Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

The 10100 And 97 Chapters The Power Of The Soul Slaying Thorn

Above the shattered Yan volcano, Li Yun stepped on the ten second rank flaming red lotus, waved the Immortal sword in his hand, and resisted Yang Jian's attacks again and again.

It has to be said that at this time, he was indeed at a disadvantage.

Yang Jian's combat power was too strong, even though his attack power was partially weakened by the tenth second rank Yehuo Honglian, it still caused damage to Li Yun.

But Li Yun's attack could not break Yang Jian's physical defense at all.

"This guy has made his own body into an Innate Spirit Treasure. Unless I use the Sword of Time and Space, I can't break through his body defense at all."

Li Yun was secretly surprised.

Yang Jian cultivated "Eight Nine Mysteries" to the extreme. Such a body is indeed terrifying.

Li Yun felt that even the physical body of his own deity might not be as tyrannical as Yang Jian's physical body.

"There are more and more people watching the battle." Li Yun glanced around, where there were many Immortal demons, and more powerhouses came.

The battle between him and Yang Jian almost shocked the entire prehistoric world.

"Li Yun, do you only have this strength?"

Yang Jian's cold voice suddenly came.

After attacking again, he stopped in midair on the opposite side.

Li Yun also stood on top of the ten second rank flaming red lotus, standing proudly, his face was as sharp as a knife, his pupils were as cold as a star, he was handsome and resolute, with a slender body and a majestic figure.

The two fought fiercely for a long time. Although Li Yun suffered a little, the injury was not serious, and he recovered in an instant.

And Yang Jian is still in the peak state, as if the fierce fight just now was just a warm-up.

"Yang Jian, don't be too arrogant, you can't even break my ten second rank Karma Red Lotus defense."

Li Yun's whole body is wrapped in red lotus leaves, and the coquettish Lotus flower petals bloom one by one, like the blooming other side flowers, poignant and beautiful.

The Immortal sword in his hand was also entangled by the coquettish karmic fire. As he swung it, sword after sword slashed at Yang Jian on the opposite side.

"This level of karmic fire is useless to me!"

Yang Jian's eyes were cold, and there was a look of disdain in his brows. I saw that he let the red lotus karma spread to his body, and still didn't care.

In fact, those red lotus karmic fires really can't help Yang Jian's body.

"The flesh is sanctified, Vajra is not bad, Yang Jian has reached the extreme in Quasi-Saint Realm, and looking at the prehistoric world, I am afraid that only Sage can hurt him." A quasi-Saint powerhouse sighed in the distance.

"The Dou Sheng came to this point back then, and then used his strength to prove the Tao and achieve the holy position." An old Taoist in yellow robe recalled.

"Li Yun's body is not bad. Otherwise, even if he was guarded by a ten second-rank karma, his body would have already collapsed. Unfortunately, he is still too young, and he is not Yang Jian's opponent at this stage."

"To be able to fight with Yang Jian, Li Yun is already very powerful, and, don't forget, both his deity and the good corpse have an Innate treasure, once his deity and the good and evil corpses join forces, they will be enough to compete with Yang Jian in the quasi-holy stage. contend."

"Having said that, just relying on Li Yun's evil corpse is still much inferior to Yang Jian."


The powerhouses who watched the battle had a lot of discussion.

On the one side of the teaching, they all smiled, looking at Li Yun with disdain and sarcasm in their eyes.

"This kid dares to confront Yang Jian's nephew head-on, he is really asking for shame." Taiyi Zhenren gloated.

Guangchengzi carried his hands on his back, looked at the battle in front of him with indifference, then turned to look at Our Lady of Wudang not far away, and sneered: "Wudang, you still can't intercept the teaching, you lost to us in those days. Teach, and it still does."

In the distance, the Mother of No Dang laughed angrily: "Guangchengzi, you really have the face to say that back then, I didn't know who was cut off by my junior sister Yunxiao, if it wasn't for the two uncles who bullied the younger, you He was already listed on the Conferred God List."

Guangchengzi said indifferently: "No matter how much you say, it's useless, the results speak louder than words."

"You—" Madonna Wudang was annoyed, but she couldn't refute it, after all, they lost in the end.

"Senior sister, you don't have to argue with such a shameless person," said a burly middle-aged man next to him.

Guang Chengzi looked at this person and sneered coldly: "So you, Zhao Gongming, without those twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls, how much strength do you still have?"

Zhao Gongming snorted coldly, ignored him, and looked at the battle on the field.

Yang Jian couldn't break through for a long time, and finally started to get serious.

"Have you given up?" Li Yun stood on top of the ten second rank Yehuo Red Lotus, looked at Yang Jian who had stopped attacking in front of him, and said a bit playfully.

Yang Jian looked indifferent, and saw that he suddenly put away the long spear in his hand, and replaced it with a three-pointed two-edged sword. This Divine Armament exudes a blue halo, cold light, and murderous aura.

