With the arrival of many powerhouses in the two worlds, the area of ​​Yanshan Mountain was completely shattered. One by one powerful breaths fought fiercely in the turbulent space, and chaos and war swept the entire battlefield of the two worlds.

Although Li Yun didn't want to do it, he was forced to do so at the moment because there were too many people.

This time, the world of Jiuxiao Continent dispatched almost all the powerhouses.

Among them, a familiar figure slashed towards Li Yun.

The figure turned his back to all living beings, and when he approached Li Yun, he suddenly turned around and slashed.

The snow-white shining sword light burst out with a powerful artistic conception that shatters the world of the heavens, which can be called a peerless sword that destroys the heavens and the earth.

"Remember, the person who killed you is called Chu Yidao."

In the light of the knife, Ling Lie's killing intent was mixed.

However, Li Yun swung out a sword, the vast and unparalleled kendo river, directly blasting Chu Yidao out.

"Tianzun early stage? You've only improved so much over the years? I'm so disappointed."

Li Yun's voice sounded in the mind of Chu Yidao, who was flying upside down.

Chu Yidao's pupils shrank, his face full of disbelief.

The familiar voice and the vaguely familiar kendo just now made a distant figure appear in his mind.

"You...you..." Chu Yidao widened his eyes and stared at Li Yun.

However, it was too chaotic here, and soon Li Yun's figure disappeared and appeared in another place.

The energy here is even more terrifying, and the terrifying aura is constantly colliding in the void, and any weaker quasi-sage cannot get close to this place at all.

Li Yun saw a familiar figure not far away, that was Zhang Xiaofan, the Heavenly Lord of Chaos.

After a million years, Zhang Xiaofan has grown so powerful that Li Yun was amazed.

Because the person who is fighting against Zhang Xiaofan at the moment is Yuanshi Tianzun, although this Heavenly Dao Sage was suppressed by Cultivation Base in the battlefield of the two realms, his strength is also stronger than Wudi Quansheng, which is a Half step Immortal level.

Moreover, he also has the Innate treasure in his hand, and his combat power is extremely powerful.

But he was not Zhang Xiaofan's opponent, he was pressed and beaten by Zhang Xiaofan.


Zhang Xiaofan's body was enveloped by the chaotic airflow, every time he waved his fist, it resonated with the heavens and the earth, and all the stars in the heavens were in flux.

The power of Chaos Fist was pushed to the peak by this Chaos Heavenly Venerate, and the sky collapsed with one punch.

He is like an immemorial god king, with divine power unparalleled in the world, shaking the four fields.

This is a great atmosphere, all kinds of avenues, all kinds of gods, all integrated into Zhang Xiaofan's Chaos Fist, the sound of roaring and clanging is incessant.

"Chaos Tianzun, I didn't expect you to go further and reach Half step Immortal Realm!"

Yuanshi Tianzun waved the Pangu flag, his eyes were extremely dignified, the power of the primordial spirit was in harmony with the Pangu flag, hesitantly condensed a tall and majestic figure, standing above the prehistoric world, holding a giant axe, and slashed down towards Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan had no fear and waved his Chaos Fist to meet him.

The Pangu phantom was forcibly condensed by Yuanshi Tianzun, and connected with the avenue of power, showing extreme power.


With the collision between Zhang Xiaofan and Pangu's phantom, the place was completely violent, terrifying energy swept out, the blazing light covered everything, and nothing could be seen.

"Xiaofan actually reached Half step Immortal Realm!"

Li Yun retracted his gaze, secretly amazed in his heart.

At the same time, he was also a little fortunate for his wise decision to own, fortunately he was not in a hurry to meet Zhang Xiaofan and the others, otherwise, if he, the boss, did not enter the Immortal level, he would be ashamed to see them.

"Good brothers, you are waiting for my return!"

Li Yun took a deep look at Zhang Xiaofan and the others, and immediately threw the Zao Wou-Ki golden lantern in his hand, then quickly opened the gate of heaven and disappeared in place.

On the chaotic battlefield, no one noticed Li Yun's disappearance.

Even those Sages have their own opponents, who would care about a Li Yun.

Only the wicked monk Zhao saw Li Yun enter the gate of heaven.

"What is this guy going to do?" Zhao Gaoseng was puzzled, but soon, the terrifying force of the collision between Zhang Xiaofan and Yuanshi Tianzun swept in and shattered the golden lamp.

With the shattering of the golden lamp, Monk Zhao was also able to escape.

"Hahaha, old man... No, my Zhao Wudi finally got out of trouble. Today, I want to unite and attack the Realm of Heavenly Venerate."

Monk Zhao shouted excitedly.

His avatar in the prehistoric world has already reached the quasi-sage Realm, which is stronger than the deity in the world of Jiuxiao Continent.

Moreover, over the years, he has been wicked, which has also sharpened his soul will, making him more powerful.

As soon as he got out of trouble this time, Zhao Gaoseng's strength skyrocketed. Even among the quasi-sages, he belonged to the top level, and he was not far from the peak quasi-sages.

