"Ah..." Yang Jian wailed mournfully, his body trembling violently, he covered his head with one hand, and the three-pointed two-edged sword in the other was trembling, as if he was about to lose his grip on the weapon.

The people watching the battle in the distance were extremely shocked, and they were all stunned, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Yang Jian, what happened?

Just now, he showed great power, and Li Yun's body collapsed.

Now it has fallen into such a state.

Moreover, with Yang Jian's strong willpower, what kind of pain could make him cry out?

"Yang Jian!"

"Junior nephew Yang Jian!"

On the teaching side, Guangchengzi, Taiyi Zhenren, Nezha and others all exclaimed, all of them were worried, and their eyes were full of shock and doubt.

On the other hand, intercept and teach one side.

Notre Dame Wudang, Zhao Gongming and the others all laughed, each with excitement and excitement on their faces.

"I'm afraid this is the attack of the soul of the primordial spirit. Only in this way can Yang Jian be in pain." In the crowd, Zhen Yuan Da Immortal also came to watch the battle. Seeing Yang Jian's situation, he couldn't help but say.

Ancestor Ming He was also watching the battle. He looked at Li Yun in the distance, his eyes became extremely solemn, and he said solemnly: "How strong is Yang Jian's primordial spirit? What kind of attack can make him so painful?"

"This son should not be underestimated!" The demon master Kunpeng also came to watch the battle. He looked at Li Yun in the distance, with deep fear in his eyes.

These older generation Wudi quasi-sages have personally experienced Yang Jian's power, but because of this, they are afraid of Li Yun at this moment.

Not to mention the shock of these powerhouses who were watching the battle, even the Sages who were watching from a distance in the prehistoric world were all surprised and disbelieving at the moment.

"Yang Jian's soul seems to have been severely damaged, but how long has Li Yuncai been cultivating? How strong can his soul be? I'm afraid he is not as good as Yang Jian, so how could he hurt Yang Jian?" Zhunti frowned, puzzled in his eyes. He turned his head to look at Amitābha next to him.

Amitābha also frowned deeply. He looked at Li Yun, who was reflected in the void screen in front of him, and shook his head slightly: "This kind of attack cannot be seen or sensed. It doesn't look like a primordial spirit attack."

In the prehistoric world, there is also a method of attacking the primordial spirit that can hurt the enemy's primordial spirit and soul. In fact, this kind of attacking secret technique exists in every big world. For example, in the realm of the gods, there is a secret technique that directly attacks the enemy's soul.

However, like the Great Mind World, it is the only place to directly cast a mental weapon to attack the enemy's Yuanshen soul.

The attack of the mental weapon is fundamentally different from the attack of the primordial spirit, as well as the attack of the soul.

Mind power is the power of absolute idealism, which belongs to the extension of thought, the power imagined by the thoughts in the mind.

It's as if I stood on the sun star and imagined that I was on the lunar star in my heart. It was just a thought, and it crossed countless distances and transcended the limitations of time and space.

This kind of power transcends everything and is even more ‘invisible’.

The power of the primordial spirit and soul, although invisible, can still be sensed by some strong people.

If the soul power of Yuanshen is compared to 'empty', then the amount of spiritual power is absolutely 'nothing'.

The powerhouses in the prehistoric world have never been exposed to the amount of Spirit Power. Although their Spiritual Realm is also very high, he will not use this power after all, and naturally he does not understand Li Yun's attack.

Not even those Sages could see through.

"Haha, Yuanshi, can this apprentice of mine still catch my eye?" In the void near Kunlun, Tianzun Lingbao smiled smugly.

Yuanshi Tianzun's Lotus Position was sitting in the Yuxu Palace, looking at the picture projected in the void in front of him, his eyes were flat, and he said coldly: "It's just a trick to dig insects, Yang Jian pursues to prove the Dao with strength, his Dao heart is extremely firm, and the soul of Yuanshen is also chasing Sage. Realm, Lingbao, it's too early for you to be happy."

"Hehe, then we will continue to wait and see!" Lingbao Tianzun sneered, and at the same time he was also a little curious, what happened to Li Yun's blow just now?

For Yang Jian's strength, Lingbao Tianzun still appreciates it very much. He is also watching the rise of this person step by step, and his Yuanshen soul is absolutely powerful.

What kind of primordial soul attacking secret technique can hurt Yang Jian?

Lingbao Tianzun was also very curious.

Huaguo Mountain, Shuilian Cave.

Dou Sheng looked at Yang Jian who was screaming in the void, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought to himself, "This should be the 'mind force'!"

Li Yun had already taught him the "Dian of the Heart".

With the spiritual Realm of Dou Sheng, he quickly cultivated it to the twentieth level and stepped into the Immortal level.

But he only condensed the virtual world, and he was still slowly groping for the use of mental power.

Although the Dou Sheng can also attack the enemy's soul with his heart, it can only be regarded as a rough use.

After all, he has not learned all kinds of secret techniques in the world of the mind.

This is like an ordinary person who suddenly got the power of Transcendent, but he can only use 'fist and kick'. He is not proficient in fighting, and it is difficult to exert all his power.

Although Dou Sheng is very intelligent and comprehensible, it still takes time to truly create the secret art of mind power.

Like Li Yunxue's "One Thought Becomes Sad" and "Thorn of the Soul", these are all powerful people in the world of the mind, created by generation after generation and countless years of exploration.


