Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1125


Chapter 1125 Eternal Weapon!

Half a month later, an even more amazing news spread rapidly in the universe. In the unknown galaxy numbered "4579", countless rays of light suddenly erupted, and, accompanied by a powerful killing The meaning of cutting, it is suspected to be an eternal weapon!

There is a peerless powerhouse in the middle of the inextinguishable realm that first arrived in this galaxy. However, as soon as they approached this galaxy, the flying ash annihilation, which was directly crushed by this killing intent, was even more confirmed. Rumors of the Eternal Weapon!

"Eternal weapon, the universe will set off foul wind and bloody rain again."

"Where does so much foul wind and bloody rain come from? Think about it with your ass and know that there are Only the Ancestor Masters of the Half Step Eternal from the Red Dust Fairy and the Ancient Celestial Court are the only ones who compete for the eternal weapon.”

All the major taboo forces were shaken, the eternal weapon, no one was not moved, but they also Knowing that I am not strong enough, I am afraid that I will not be able to compete with the Ancestor Masters of the Red Dust Fairy and the Ancient Celestial Court.

Heavenly Dragon galaxy, Heavenly Dragon star.

Upon hearing this news, the six ancestors of Dragon Clan, the five Ancestral Dragons, the high-level executives, and the young Supreme geniuses all quickly gathered, all looked at Long Qingchen and knew that this was Long Qingchen In the game done by himself, only he can "fake" the power of the eternal weapon, because he really has the eternal weapon, the hand of heaven!

Long Qingchen laughed, "estimating the time, the superpowers of the major taboo forces should arrive, let's go, let's pretend to join in the fun"

So, he and The six ancestors crossed the void together and rushed to the galaxy numbered "4579".

In an instant, arrived.

Sure enough, the super powerhouses that discovered the major taboo forces have already arrived.

The ancient palace of reincarnation is suspended in space, the door is open, and the mist of Yellow Springs is filled inside. The old man Ancestor Master and the old woman Ancestor Master are standing at the door, like two door gods.

The Dongfang Family's old tomb guard and a pair of blood eyes are suspended in space, and the blood eyes have been staring at the galaxy, as if trying to see what the eternal weapon in the galaxy is.

The three Ancestor Masters of the primordial Primal Chaos Race stood on a bronze ancient mirror, like three mirror images, their faces could not be seen clearly.

Undying Demon Race Two Ancestor Masters, standing side by side on an ancient war chariot, behind two huge ghosts.

Also, the ancestors of the Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty, the first Buddha of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect, the Ancestor Master of the Kaitian Sect, the two Ancestor Masters of the Creation Sect and so on are all here.

However, the super powerhouses of the major taboo forces are very cautious, not approaching this galaxy, but watching from a distance, because everyone knows that the eternal weapon is a "hot potato", Even if they grab it, it's useless, and they can't keep it at all. They will still be taken away by the Half Step Eternal peerless powerhouses like the Ancient Celestial Court's Ancestor Masters and the Red Dust Fairy, so it's better not to grab it and just watch the fun


Soon, Lord of the Ancient Celestial Court, Ancient Celestial Court Saintess and an old man with hair and beard all white came across the void. Obviously, Ancient Celestial Court also learned This news.

Lord of the Ancient Celestial Court and Saintess of Ancient Celestial Court, namely the handsome young man and young woman, Long Qingchen had already seen, and it was this old man with hair and beard all white that caught his attention. Like an ordinary old man, he couldn't even sense a breath.

Looking at this old man, the superpowers of the major taboo forces also looked unnatural.

"It's really lively."

Ancient Celestial Court Saintess lightly glanced at the super powerhouses of the major taboo forces, and it seemed that they didn't pay attention to the powerhouses at all.

Her eyes finally fell on Long Qingchen and the six ancestors, and asked, "Dragon Clan only came to the seven of you, didn't the Red Dust Fairy come?"

Long Qingchen laughed, "Do you really want the Red Dust Fairy to come?"

