Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1123


Chapter 1123 Strong Showdown!

The young woman's gaze swept the audience, "The people who are eligible to receive invitations to come here are all Supreme geniuses of the young generation, and our Lord of the Celestial Court is a super Supreme genius, he thinks Let's talk to you guys, does anyone want to challenge him?"

All the Supreme geniuses were silent and silent.

Seeing this scene, a trace of contempt appeared in the young woman's eyes, "The current universe is the Peak era of the prosperous culture, and the strength of the young Supreme genius surpasses any previous period. Is there anyone present who has the courage to challenge our Lord of the Celestial Court?"

Long Qingchen stood up first, "I want to try."


The young woman glanced at him and said lightly, "Is there any more?"

Gu Ran stood up, "I want to try it too."

Dongfang Wushuang stood up immediately, "And me."

"Count me in."

"I also want to challenge."

Magic Sky , Ning Fei, Zimu, the highest Supreme geniuses have come forward one after another.

"Very good!"

The handsome young man laughed, "I have reached the cultivation base of the Intermediate Imperishable Realm, and you are still at the beginning of the Imperishable Realm, I It's not taking advantage of you, you can go three by three together!"

The Supreme geniuses did not refuse, after all, the Lord of the Celestial Court has been cultivated thousands of years more than them, and the cultivation base is also They are one rank higher than them. If they fight alone, it is very difficult for them to win. Three to one is only fair.

The handsome young man jumped from the throne and came directly to the ring.

The young woman said with a smile, "Which three come first?"


Long Qingchen jumped up first.

Gu Ran and Dongfang Wushuang looked at each other and jumped up.

The fighting intent in the eyes of Junyi youth is high, "You can take action."


Long Qingchen will naturally not be polite to him, and release his left hand Dragon power, dragon roar shakes the sky, right hand rises pink immortal strength, mysterious and unfathomable, these two forces instantly transform into dragon shape, entangle together, and finally transform into a picture of Yin-Yang Primal Chaos, both of With a shock of his hands, he played Yin-Yang Primal Chaos!

The Supreme geniuses under the ring slapped their tongues secretly, Long Qingchen is really ruthless, and the first shot is a stunt.


Dongfang Wushuang's palms raised wisps of gray fog, directly using Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian's ultimate Profound Truth!


Gu Ran sang a Buddha’s horn, however, he showed no mercy, and directly displayed the stunt of the sect of ten thousand Buddhas—the Heavenly Buddha Palm, A slap in the face of the Lord of the Celestial Court!

Behind him, the huge natural phenomenon of the true Buddha also slapped down with a palm, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, and the formidable power is incomparable, the whole ring is shaking!

"Hahaha, good time!"

The handsome young man burst out laughing.


He stretched out his arms, an ancient cauldron natural phenomenon suddenly emerged from his arms, above the ancient cauldron was covered with densely packed ancient inscription patterns , there are countless Primal Chaos Qi in the ancient cauldron!


He is a long whistle, not retreating but advancing, holding this ancient cauldron, and colliding fiercely with Long Qingchen's Yin-Yang Primal Chaos figure, the gray fog of the Eastern peerless, the ancient seal Heavenly Buddha Palm Together, countless rays of light erupted, the entire space of the ring collapsed, and the space fragments fell like a waterfall!

The Supreme geniuses outside the arena were all boiled with qi and blood, their hearts seemed to be beaten fiercely by a heavy hammer. ,The consequences could be disastrous!

"That ancient cauldron is very similar to the legendary cauldron!"

"It is said that after the ancient universe collapsed, the cauldron, an eternal weapon, came to our universe. , didn't expect, it was acquired by the Ancient Celestial Court."

"Yes, Lord of the Celestial Court can turn Zhentian Ding into his own natural phenomenon, he must have been in contact with Zhentian for a long time. Ding, Zhentian Ding must be in the Ancient Celestial Court!"

They all stared at the ancient cauldron in the arms of the Lord of the Celestial Court, discuss spiritedly speculated.

In the ring, Long Qingchen, Gu Ran, and Dongfang Wushuang were all shaken back to the edge of the ring, with a trace of blood oozing from the corners of their mouths. I have to admit that although this Lord of the Celestial Court is crazy, it is also crazy. The qualifications, three-on-one, were even injured, which has never happened before.

Young Junyi was also not feeling well. He was also shaken back to the edge of the ring, coughing up blood, which made him a little depressed. His cultivation base was higher than that of Long Qingchen, Gu Ran, and Dongfang Wushuang. A rank should be completely crushed. However, it was only a tie. Long Qingchen's Yin-Yang Primal Chaos diagram is very strange, the ancient seal Heavenly Buddha Palm is Supreme Yang and Hardness, and Dongfang Wushuang's gray fog formidable power Amazing, even the natural phenomenon of Tianding can be blocked.

"Come again!"

The fighting intent in Junyi's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he once again derived the natural phenomenon of Zhentian Ding, holding the tripod, as if he could bang Break everything!

Long Qingchen, Gu Ran, and Dongfang Wushuang also displayed their own stunts again, without the slightest evasion, just recklessly!



bang! Now, some cracks appeared, and Junyi Youth, Long Qingchen, Gu Ran, and Dongfang Wushuang all coughed up blood and looked pale, and they all suffered serious injuries.

"This game is a draw, how about it?"

Nangong Xue Xin, the queen of the Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty, suddenly said, lightly said with a smile, "Lord of the Celestial Court, You have to face the challenges of other Supreme geniuses later."

The handsome young man glanced at her and said indifferently, "Alright."

So, the first round started with It ended in a draw.

Long Qingchen, Gu Ran, and Dongfang Wushuang left the ring, while Junyi Youth sat cross-legged on the ring, "Give me one hour to adjust my breath."

One hour later, the handsome young man stood up suddenly. He was completely injured and completely recovered, which surprised all the Supreme geniuses.

Junyi Youth lightly said with a smile, "Continue."

Motian, Ning Fei, and Zimu jumped onto the ring.

bang! bang! bang!

As before, it is also a stunt as soon as it is shot. After fighting for hundreds of moves, both sides suffered serious injuries and could only be tied. end.

Then, Junyi youth adjusted his breath for another hour and continued to face the challenge of three Supreme geniuses!

Just like this, round after round, most of them ended in a tie. After all, top Supreme geniuses are hard to beat, unless, when it really comes to life and death, they will win. burden.

Of course, there are also some groups that were defeated by Junyi youth, such as Qingcheng Meng, Liu Xishui, and Nangong Xue Xin, which made the three beauties very depressed, and they didn't know who they were. The strength of the "weak", dragged "back legs", resulting in failure.

When the Supreme geniuses left the Ancient Celestial Court, the handsome youth and young women delivered them to the door in person. They no longer despised the Supreme geniuses, but gave them some respect.

(end of this chapter)

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