Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1210 Gathering In Zixiao Palace Again

As soon as Hongjun came, he felt a decadent aura in the Zixiao Palace. He glanced at the saints and found that except for the fighting saint, the morale of the saints was very low.

Hong Jun wasn't too surprised by this either. Although most of his power was used to suppress the 'Heavenly Emperor', he was still watching the battlefield between the two realms, and naturally he saw the battle just now.

Xiao Yun swept the saints by himself, which naturally caused the morale of the saints to plummet.

"You don't have to do this. Although Xiao Yun's attack is very strange, it is a pure mental attack and cannot be guarded against. But if it is in the prehistoric world, you can easily resist it with the power of Heavenly Dao."

Hongjun opened his mouth to comfort the saints.

When the saints heard the words, their faces looked better. Indeed, if they were in the prehistoric world, they could use the power of Heavenly Dao. Not to mention Ascension, they could resist that kind of weird attack.

With Heavenly Dao's power to protect himself, no matter what kind of soul attack, soul attack, or spiritual attack, it's useless.

Because Heavenly Dao contains all Dao, and the mind is also in it, naturally it cannot penetrate the protection of Heavenly Dao's power.

Unless the other party's mind has reached the level of the 'Heavenly Dao' in the prehistoric world, but that is almost impossible, it is already close to the eternal level.

"Old man Hongjun, in the prehistoric world, the saints can use the power of Heavenly Dao, but in the chaotic world, the saints can't use the power of Heavenly Dao. With Xiao Yun here, how can you invade that Otherworld?" Dou Sheng suddenly Interjected, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

With the power of Heavenly Dao?

It is indeed very strong, but it can only be pretending to be in the prehistoric world. Once you reach the Chaos World or enter other worlds, the so-called Heavenly Dao Sage is not even as good as one of his little fingers.

Dou Sheng has always disdained these Heavenly Dao Sages.

In his opinion, these Sages are just chess pieces played by Hongjun.

"Dou Sheng, why didn't you go to the battlefield of the two realms before?" Hong Jun didn't answer, but stared at Dou Sheng and asked.

The other Sages also looked at Dou Sheng, and they all gloated, they knew that Hong Jun was beating Dou Sheng.

Dou Sheng met Hong Jun's deep gaze, without the slightest fear, and still said carelessly: "My old grandson was at the critical juncture of breakthrough before, and of course he can't leave the customs ahead of schedule."

breakthrough is holy?

When the saints heard the words, all their pupils shrank, as if they were struck by a lightning bolt, and they all looked at Dou Sheng in shock.

"Have you succeeded in breakthrough?" Luo Hu also looked at Dou Sheng in disbelief. How long did it take for this monkey to become a saint? How could it be so holy so quickly?

"It's good to have breakthrough!" Hong Jun took a deep look at Dou Sheng. In fact, he suspected that the monkey had broken through to the Holy Realm very early, but the monkey's deity had been hidden near the world of Jiuxiao Continent, and he couldn't detect it.

Dou Sheng spread his hands and said: "It's useless to go through a breakthrough. Now that Xiao Yun is here, other Sages can't exert much combat power in the battlefield of the two worlds. My grandson alone can't match so many strong people in another world."

Hong Jun said lightly: "You don't have to worry about this matter, I have my own plans!"

When the saints heard the words, their eyes became a little strange. It seemed that Hongjun did not tell the Saint Dou the news that the ancestor of Yang Mei was coming back. Is this guarding against the Saint?

In fact, in the past few years, the saints have been fishing in the battlefields of the two realms, and the saints are more or less suspicious of the saints.

"This old guy looks confident, what's going on?" Dou Sheng gave Hong Jun a strange look, his eyes flickering, and his mind changed sharply.

However, Dou Sheng soon stopped thinking about it.

He has now reached the Holy Realm, and with his mental strength, even if he leaves the prehistoric world and travels in the chaos world, he will not be afraid of any threats.

As for the world of Jiuxiao Continent?

His deal with Heavenly Emperor is over.

When he traded with Heavenly Emperor, the last item was that he would grow up according to the protection of Xiao Yun.

And now, that Xiao Yun is already at the Immortal level of mental strength, so naturally he doesn't need his protection anymore.

"Heavenly Emperor, my old grandson has already done what I promised you. In the future, what happens to your Jiuxiao Continent world will depend on you and Xiao Yun." Dou Sheng thought to himself.

In the final analysis, he is also a creature of the prehistoric world, and it is impossible for him to selflessly help the world of Jiuxiao Continent. At most, he will not help each other in the future.

"Master, please come and save Junior Brother Zhunti." At this moment, Amitābha's voice sounded.

Only then did everyone remember that Zhunti was still lying on the ground.

Hongjun looked at the unconscious Zhunti and waved his hand casually, which brought Zhunti back to consciousness.

"Senior brother!" As soon as Zhunti opened his eyes, he saw Amitābha and was overjoyed.

Afterwards, he saw Hongjun again, and hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you, teacher!"

Hongjun waved his hand, and then said to the saints: "You don't have to go to the battlefield between the two realms anymore."

All the saints nodded when they heard the words. They knew that Hongjun was waiting for Yang Mei's ancestor to return.

At this time, the Taoist Tianzun asked: "Master, what's the matter with the psychic attack? I am not low on the spiritual realm, especially the spiritual realm of the junior brother, I am afraid it is still higher than me, why can't he use this A psychic attack method?"

Amitābha hurriedly looked at Hongjun when he heard the words. Among the saints, his spiritual Realm was the highest, even higher than Luohu and Dou Sheng of the Holy Realm.

"Yes, Master, that Xiao Yun's spiritual Realm should not be much stronger than mine." Yuanshi Tianzun also hurriedly asked.

This time Xiao Yun swept the saints and dealt a great blow to them.

You know, they are Heavenly Dao Sage, second only to Hongjun in the prehistoric world. Even in the face of Rahu who is the most holy Realm, they are not afraid, because they can use the power of Heavenly Dao to really fight with Rahu, not to mention that they can defeat Rahu, at least they can protect themselves.

After so many years, Wudi was suddenly swept away on the battlefield between the two worlds. Where does this make their Sage face?

These Heavenly Dao Sages are the ones who care most about face.

Of course, there is another point, that is, they have seen the potential of Spirit Power. If they have this kind of power, then even if they go out of the prehistoric world, they will be genuine Sages.

"Then what Xiao Yun used should be a mental attack."

Looking at the saints, Hong Jun said lightly: "There are many great worlds in the Chaos World, one of which is called the 'Spiritual Great World', which specializes in cultivating the mind, and the cultivation has developed a lot of mental power and researched many secret techniques of mental power. Apart from the power of Heavenly Dao and some wonders of heaven and earth, this kind of mental attack is almost impossible to defend against, so Xiao Yun may be lucky to get the cultivation Cultivation Technique of this 'spirit world', and cultivated his mental energy."

"Unable to defend?"

All the saints took a deep breath when they heard the words.

This is too powerful to defend, so how can you fight?

No matter how strong your body or strength is, once your spiritual Realm can't match the opponent's, there will only be a dead end.

Even if your spiritual Realm is stronger than others, the severe pain of being pierced by the piercing soul is enough to destroy most of their combat power.

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