Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1124


Why is Chapter 1124 a tie?

"This group of people is too cunning!"

After sending off the Supreme geniuses, in the Ancient Celestial Court, the handsome young man's face suddenly turned gloomy.

The young woman looked at him suspiciously, "Court Master, why do you say that?"

The handsome young man said, "Just now, during the duel, there were so many draws, why don't you? Do you think it's strange?"

The young woman frowned, "It's really a bit strange, but they are the highest geniuses in the universe after all. Although the court master's cultivation base is one step higher than them, the court It's really hard to beat them with one opponent and three, and a tie is normal."

The handsome young man shook his head slightly, "Just now, during the duel, I deliberately exposed a few weak spots to see what they were up to. I reacted, but they acted like they didn't see it, and they were still tied with me, obviously, they didn't want to beat me at all, and didn't do their best!"

"No way?"

The young woman started, "Why do they hide their strength?"

The handsome young man sneered, "There are many benefits of hiding strength, mainly for two points, one, it will not embarrass me, avoid Offend the Ancient Celestial Court; secondly, it will not cause the Ancient Celestial Court's jealousy and avoid being strangled by the Ancient Celestial Court, so that they can keep growing until one day, their strength can match the Ancient Celestial Court. Only when you challenge, will you show your fangs;"

Hearing this, the young woman's eyes became cold, "It seems that these Supreme geniuses are too scheming, and they should be killed as soon as possible. There will be no future troubles!"

The handsome young man was silent for a moment, then slowly said, "It's easy to kill these Supreme geniuses, but doing so will make our Ancient Celestial Court the public enemy of the entire universe."

The young woman said indifferently, "There are several Ancestor Masters in the Half Step Eternal realm in our Ancient Celestial Court, invincible in the whole world, so what if we are enemies of the whole universe?"

Young Junyi glanced at her, said with a bitter smile, "You underestimate the Great Influences, they are indeed no match for our Ancient Celestial Court, but they can hide, let us find the Ancient Celestial Court. No trace, until they have Half Step The peerless powerhouse in the Eternal realm will besiege our Ancient Celestial Court and destroy our Ancient Celestial Court. Therefore, no matter how strong the Ancient Celestial Court is, it is impossible to become an enemy of the entire universe. This is a taboo. "

The young woman was speechless.

After a while, she said, "Then what should I do?" Just let these Supreme geniuses grow up? "

The young Junyi's eyes darkened, "Of course it's impossible to let them grow up. Our Ancient Celestial Court can pick a few Supreme geniuses with the greatest potential, secretly kill them, and reduce future hidden dangers!" "

The young woman asked, "The court master has fought with them. Who do you think has the greatest potential?" "

Young Junyi thought for a moment, "Dongfang Wushuang counts as one, Gu Ran counts as one, Motian counts as one, Ning Fei counts as one, just these four, I feel, these four, right I am the greatest threat, and it is estimated that their future potential is also the greatest. "

The young woman was a little surprised, "Dragon Clan patriarch, Long Qingchen, don't you think?" He is notoriously strong, having defeated top Supreme geniuses such as Duan Kongming and Ming Yuezun. "

Junyi Youth indifferently said, "Long Qingchen gives me the impression that it is flashy, it is Dragon Clan Profound Truth, and it is Red Dust Profound Truth, but, in fact, he is both Profound Truth. No cultivation to the Great Ascension, nothing to fear. "

Speaking of this, he paused and his expression became solemn.

"Furthermore, it would be more troublesome to attack Long Qingchen. He has a deep and unmeasurable red dust Fairy behind him." , Several Ancestor Masters have commented on the person of Hongchen Fairy, thinking that she may be the body of the red dust of an invincible powerhouse in the ancient universe of the Eternal Realm. "

"You must know that in the Profound Truth of the Red Dust Immortal Sutra, if the body of the red dust is not dead, the main body will not appear. Once the body of the red dust is dead, then the main body will appear."

"Just imagine, killing the Red Dust Fairy, what are the consequences? "

"Therefore, before thoroughly understanding the details of the Red Dust Fairy, several Ancestor Masters did not dare to touch her. "

The young woman shuddered and her face finally changed, "The Red Dust Immortal Sutra, too terrifying"

The handsome youth continued to speak of which,

"Even if there is no Red Dust Fairy, it is not easy to move Long Qingchen. The six ancestors of Dragon Clan are a group of old foxes who survived the ancient universe. They traveled to other universes for three epochs. During these three epochs, they were in Have other universes found other survivors of the ancient universe? "

"How many survivors were found? ”

“Among the survivors found, are there any invincible powerhouses in the Eternal Realm? "

"Is there a peerless powerhouse in the Half Step Eternal environment? "

"These are all problems. Only they know it in their own hearts. If they move them, they may lead to a large group of old monsters."

"Also, the major taboo forces also It's not as simple as it seems, their Ancestor Master will also travel to other universes to meet peerless powerhouses in other universes. "

"So, this universe is more complicated than you think. Although our Ancient Celestial Court has an advantage for a while, we can't be too arrogant, and arrogance is equivalent to self-destruction!" "

After hearing these words, the young woman could only sigh.

"Brother Chen, during the duel just now, you didn't give your best, right?" "

In the space outside the Ancient Celestial Court, Gu Ran suddenly asked this question.

Hearing this, the Supreme geniuses all looked sideways, their eyes were a bit strange, just now, During the duel, so many draws are obviously abnormal.

Long Qingchen smiled lightly, "I have tried my best, Brother Gu Ran, you definitely haven't done your best, I feel that you are far more than that. strength. "

Gu Ran smiled bitterly, I wanted to confuse Long Qingchen, but didn't expect to be conned by Long Qingchen, "Okay, when I didn't ask"

Motian indifferently said, "This Lord of the Celestial Court, let us confront him three by three, so arrogant, then let him go crazy, when he despises everything, someone will naturally take care of him, Ancient Several Ancestor Masters in Celestial Court couldn't keep him either. "

Obviously, Motian didn't do his best, and deliberately made a tie, to make the Lord of the Celestial Court happy, and to encourage the arrogance of the Ancient Celestial Court

Supreme geniuses They smiled at each other, tacitly said goodbye to each other, and left each other across the void.

This grand event, the result of the duel, spread throughout the entire universe in just one day. Unsurprisingly, it caused a Huge shaking.

"Lord of the Celestial Court, it's too strong! "

"Long Qingchen, Gu Ran, Dongfang Wushuang, Motian, these top Supreme geniuses, can barely tie him with three fights and one, and he can be called the number one Supreme in the entire universe!" ”

Cultivators all over the universe are discussing this matter, and it is very noisy.

Of course, the reason why the news spread so fast is mainly because the major taboo forces are secretly fueling the flames and deliberately promoting this. In this way, you can cover up the rays of light of your Supreme genius, and let your Supreme genius grow quietly and avoid being strangled.

(This chapter end)

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