The six ancestors laughed without saying a word.

Her face changed, and then, coldly snorted and said, "Even if you come, it's useless!"

The old man with hair and beard all white suddenly said, "The red dust Fairy's eternal injury, I wonder if it's healed?"

Long Qingchen looked dazed, "What is the eternal injury? Why don't I know?"

"Dragon Clan patriarch Stop pretending, pretending in front of me, you are still too young."

The old man smiled, "Dragon Clan can fool all the Great Influences, but not me, I am a cultivation of Half Step Eternal. base, no one knows better than me. When you are disturbed at the critical moment of the impact of eternity, you will definitely suffer eternal damage. This is unavoidable. Dragon Clan thought it was well hidden. In fact, I knew it for a long time, just too lazy It's just to dismantle the Dragon Clan."

Long Qingchen and the six ancestors looked at each other, all of them "ge-deng" in their hearts, it seems that the red dust Fairy was injured by the eternal Tao, and he couldn't hide it.

"Is Hongchen Fairy really injured by Eternal Dao?"

"No wonder Hongchen Fairy hasn't appeared for more than 3,000 years. It turns out that she has been recovering from her injuries. The previous guess is correct. !"

"We were all cheated by Dragon Clan, Dragon Clan needs to give us an explanation!"

The super powerhouses of the major taboo forces all looked ugly and stared at Long angrily The six ancestors of Qingchen and Dragon Clan.

More than 3,000 years ago, they were so frightened that they fled in embarrassment. They lived in seclusion and did not dare to appear!

Three thousand years later, in order to return to the universe, they humbly begged Dragon Clan, and sent a generous apology!

However, now they learned that the red dust Fairy was injured by Eternal Dao and had no battle strength at all, which made them want to vomit blood!

"What's the explanation for you?"

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable sneered, "Three thousand years ago, you blocked the eternal road of the Red Dust Fairy, we Dragon Clan just deceived You guys, it's all right to accept some gifts from you."

The super powerhouses of the major taboo forces were all silent, not much to say.

As for the plan to jointly deal with Dragon Clan, they no longer want to do it.

Even if the alliance kills Dragon Clan, what happens?

The Ancient Celestial Court is still here!

Without the Dragon Clan, the Ancient Celestial Court will be even more reckless, suppressing them to the death!

Therefore, it is better to keep Dragon Clan, the "second child of the universe", to compete with the "boss of the universe", the Ancient Celestial Court.


Long Qingchen looked at the old man and suddenly sighed, "Since you already know it, then I don't need to hide it, the red dust Fairy has indeed suffered forever. The injury, and the injury is very serious. For more than three thousand years, the injury has not improved at all, but has deteriorated. It is estimated that it will not last long, she is dying."

Is she dying?

Like a bolt from the blue, the old man, the Lord of the Ancient Celestial Court, and the Ancient Celestial Court Saintess all trembled, their faces turned pale, and if Fairy were to die, then

the old man hurriedly said , "Hongchen Fairy, please take care of your body!"

Long Qingchen shook his head slightly, "I see it, life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky, since she was injured so badly and life is so painful, Dragon Clan To kill her and end her suffering."

The old man was furious, "How can Dragon Clan do this!"

The Lord of the Ancient Celestial Court also angrily said, "Thousands Don't do this!"

Ancient Celestial Court Saintess was very angry, "You and Hongchen Fairy once had a section of emotion, Dragon Clan and Hongchen Fairy can be regarded as sharing weal and woe, how can Dragon Clan succeed !"

Long Qingchen was helpless, "I can't help, I can't save her, I can't bear to see her in such pain, it's better to end her pain as soon as possible."

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched, his flesh hurt. Take out a white bottle from the space ring and hand it to Long Qingchen, "This is the chalcedony of the Tianxin Stone. It has a miraculous effect on the treatment of eternal Dao wounds. Take it back and give it to the Red Dust Fairy."

Long Qingchen declined, "Why is this so embarrassing?"

