Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1101


Chapter 1101 is not pleasing to the eye!


Dragon Clan's Holy Son was about to cry.

He knelt down and hugged Long Qingchen's thigh tightly, not letting go.

He didn't go to the first ancestor, because the first ancestor was too hard-hearted, and it was useless to ask.

However, patriarch has always been soft-hearted, and only patriarch can really save him.

As long as patriarch is firm in his attitude and must save the Buddha Palace, the ancestors will also agree, because the eternal stealing machine appeared on patriarch, which is too important to Dragon Clan.

And, taking a step back, even if the ancestors firmly disagree, patriarch can also ask the Red Dust Fairy to make a move.

Therefore, he is very clear that the life and death of the Buddha Palace, the real life and death, is here in the patriarch, not the ancestor, "Patriarch, my lifelong happiness is in your hands, you can't help me. I passed the three rounds of the Buddha Temple test, so that I can marry the girl I love, do you have the heart to give up like this!"

The corners of Long Qingchen's mouth twitched, "You get up first, dignified Dragon Clan Chief Holy Son , what does this look like."

"You promise me first, otherwise, I will not raise."

Dragon Clan chief Holy Son pleaded.

Long Qingchen said angrily, "Let go, you've made my thighs numb."

Dragon Clan chief Holy Son hurriedly let go, patted his thighs, and smiled apologetically, "Help me save the Buddha Palace and Zhenzhen. From now on, I can beat your legs every day."

"get lost!"

Long Qingchen felt a chill, and then He kicked him to the ground with his feet, "I'm looking for some beautiful maids to beat my legs, isn't it sweet?"

The messengers of the Great Influence are all dull-eyed, how could Dragon Clan choose such a The wonderful Holy Son

really answered that sentence, what kind of patriarch, what kind of Holy Son


Long Jingxuan'er beautiful eyes froze.

Long Qingchen quickly changed his words, "Isn't it good for me to beat my daughter-in-law's legs?"

The messengers of the Great Influence were speechless for a while.

After such a fuss between the Dragon Clan chief Holy Son and the Dragon Clan patriarch, the tense atmosphere also became strange, and the messengers of the Great Influence even suspected that the Dragon Clan chief Holy Son and the Dragon Clan patriarch were Did it on purpose.

Sure enough, the blood-colored giant brows tightly knit, a little confused about the relationship between Saintess of the Buddha Palace and the Holy Son of Dragon Clan, "Originally, I didn't want to let go of anyone in the Buddha Palace, but, looking at the Dragon For Clan's face, I don't need to kill the Buddha Palace Saintess."

"As a Buddha Palace Saintess, if the Buddha Palace is passed away, what's the point of my life."

Liu Zhenzhen walked out from the top of the Buddha Palace indifferently, there was no despair in her eyes, only fearlessness, "I and the Buddha Palace, coexist and die."

"Okay, it is indeed my Liu. Xishui's daughter!"

As if infected by her courage, Liu Xishui shouted, came to her side, took her hand, Qiu's eyes firmed, staring at the blood-colored giant, and said proudly, "Whether the Buddha Palace can survive or not is no longer important. The important thing is that in our Buddha Palace, there is no one who is greedy and afraid of death!"

"Coexist with the Buddha Palace!"


"Even if we can't fight, we have to fight to the end to prove the backbone of our Buddha Palace!"

All the high-level officials of the Buddha Palace were all red-eyed and desperate. The end of it is courage. Since it has been hard to avoid calamity, there is nothing to be afraid of.


The Ancestor Master of the Buddha Palace suddenly burst into laughter, tears coming out of his laughter, "In those days, the Asura Sovereign clan was wiped out, and Uncle Old Sovereign brought the young I have escaped to this universe, I am reminding myself every moment that must have created a powerful force to avenge the Asura Sovereign clan, and now, this dream is broken, I still can't kill the enemy, instead I am beaten by the enemy I'm here, but I didn't come to this universe in vain, it's my pride to have you guys with backbone, I and you will live and die together!"

The messengers of the Great Influence are all for The moving face, the Buddha Palace, may be the weakest of the twelve taboo forces in Fengyuan, but the cohesion of the Buddha Palace is difficult for the other eleven taboo forces to possess.

"If it really dies, I won't live either!"