"I got myself out of trouble—"

In the distance, Zao Wou-Ki's deity sensed something, turned his head to look, his face was full of surprise, and he rushed in this direction immediately.

Monk Zhao also rushed towards the deity.

The two bodies merged into one in the chaotic spatial turbulence.

The next moment, an extremely powerful aura erupted from Zao Wou-Ki's body, like a long rainbow penetrating the sun, and Blood Qi shook the heavens.

Zao Wou-Ki, who only reached the strongest Heavenly Emperor Realm not long ago, has actually entered the Heavenly Emperor Realm directly at this moment, and is still advancing towards the middle stage of the Heavenly Emperor.

"Zhao Wudi is here too!"

A loud drink.

Zhao Wuji, whose aura was soaring, went straight to the nearest battlefield.

The more he fought, the stronger he became, and he even rushed to the middle stage of Tianzun during the battle.

Wu Chaozu, Lieyang Gong and Chu Yidao were all stunned.

"Oh my God, this guy is too scary, could it be that I Dage really followed him back then?" Wu Chaozu was shocked.

And all of this has nothing to do with Li Yun.

In the realm of heaven, after Li Yun and the deity Xiao Yun reunited, they opened the gate of heaven again and entered the realm of the gods.


The realm of the gods, the realm of fire.

There was a fiery cloud above the sky, and the hot breath filled the whole world.

In the distance, an unfortunate city stands.

This city is called Barton City, and it has already been secretly controlled by Hill.

At this time, in a secret room in the city lord's mansion, a 'Heaven's Gate' has been opened, and the deity Xiao Yun, Li Yun, and his two corpses, good and evil, are stepping over from the 'door'.

Hill's Death High Lord God clone has long been waiting here.

After a while, Xiao Yun, Li Yun, Li Yunshan's corpse, Li Yun's evil corpse, and Hill's Death clone, the five most powerful bodies met for the first time.

"There is a melee on the battlefield between the two realms now, but it's a good time for me to hunt down the master of the fire system."

Xiao Yun glanced at the avatars in front of him, suddenly smiling.

Now is indeed a good time, otherwise, at another time, Li Yun's three bodies will disappear in the prehistoric world, which might attract the attention of those Sage and Hongjun.

But it doesn't matter now, because their eyes are now on the battlefield between the two realms, and no one is paying attention to a little Li Yun anymore.

"Blood Shadow, act as planned!" Hill immediately sent a message to the Blood Shadow Lord God of the Dark God Realm.

At the same time, in the Dark God Realm, on a certain street in the Blood Shadow Mansion, Hill's avatar of a fire god has changed into the appearance of Magnus and walked into a tavern.

"That...that's Magnus?" A high-ranking fire god who had practiced in the Dark God Realm suddenly shrank his pupils and looked at the familiar figure who walked into the tavern just now in disbelief.

After the shock, he immediately became excited.

A long time ago, the Master of the Fire Department issued a wanted order for Magnus, and anyone who got news of Magnus would be rewarded by the Master of the Fire Department.

"I didn't expect that Anthony would pass by the Blood Shadow Mansion at random and encounter such a good thing, haha, I'm going to develop."

Anthony hurriedly strode towards the tavern in front of him, and he wanted to make sure that the man was really Magnus.

Found the trace of Magnus, at least one main artifact could not escape.

Anthony was very excited.


Fire God Realm.

Xiao Yun was already setting up the Immortal Sword Array. He integrated the imitation version of the Immortal Array into the ground, and then he and Li Yun, Li Yun Shan Corpse, and Li Yun Evil Corpse sat in all directions.

The deity Xiao Yun held the supreme divine sword, instead of the Immortal sword, the powerful attacking and murderous aura was looming.

Li Yun held the Sword of Time and Space, located in the direction of the Immortal Sword, with a murderous aura.

The Eastern Emperor Bell of Li Yunshan's corpse turned into a golden sword, standing in the position of the Immortal Sword.

The ten second rank of Li Yun's evil corpse's fiery red lotus turned into a fiery red sword, standing in the direction of the Immortal sword.

The terrifying Immortal Sword Formation enveloped the entire city of Barton, but the gods in the city did not notice anything unusual.

Of course, the Immortal Sword Array couldn't be fooled by a powerhouse like the Fire Master.

But Xiao Yun expected that the arrogance dominated by the fire element should not put the Immortal sword formation to put in one's eyes, after all, the gods in their realm of the gods did not understand the formation of the prehistoric world.

And the master of the fire system is also a master of power. Apart from the four rule masters, he probably does not think that he will encounter danger in the Fire God Realm.

"Now wait for the Fire Element Master to take the bait."

In the City Lord's Mansion, Hill stepped into the virtual world one step at a time.

His mission this time is very simple, that is, he is responsible for casting the Soul Punisher, and at the critical moment, he even burns his heart to cast the Soul Punisher.

The frontal attack was handed over to the deity Xiao Yun and the others.

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