighting, and everyone who looked at them was stunned.

"Junior brother, this?" Chu Huang looked at Xiao Yun blankly.

Everyone just saw that Xiao Yun just glanced at them casually, and the two seemed to be possessed, and they started to kill each other.

Xiao Yun smiled lightly: "They have a lot of energy, so let them vent."

After speaking, he flew to the Heavenly Emperor city in front of him.

Everyone glanced at Zao Wuji and Ao Jiujiu sympathetically, and followed Xiao Yun into Heavenly Emperor City. Even the Dragon Emperor didn't care. Anyway, he had many sons, as can be seen from the name Ao Jiujiu. Now, he doesn't care if there is one more or one less.

Having seen Xiao Yun's strength, the Dragon Emperor did not dare to rely on the old and sell the old.

Didn't you see that even the Three Sovereigns and Jian Zun were vaguely headed by Xiao Yun?

"Zao Wou-Ki, a liar, thank you for believing in him so much before, bah!" Wu Chaozu glanced at the schadenfreude, then turned his head and left.

Lie Yanggong's face was flushed, and if you want to say that the most miserable person was deceived by Zao Wuji, it must be him.

"Both of these guys treat Brother Xiao as a Hearts Demon!" Chu Yidao shook his head and looked away.

Although he didn't know what tactics Xiao Yun had just used, but after listening to the conversation between Zao Wuji and Ao Jiujiu, he knew that they both regarded each other as Xiao Yun, and it could be seen that their Hearts Demon was Xiao Yun.

"Brother Xiao is really amazing!" Zhang Xiaofan also sighed with emotion, with a random look, he played two Heavenly Venerate powerhouses between his palms, it was really scary.

"Xiao Yun, I'm going to kill you!"

"Xiao Erniu, I, Zhao Wudi, are going to step on you today."

As everyone entered the city, there were only Ao Jiujiu and Zao Wuji left outside the city who were still fighting desperately.

Some of the strong human race guards on the city wall watched this scene dumbfounded, wondering what the madness of these two people was going on.

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