Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 1196 The Much Anticipated Battle


"Damit, this Li Yun actually stole my Fire Spirit Orb, Yang Dage, you must help me get it back." Nezha Shanshi rushed towards the battlefield of the two realms while transmitting a voice to Yang Jian.


Ten second rank Yehuohonglian's defensive power is amazing. No matter how strong Yang Jian's attack power is, it is still difficult to break through it. However, the shock of the transmitted power still causes Li Yun's body to crack and blood to splash.

However, Li Yun and Yang Jian had already fallen into the Realm of Selflessness. They were fighting frantically, and every blow shook the sky, shocking everyone watching the battle from a distance.

"Maybe he'll surprise us!" Amitābha said pointedly.

"Junior brother, don't underestimate Little Li Yun." Amitābha smiled lightly.

"Tongtian, you are too complacent. Even if Li Yun relies on Innate's treasure, he will be no match for Yang Jian."

But Yang Jian's body was like a scorching sun, no matter how many Sword Qi came in, they were all shattered by that unparalleled power.

Zhunti looked at Li Yun who was being pressed and beaten by Yang Jian in the picture in front of him, and only defended by the flaming red lotus of the tenth rank. He couldn't help sneering and sneering: "With the Innate treasure, you dare to fight against Yang Jian, it's really a shame."

Wu Chaozu pondered: "That's right, this person is a genius, it's better to kill him in advance."

Both of them unleashed their own Xeon strike, without dodging in the slightest, they both fiercely chose to collide head-on.

In the prehistoric world, there are already many strong men rushing towards the battlefield of the two realms.

Yang Jian let out a loud roar, swallowing the mountains and rivers with anger, one person spear thrust through the layers of the void, the speed was as fast as lightning, and it was terrifying to the extreme.

Zao Wou-Ki, Lie Yang Gong, Wu Chaozu and others also gathered together, preparing to go to Yanshan Mountain.

The news spread quickly, and more and more cultivators came here.

Zhunti shook his head and said, "I didn't underestimate him. To be able to rank Wudi's quasi-sage in a short period of time, his talent is unquestionable. But compared with Yang Jian now, there is still a big gap between him."

Yuanshi Tianzun heard that the blue veins on his forehead were exposed, but he finally endured it. After all, he was alone now, and he was not the opponent of Lingbao Tianzun to kill the Immortal sword array.

Yang Jian's body has a golden rune, bathed in the divine chain of order, and the power of the sanctification of the flesh is unquestionable at this moment.

In the distance, Lingbao Tianzun also looked at Yuanshi Tianzun, and his voice was extremely indifferent: "Come first, lest someone bully the small again."

Unless Li Yun brought several pieces of Innate treasures with him, but in this way, Yuanshi Tianzun can also send Innate treasures in the past.

"Tongtian, what are you doing here?" Yuanshi Tianzun looked at him coldly, his voice cold.



"Ten second rank industry fiery red lotus... It's really that Li Yun."

The west.

"I suggest that we kill this Li Yun in advance this time, so as to avoid endless troubles." Zao Wou-Ki interjected, his eyes rolled around, showing some malicious intentions.

Zhunti shook his head and smiled, looking at Li Yun in the picture, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

He has absolute confidence in Yang Jian.

Lieyang City.

"This kid is really a thief. I just got the Water Spirit Orb from me, and went to Nezha to grab the Fire Spirit Orb. Nezha should be pissed off this time. Haha!" Dou Sheng looked at him with a smile.

The news that Li Yun killed Nezha's corpse had already spread. After all, Nezha's corpse had fallen, so naturally his relatives and friends also received the news.

Soon after, Chu Yidao came, and several princes from Chu, Lieyang, and Beishan also came. They were all at the Heavenly Venerate level, and some were even at the Heavenly Venerate late stage.

Dou Sheng is also watching, he and Jade Face Scholar are eating bananas while commenting on the battle of Yanshan.

The prehistoric world, Kunlun.

And Li Yun's Immortal sword also hit Yang Jian. Sword Qi, like a flood that burst a dike, kept swarming towards Yang Jian's body, destroying his body wantonly.