Over the Yan volcano.

When Yang Jian was wailing in pain, Li Yun did not take the opportunity to take action, but repaired his own body and gradually returned to his peak.

Yang Jian's blow was indeed terrifying. Even if there were ten second rank karma red lotus guards, Li Yun suffered a lot of injuries.

"This guy's strength is indeed very close to the Sage level, and he is also very close to proving the Tao with strength." Li Yun admired in his heart.

When he was thinking about it, the cracked wound on his body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the body that had collapsed quickly recovered as before.

Although Li Yun's body was not as sanctified as Yang Jian's body, it was very close, and he naturally recovered quickly.

"not good!"

In the distance, Guangchengzi and the others saw Li Yun's physical recovery, and their eyes suddenly narrowed, worrying for Yang Jian in their hearts.

"Senior brother!" Taiyi Zhenren next to him looked at Guangchengzi, and the two brothers looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts.

If Li Yun attacks Yang Jian at this moment, they must stop it.

Although doing so will allow them to explain the Losing face, they must not let the natal Magic Treasures in Yang Jian's hands be lost.

After all, the three corpses can be cultivated back, but if Magic Treasures are lost, it will be difficult to get them back.

However, to the surprise of Guangchengzi and Taiyi Zhenren, Li Yun did not take the opportunity to make a move.

"Yang Jian, is this pain unbearable? You should have recovered by now, right?"

Li Yun stood on top of the ten second rank industry fire red lotus, looked at Yang Jian not far away, and sneered.

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Jian's wailing stopped immediately.

The next moment, as if he was fine, he straightened his waist and stared at Li Yun, who was facing him.

"You are very cautious!"

Yang Jian stared at Li Yun and said slowly.

At first, the pain really made him cry, but Li Yun didn't continue to attack, how could he cry for so long? It was just to lure Li Yun into being fooled.

But Yang Jian underestimated Li Yun's prudence. This kid didn't come to attack him until his body recovered.

"You are too ignorant!" Li Yun sneered when he heard the words, his mind was shrouded around him, and he knew exactly what was going on with Yang Jian.

Yang Jian has cultivated for countless years, and the cultivation of the prehistoric world is very important to the cultivation of the heart, so Yang Jian's soul is extraordinarily powerful, close to the Immortal level.

Therefore, it is obviously impossible to kill Yang Jian with a single blow from the Soul Punisher.

What is 'Immortal'?

To reach this Realm, it is not only the body Immortal, but the soul of the primordial spirit is also Immortal, which is difficult to kill.

Yang Jian's body and soul have reached this level, and what he lacks is his understanding of 'Tao'.

After all, he took the path of proving the Dao with strength, and this road of proving the Dao was the most difficult.

"Come again!"

Yang Jian stared at Li Yun on the opposite side, his eyes became more and more fiery, as dazzling as the sun's rays, and his voice revealed a vigorous fighting spirit.

If he came here for revenge for Nezha at the beginning, then now, he really wants to fight Li Yun.

At his level, it is very difficult to find an evenly matched opponent.

It was his luck to meet him.


Yang Jian's fighting spirit was high, holding a three-pointed two-edged sword, and charged towards Li Yun again.

"Crack the sky!"

Yang Jian drank violently.

The three-pointed, two-edged sword erupted with fiery divine light, and the divine chains of order penetrated the void, connecting the avenues of supreme power, making it burst into indestructible Wudi blades.

This knife seemed to sever the world.

This strike is even more terrifying than before.

"It's already an Immortal level of power."

Li Yun felt the suffocation and oppression coming towards his face, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes, and praised: "Even if you haven't proved the Dao with strength, you have touched the power of the extreme state of strength."

"Maybe kill you?" Yang Jian said indifferently.

Li Yun shook his head: "No!"

After the words fell, the Soul Punisher penetrated into Yang Jian's body again, and the terrifying tear appeared again.

"Ah..." Even though he was prepared and defended long ago, Yang Jian couldn't help screaming. The pain was unbearable, and his soul seemed to be pierced and torn apart.

"How could this be? I'm clearly prepared, how can his Primordial Spirit attack ignore my defense?"

Yang Jian was full of doubts.

Severe pain struck, his Primordial Spirit Soul couldn't keep calm at this moment, and the attacking secret technique 'Splitting the Sky' he just performed also collapsed in an instant.

After all, performing secret arts also requires full dedication.

But now, Yang Jian couldn't hold his own Primordial Spirit at all.

Just like a Practitioner, when he is suffering from illness, what subtle tricks do you expect him to perform?

Just like when a student has a headache and a high fever, you can still count on him to do the questions well?

When Yang Jian Yuanshen's soul suffered severe pain, he simply did not have the energy to perform the secret battle technique.

That stunning and terrifying knife, whose power was greatly reduced in the end, did not defeat Li Yun's ten second rank flaming red lotus.

"Tsk tsk, your power is too weak!"

Li Yun hit Yang Jian's three-pointed two-edged sword with a sword, and punched with his left hand, causing Yang Jian to fly upside down.

Yang Jian gritted his teeth and attacked again, but was attacked by the Soul Punisher again, and his soul was in severe pain again.

This made him unable to perform powerful combat secret techniques at all, and could only fight with pure physical strength, reducing his combat power by almost 50%.

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