"This murderous soldier... Yang Jian dares to bring him to the battlefield between the two realms." Someone in the distance showed shock.

The others also clucked their tongues secretly. They were all too familiar with this weapon. After all, this was Yang Jian's life, Magic Treasures. Following him for countless years, it contained endless killing intent.

Moreover, this murderous soldier has been refined countless times by Yang Jian, and has become extremely powerful. Even among the Innate Spirit Treasures, it belongs to the peak level.

Such Magic Treasures would not be brought to the battlefield between the two realms by ordinary people.

After all, in case of being killed by the powerhouses of the Otherworld, this Divine Armament weapon will be completely lost.

This shows how courageous Yang Jian is.

He firmly believed in Wudi, so he dared to bring his own life, Divine Armament, to the battlefields of the two worlds, not afraid of being killed and losing Divine Armament.

"It's been a long time since no one could force me to use this weapon!"

Yang Jian stared at Li Yun in front of him, and said slowly, he was slender and strong, his face was handsome, his long hair was loose, his eyes were deep, he was transcendent, handsome, and he had a strong Wudi belief.

The three-pointed, two-edged knife in his hand was clenched tightly by him, the blade slashed Shattering Void, a strong Killing intent invaded, and the entire void was shattering.

The sky was torn apart instantly by a huge black crack.


With Yang Jian's impact, Li Yun's eyes suddenly stood up, and the icy eyes were terrifying. He sneezed out of white Immortal mist between his nose and mouth, and when he opened his mouth, he hung up a Galaxy Cluster, and Universe Kendo followed.

The ten second rank flaming red lotus wrapped Li Yun and merged with the Immortal sword in his hand, turning it into a terrifying blow that destroyed the world and killed Yang Jian.

"Broken Star!"

Yang Jian's expression was indifferent. The three-pointed, two-edged sword in his hand had a strong Killing intent. He didn't know how many demons he had killed. Countless orderly runes wrapped around the blade, slashing with an incomparable aura, almost destroying the world.

The world in front of him was cut in half.

It seems that a Universe Star was chopped to pieces by Yang Jian.

This strike is extremely terrifying, much stronger than the previous attack, and it is infinitely close to the level of Sage.

Even though Li Yun was wrapped by the ten second rank flaming red lotus, he felt threatened. The terrifying attack force made him feel like a thorn in his back.

"As expected of Yang Jian, I really admire it, but you can also taste my soul-killing thorn!"

Li Yun and his sword joined together to kill Yang Jian.

But in the invisible, there is a long needle that is invisible and invisible, and it pierces towards Yang Jian's Primordial Spirit first step silently.

"Huh?" Inexplicably, Yang Jian's pupils shrank. He seemed to sense the imminent danger, but he didn't feel anything.

What is it that threatens me?

Yang Jian was puzzled, but at this time, he could no longer dodge, so he could only grit his teeth and unleash his strongest blow, mercilessly bombarding the ten second rank flaming red lotus.

The terrifying power, even though it was greatly weakened by the ten second rank Karma Red Lotus, still caused Li Yun's body to collapse for the most part.

Under the wrapping of the ten second rank industry fiery red lotus, Li Yun gushed blood and retreated.

Yang Jian was about to pursue, but the soul-killing thorn had already stabbed on his primordial soul.

Immediately, a terrifying sensation of tearing apart the primordial spirit spread throughout Yang Jian's body.

The intense pain made Yang Jian's soul tremble.

"Ah—" Even if he was as strong as Yang Jian, he couldn't help but let out a shrill wailing sound and flew out in pain.

At this moment, Yang Jian only felt that his own primordial spirit was forcibly penetrated by a terrible force, and his soul was torn into pieces. This kind of pain was not comparable to physical pain, it was simply unbearable.

"Li Yun lost to Yang Jian after all!"

In the distance, everyone watching the battle saw that Li Yun's body collapsed, and couldn't help shaking their heads.

On the teaching side, Guangchengzi and Taiyi Zhenren even touched their beards and laughed loudly.

But all of a sudden, Yang Jian's painful howl made the smiles on their faces freeze.

"what happened?"

"What exactly happened?"

"Why is Yang Jian crying in pain?"

Everyone looked at Yang Jian, who was rolling and wailing in the distance in shock and doubt.

How terrifying is the Soul Execution Thorn that contains 90% of Li Yun's mental strength, even the powerhouses of the Great Mind World can't estimate, after all, they didn't use 90% of their mental strength to build the Soul Killer Thorn.

"It seems that the effect is somewhat beyond my expectations!" Li Yun inferiorly recovered from his injury, and looked at Yang Jian who was crying constantly in the distance, and suddenly showed a satisfied smile.

The power of the Soul Punisher was far beyond his estimation, which was a surprise.

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