"Take it!"

The old man's face turned pale, he forcibly shoved the white bottle into his hand, and said seriously, "Like A shocking and stunning Legendary character like Hongchen Fairy must not die!"


Long Qingchen could only accept it "reluctantly" and couldn't help it. Want to laugh, afraid right??

The six ancestors of Dragon Clan are also funny.

As the survivors of the ancient universe, they also know a little about the origin of the Red Dust Fairy.

Among the many invincible powerhouses of the Eternal Realm in the ancient universe, one was revered as the Supreme Red Dust Immortal.

Hongchen Fairy's appearance, temperament, and cultivation's Hongchen Xianjing are all very similar to this Supreme Hongchen Xian.

Hongchen Fairy, it is very likely that he is the body of the first Hongchen immortal of Taishang Hongchen.

If the Red Dust Fairy dies, the Supreme Red Dust Fairy will also appear

Ancient Celestial Court, can you not be afraid?

So, the dead Red Dust Fairy is more terrifying than alive.


The super powerhouses of the major taboo forces are all dumbfounded and their jaws almost dropped.

What's going on? ? ?

Why is the Ancient Celestial Court so afraid of Fairy's death?

Why did Master Ancestor of Ancient Celestial Court so hope that Fairy's Eternal Dao injury would be completely recovered, and forcibly send Heaven and Earth Treasure like Tianxin stone pith to Long Qingchen?

In this brief moment, they couldn't believe their eyes and thought they were dazzled. Could it be that Hongchen Fairy is the illegitimate daughter of the Ancient Celestial Court Ancestor Master?

"Brother Chen, for the sake of Fairy's injury, you'd better send Tianxin stone marrow back earlier."

Lord of the Ancient Celestial Court worriedly said, compared to before , his attitude towards Long Qingchen has undergone a 180-degree change, and he has changed his name to "Brother Chen".

The Ancient Celestial Court Saintess is also persuaded, "The safety of the Red Dust Fairy is at stake."



Long Qingchen was amused and left across the void.

Back to the Heavenly Dragon galaxy, he went straight to the place where the red dust Fairy was recuperating, and saw the red dust Fairy sitting cross-legged by the creek, with pure white long hair and pure white Immortal Cloth, like a spotless Fairy .

"This is Tianxin stone pith, which has a miraculous effect on the treatment of eternal Dao injuries."

Long Qingchen walked over and handed the white bottle to Fairy.

Hongchen Fairy slowly opened her beautiful eyes and glanced at the white bottle, "Don't waste it on me."

Long Qingchen frowned, "You want to die?"

Long Qingchen frowned. p>

Hongchen Fairy slowly got up, stood side by side with him by the creek, stared at a few small fish in the creek, "What about life, what about death, for me, what is there? The difference, do you think that I'm like a fish in this river, no matter how big I grow, I can't escape this river, this is fate."

"I don't believe in fate."

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "The fish in this river can go downstream along the river, or, upstream, they can always reach another river."

Hongchen Fairy smiled. , but smiled a little bleakly, "If you go downstream, you will end up in the sea. If you can't adapt to the sea water, you will die. If you go upstream, you will eventually reach the source of the glaciers on the plateau. If you still can't adapt, you will die. This is fate."

Long Qingchen was silent for a long time, then slowly said, "You have really changed, this is not like the Red Dust Fairy I know."

The Red Dust Fairy said, "The Red Dust Fairy you know , what is it like?"

Long Qingchen said seriously, "The mortal world I know is Fairy, shocking and stunning, ten thousand zhang with pride, wants to compete with the gods, dares to kill all the enemies in the world, she I will never admit defeat, what about the immortals of the Supreme Being, and what about the invincible powerhouses of the Eternal Realm, cut them off, that's all."

"Is that what I am?"