"Haha, it's rare to see a Wudi quasi-sage born in the Intercept Sect, do you think they can do it again?" Guangchengzi sneered, stepping on the Shattering Void and heading to Yanshan Mountain.

Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes were dark and sneering.

This shows how terrifying Yang Jian's this strike is.

There was a lot of discussion.

In an instant, Blood Qi surging, Shen Xia rolling, avenues roaring, and countless rules of heaven and earth intertwined, gathered here, and fell.

Innate treasure is very strong, but at the level of Yang Jian, it may not be able to change the battle situation.

"Then Yang Jian, I know, is a very powerful person in the prehistoric world, second only to those Sages." Lie Yanggong said solemnly.

Even on the Jiuxiao Continent, some strong people came to watch the battle.

In Yang Jian's hands, there is no difference between one Innate treasure and several Innate treasures.

At the same time, other Sages in the prehistoric world also watched the battle between Yang Jian and Li Yun from a distance.

The cultivation practitioners wandering nearby all felt a sense of it, and they all showed shock.

"There is also a terrible Sword intent."

"Okay, let's do this!" Zao Wou-Ki's eyes lit up, Li Yun's tenth rank industry fiery red lotus has been greedy for a long time, this Innate treasure is a perfect match with his Zhao Gao Seng, it is a pearl in Li Yun's hands Dark cast.


Nezha has a high status in the interpretation and teaching, coupled with the existence of Yang Jian, many interpretation teaching experts came to cheer at this time.

"Let's wait and see!" Lingbao Tianzun snorted coldly and did not continue to talk nonsense. He was equally confident in Li Yun.

"I seem to feel Yang Jian's breath."

"The attack power is too weak to break my physical defense." Yang Jian's voice was cold. Around him, the void collapsed like a dark universe splitting black gaps, and the chaotic space energy was constantly surging.

After receiving the news, the masters of interception also rushed towards Yanshan Mountain one by one.

Wu Chaozu sneered, and then said: "It doesn't matter, I will notify those old brothers immediately, gather a few Tianzun, and everyone will join forces to kill Li Yun after being severely injured by Yang Jian, maybe we can take the opportunity to win one. Innate treasure."

"It's not Jianzun, it's actually the Li Yun from Biyou Palace."


"Could it be that Yang Jian and the Sword Master from another world are facing each other?"

After all, it's not Sage, a quasi-sage can't exert the full power of Innate treasures at all, and it is even more difficult to control multiple Innate treasures.

Li Yun and Yang Jian were constantly fighting, and the energy they burst out swept in waves in all directions, shaking the universe.

Wu Chaozu nodded, obviously familiar with Yang Jian, but at the same time curious about that Li Yun, he was surprised: "This Li Yun is also very remarkable, he has risen in a short period of time, and he will be a formidable enemy in the future."

"This Li Yun defeated Old Ancestor Ming He last time, but this time he actually faced Yang Jian again."

"It's really unreasonable to intercept the juniors and even dare to deceive my disciples." Nezha's master, Taiyi, received the news and rushed to Yanshan Mountain with a furious face.

"The question is, do you have the ability?" Lieyang Gong ruthlessly struck.

"I just heard that Li Yun killed Nezha's corpse and stole the Fire Spirit Orb."

In the void outside Kunlun, a stalwart figure looming, occasionally showing a terrifying kendo edge, is Lingbao Tianzun.

Li Yun stepped on the red lotus of the ten second rank industry, and the Immortal sword in his hand slashed the Shattering Void.

Yuanshi Tianzun was watching the battle of Yanshan from a distance, and suddenly he felt something and looked out of Kunlun.

"It's okay, he used to rely too much on the Fire Spirit Orb. Losing the Fire Spirit Orb this time is not necessarily a bad thing for him." Dou Sheng shook his head and smiled.


The jade-faced scholar frowned and said, "Brother Nezha is still pretty good."

"What a strong battle fluctuation, this is at least a battle at the Wudi quasi-sage level."

This piece of void exploded, and the area around the flame volcano was directly annihilated.

His Universe kendo contains hundreds of kendos, all of which rushed into Yang Jian's body at this moment, wreaking havoc and destruction.

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