Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

The 10100 And 99 Chapters Are Coming

Yang Jian, who was unable to use the fighting secrets and supernatural powers, was finally abused by Li Yun, almost beating him.

Under the suspicious gazes of the people in the distance, Yang Jian seemed to have changed his personality. He didn't know how to use the Immortal Technique, and was just waving a three-pointed and two-edged sword indiscriminately, and he had no fighting skills at all.

He is like an ordinary person with free power but no Martial Skill.

Li Yun in such a state was naturally suppressed.

"How could this be? What the hell is Yang Jian doing?" Guang Chengzi frowned, a little anxious.

"Isn't his Primordial Spirit's attack impossible to defend against?" Taiyi Zhenren's face was ugly.

They didn't know what kind of pain Yang Jian was suffering now.

When resisting this kind of pain, how could Yang Jian have the energy to control his body to fight.

"Damn, what kind of power is this? Why can I ignore my Yuanshen defense?" Yang Jian was also very anxious.

In the prehistoric world, there are also secret techniques for Primordial Spirit attack. Yang Jian has learned it himself, and naturally he is also proficient in Primordial Spirit Defense.

But these are all in vain in front of Li Yun's soul-killing thorns.

No matter how Yang Jian builds his Primordial Spirit defense, Soul Punisher ignores the defense and directly penetrates his Primordial Spirit Soul.


While Li Yun used the Soul Punisher to attack Yang Jian's soul, he urged the Immortal sword to attack Yang Jian's body with all his strength.

On the other hand, Yang Jian reluctantly swung a three-pointed and two-edged sword to defend, and was unable to fight back.

After all, if he doesn't use any combat skills and Immortal method, his counterattack will be seen through by Li Yun at a glance, and he won't hurt Li Yun at all.

But Li Yun couldn't help Yang Jian, because this guy's body was too perverted.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, Li Yun still won this battle.

After all, it was Li Yun who was pressing Yang Jian to fight, and Yang Jian was undefeated only by virtue of his defense.

"Let's end this, Li Yun, your attack power can't help my body." Yang Jian finally couldn't help but said.

This kind of battle made him very uncomfortable.

It is difficult for him to exert his supreme power, which makes him feel too suffocated.

Obviously, he can release 300% of his power through supernatural powers, but now, he can only exert 50% of his power. How embarrassing is this?

Yang Jian was about to go crazy.

He couldn't stand the fight.

"Haha, Yang Jian, you are just like that. Since you are begging for mercy, this battle will end here."

Li Yun laughed loudly, but the words he said made Yang Jian's complexion change, and everyone in the distance also blushed, and they were all angry and embarrassed.

"Li Yun, you are too arrogant..." As soon as Yang Jian was about to refute, he sensed an extremely powerful force coming from not far away.


A black gap suddenly opened in the void.

Then, a blazing knife light reflected the heaven and the earth, carrying terrifying power, and slashed towards Yang Jian.

This knife is boundless, like a divine boat, carrying the hope of thousands of souls.

Yang Jian could even see countless human races praying and worshipping from the dazzling light of the sword.

"Emperor Chu's sword of all beings!" Yang Jian's pupils shrank, and he said word by word.

"Yang Jian, take your life!" Daoguang was wrapped in violent shouts, tearing the void and smashing the world.

Yang Jian sneered, waving a three-pointed two-edged sword, and then went to meet him.

"It turned out to be the first prince of the Chu country!"

The strength of the person who came was very strong, and even if Yang Jian made all his efforts, he did not gain the upper hand.

The bright sword lights shone in all directions, and the terrifying sword intent was surging.

It was the sword of hope that the sages of the human race cut a way for the human race.

It is the sword of the wish of all beings that countless human races pray and worship.

Even if he was as strong as Yang Jian, it would be difficult to break free for a while.

"No, it's a powerful enemy from another world!" Guangchengzi roared, and led many strong men to come to help.

Because when the first prince of Chu State attacked Yang Jian, there were still many strong men from Jiuxiao Continent who came out of nowhere, and each one of them was extremely powerful and earth-shattering.

Li Yun even saw a lot of acquaintances in the crowd. One of the young men with a golden wig shouted loudly: "I am Zao Wou-Ki, and today's battle will wipe out the battlefield between the two worlds."

"Brother Zhao is so arrogant!"