Hongchen Fairy muttered to himself, as if reminiscing about the past, "Hongchen Fairy, tell me, I should take Tianxin stone pith, take care of Dao injury, and continue to pursue eternity; Taishang Hongchen fairy told me that there is no need to take Tianxin stone I don’t need to care about any injuries, as long as I die, I will directly become eternal, truly invincible in the whole world.”

Long Qingchen didn’t say much, and put the white bottle lightly on her On a large rock next to him, he turned around and strode away.

Only she can decide what kind of person she wants to become, a Red Dust Fairy, or a High Red Dust Immortal, and outsiders can't help her.

Long Qingchen crossed the void and returned to the galaxy numbered "4579".

"Fairy, how is it?"

The old man asked quickly.

The Lord of the Ancient Celestial Court and the Ancient Celestial Court Saintess also had concerns in their eyes.

The super powerhouses of the major taboo forces were all speechless.

Ancient Celestial Court, the concern about Fairy's injury has far exceeded the concern about the eternal weapon, what is this?

Even, they feel that the Ancient Celestial Court is better than Dragon Clan also cares more about Fairy!

Long Qingchen was amused and said helplessly, "She doesn't want to take Tianxin stone marrow."

The old man's expression changed, "must persuade her to take it and cherish her life!"

Long Qingchen said, "I've put Tianxin stone pith next to her, let's see her own choice."

"I hope she doesn't do stupid things."


The old man sighed.


Suddenly, a big crack opened in the space, and an ancient fairy hall made of skull bones rushed out, and every skull bone belonged to the Undead Realm or above. the powerhouse!

Everyone is staring at the two blood-colored characters above the gate of the ancient fairy hall: Purgatory!

Long Qingchen and the six ancestors looked at each other, tacitly, purgatory, and finally couldn't help but "surfaced".

The door of the Skeleton Immortal Hall slowly opened, and an old man in gray clothes walked out. There was no breath on his body, like a pool of deep and unmeasurable stagnant water.

Behind the old man, there is a man and a woman, the man is elegant and elegant, and the woman is absolutely beautiful and alluring, like a pair of beautiful people.

"Yes, you must let Fairy take care of your body."

The old man in gray looked at the six ancestors of Long Qingchen and Dragon Clan seriously, and he took out one from the space ring. The blood-red fairy fruit, in the shape of a heart, was handed to Long Qingchen, "This is the rarest Tianxin fruit among the three Great Immortal fruits, and it also has a miraculous effect on the eternal wounds. Give it to the Red Dust Fairy."

This? ? ?

The super powerhouses of the major taboo forces are completely stunned, purgatory, are they so concerned about the red dust Fairy?

The eternal weapons in the galaxy, Ancient Celestial Court and Purgatory, don't they fight?

"This is too precious."

Long Qingchen said it was precious, but he was not slow in his hand, took it and put it in the space ring, "I will definitely let the red dust Fairy is getting better."

The three people in Ancient Celestial Court and the three people in Purgatory looked at each other, all sighed in relief, anyone can die, and Fairy can't die.

Black King Yan couldn't bear it anymore, looked towards Ancient Celestial Court Ancestor Master and Purgatory Ancestor Master, "Aren't the senior of Ancient Celestial Court and senior of Purgatory not interested in eternal weapons?"

"What eternal Weapons, fake."

Ancestor Master of Ancient Celestial Court said indifferently, "We have eternal weapons in Ancient Celestial Court, can't you tell them apart, I just came here, I know."

Purgatory Ancestor Master glanced coldly at the super powerhouses of the major taboo forces, "I don't know who, so vicious, made a fake eternal weapon, trying to cause the ancient Celestial Court and purgatory to fight , unfortunately, we are not so stupid, don't let me know who it is, otherwise, die!"

"We will never do such a thing in the ancient palace of reincarnation!"

"No Our primordial Primal Chaos Race!"

The super powerhouses of the major taboo forces shuddered and explained quickly.

Long Qingchen is also foul-mouthed, "It turned out to be a fake eternal weapon after a long time. It's really bad luck!"

(PS: Two in one.)

(End of this chapter)

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