Dragon Clan chief Holy Son stood up and came to Liu Zhenzhen's side, staring firmly at Long Qingchen , "patriarch, not only my lifelong happiness, but also my life and death are in your hands, save the Buddha Palace, it's up to you."

Liu Zhenzhen burst into tears , looked at him moved, his voice was a little choked, "Among all the younger generation, you are not the best, you can only be regarded as the top, the Buddha Palace chose you to marry me, I am actually very disgusted, but, for the sake of Buddha Palace, I can only greet you with a smile, why are you so kind to me.”

Dragon Clan’s chief Holy Son laughed, “Fool, I have cultivated for more than 5,000 years, of course I see it Come out and pretend you like me, but I don't care at all, because I just like you, I like you, I don't need a reason."

Liu Zhenzhen cried completely, leaning on his shoulder, this man really Not the most outstanding among her generation, but the best for her, that's enough.

All eyes were on Long Qingchen. It was up to him to save the Buddha Temple.

Long Qingchen felt a headache and was really embarrassed.

Save it, it's not in Dragon Clan's strategic interest.

Don't save it, Dragon Clan chief Holy Son seems to be dying for love.

Seeing that things are getting a little bit wrong, the blood-colored giant complexion sank, said with a sneer, "What do you like or don't like? It's disgusting!"

Long Qingchen looked at him At a glance, he came to the side of the clay figurine, "First ancestor, I have decided to save the Buddha Palace."

The clay figurine was silent.

"Long Qingchen, are you confused!"

The Scarlet Giant was furious, "I've made it clear enough just now that being my enemy is only bad for Dragon Clan. , there is no benefit, you patriarch can't tell what the interests of Dragon Clan are?"

He looked towards the clay figurine, "The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable, Long Qingchen, this patriarch is still too young, too soft-hearted, Impulsive, not indifferent enough, I believe that a senior like you who has lived for countless years will not be like him."

The clay figurine looked indifferent and ignored him, but asked Long Qingchen, "Why? What about it?"

Long Qingchen said, "There are many reasons."

"One of them, the Ancestor Master of the Buddha Palace just said that the Asura Sovereign clan did have an alliance with them. However, the Asura Sovereign family is not equal to the Buddha Palace, we cannot deny the entire Buddha Palace because of the history of the Asura Sovereign family.”

“Secondly, the identity of the chief Holy Son is not to be discussed. , he is a member of Dragon Clan first, since he really likes Liu Zhenzhen, Liu Zhenzhen also accepts him, then, as the general patriarch of Dragon Clan, I will guarantee the happiness of Dragon Clan members, if even this If I can't do it, my patriarch is not qualified."

"Thirdly, since we Dragon Clan have integrated into this universe and regard this universe as our home, then we Dragon Clan have Responsibility to defend this universe, since the superpowers of each Great Influence are unwilling to take action, then we, Dragon Clan, will be the leading big brother, set an example for all Great Influences, and expel intruders from other universes, starting from my Dragon Clan! ”

“Fourth, since ancient times, the Great Influence only sees interests and nothing else. Today, I just don’t want to pursue any interests, I just want to act once, what’s wrong!”

At the end, he pointed to the blood-colored giant, "Of course, the above four reasons are not important, the most important thing is that he, an outer universe Asura, in our universe, dares to be so arrogant, I just see him not smooth Eye! "

Dragon Clan's Holy Son's eyes lit up and looked at him with admiration. As expected of a patriarch, he is strong, and he is horizontal!

The messengers of the Great Influence all have expressions on their faces. Rising red, I was embarrassed by what Long Qingchen said.

Everyone in the Buddha Palace also looked at Long Qingchen blankly, didn't expect. In this case, Long Qingchen decided to save the Buddha Palace.

"Okay. "

The clay figurine smiled, "Actually, I don't like him too, but I've lived too long, and my heart has long been numb, so it's okay to be unpleasant, you're still young, you see He's not pleasing to the eye, that's a big deal, and it's worth my shot to kill him! ”

Not pleasing to the eye?

The blood-colored giant was trembling all over and his face was blue. After all, Long Qingchen wanted to kill him because he was not pleasing to the eye. He burned the sky, Asura, able to move unhindered in the whole world, when have you been so frustrated?

(end of this chapter)

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