"As expected of the person that Boss Xiao Yun once followed."

Someone nearby was flattering Zao Wou-Ki.

Li Yun was stunned.

This guy... I followed him?

He finally saw Zhao Wuji's shamelessness.

But Li Yun never expected that he still underestimated Zao Wou-Ki's shamelessness.

"Look, that guy is Li Yun, a genius in the prehistoric world. The ten second rank flaming red lotus under his feet is the Innate treasure. Come and grab it with me." Zao Wou-Ki pointed at Li Yun from a distance and shouted. road.

Wu Chaozu, Lieyang Gong, and Chu Yidao heard the words, and they all attacked Li Yun.

Li Yun glared at Zao Wou-Ki fiercely, others couldn't recognize him, could Zao Wou-Ki not know? This bastard, beat him to death sooner or later.

Although he was very angry, Li Yun still chose to retreat at this moment.

Because he felt a few tyrannical breaths in that group of people, it was definitely not the early stage of Tianzun, but the peak Tianzun.

"It's the second generation of emperors!"

Li Yun thought to himself.

Those few people were of the same generation as the first prince of the Chu country, and they were all the direct sons of the three emperors. They not only inherited the bloodline of the three emperors, but they were also the best among them.

After so many years, it is normal for some peak Tianzun to appear among these second-generation emperors.

"Where to go!"

A loud shout sounded, and there seemed to be an extra sun in the void. The blazing light was about to melt the void, and the blazing sun was extremely dazzling.

Seeing this, Li Yun hurriedly urged the ten second rank industry to defend the Red Lotus, and took the opportunity to retreat.

He didn't want to fight against the strong men of Jiuxiao Continent, it was better to fish in troubled waters.

"Li Yun child, do you dare to fight against Zhao Mou?" Zhao Wuji immediately shouted at him when he saw Li Yun trying to escape from a distance.

Seeing this, Li Yun gritted his teeth angrily.

But he had to flee, because the prince of Lieyang Kingdom was chasing after him, and the nine rounds of scorching sun shone on the world of the heavens and were extremely powerful.

This person's strength is not inferior to Yang Jian. Li Yun can't stop fighting against him. It's not good to hurt anyone.

"Li Yun, you coward, don't run, come and fight with your grandfather Zhao." Zao Wou-Ki was very active on the battlefield, shouting endlessly.

But soon he was out of it.

Because Li Yun took out the golden lamp that Zhun mentioned, and directly punched Zhao Gaoseng who was lit by the lamp wick, he had kept this avatar of Zao Wou-ki.

"Damn it, you bastard!" Zao Wou-Ki was furious when he saw this scene from a distance.

"Want to die? I will fulfill you!" Li Yun gestured twice at Gaoseng Zhao's little Ding Ding with his Immortal sword.

In the distance, Zao Wou-Ki suddenly felt a chill under his crotch. Although it was only a clone, it also made him feel the same.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, a few powerful breaths came from the prehistoric world.

Li Yun's expression changed, he sensed the arrival of Sage, the aura was too terrifying, incomparably vast and distant, but after coming to the battlefield between the two worlds, he was suppressed, but it was still very powerful.

Similarly, on the side of Jiuxiao Continent, there is also the arrival of peak powerhouse.

Jian Zun slashed across the sky, and the terrifying ultimate Sword Intent suppressed the audience, slashing towards Lingbao Tianzun, who rushed in first, across the distant time and space.

"Good job!" Lingbao Tianzun was not surprised but delighted, and he waved four Immortal swords, cutting the void, covering the world, and setting up an Immortal sword array.

On the other side, the three human emperors came together, the atmosphere of the emperor permeated, and the vast coercion charged towards the Western Second Saint.

In the shattered void of Yanshan volcano, a figure wrapped in the chaotic airflow appeared, and he punched the Yuanshi Tianzun.

A giant dragon roared from the depths of the void, and Li Yun vaguely saw a golden dragon raise its head. , exuding a terrifying breath.

That is the Dragon Emperor, the leader of the monster clan in the world of Jiuxiao Continent!

"Haha, it's really lively, is this a big battle?" The demon ancestor Luo Hu also came.

The area of ​​Yanshan Mountain was completely overturned, and the powerhouses from the two worlds came one after another.

Li Yun and Yang Jian are no longer the focus of attention.

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