Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1102


Chapter 1102 Hidden dangers!

"Well said, I also don't like him."

A woman wearing a long white dress came across the void, her long hair was also pure white, and it was over seven hundred The Red Dust Fairy that didn't appear in years.

Everyone present was shocked. You must know that the clay figurine has sealed this space, and even Fentian Asura could not cross the void. However, Hongchen Fairy was unaffected and broke through. Come in, you can see how far her strength has reached.


Tantai Nianchen ran to Hongchen Fairy in surprise and hugged Hongchen Fairy affectionately, her eyes were red because, in Hongchen Fairy Among the pure white long hair, there is also a strand of black hair, which means that this is still her mother and has not become another stranger.

Long Qingchen laughed while looking at the strand of black hair, "Congratulations, you defeated the Heart Demon."

Red Dust Fairy shook his head, "It's just temporarily suppressed."


The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable stared deeply at the Red Dust Fairy, "I feel that you are a bit like a person in the ancient universe"

Red Dust Fairy is indifferent, "The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable is wrong, right? I am me, not anyone."


The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable was helpless and said nothing more.

The conversation between the two seemed to have some meaning, which made everyone a bit at a loss.

Long Qingchen knew that, as the ancestor, he would not talk nonsense. The person in the ancient universe should be the Heart Demon of the Red Dust Fairy, that is, the real Red Dust

"Red Dust" Fairy, do you want to intervene too?"

Seeing the red dust Fairy, Asura Eyes, who had been calm all the time, finally panicked.

Uncle Asura Race Old Sovereign and the little prince are the cultivation bases of the Imperishable Realm elementary and middle-level, he can ignore them.

However, the Red Dust Fairy is different. The Red Dust Fairy is a strange person, and even he can't see through it.

Red Dust Fairy joins forces with Heavenly Venerable clay figurine, and he is sure to die!

"Red Dust Fairy, you'd better consider the consequences, and don't be as foolish as Dragon Clan!"

His face turned hideous, "Even if you join forces to kill me, my brothers I will never let you go!"

Hongchen Fairy jade hand turned over, and a white jade-like ruler appeared in his hand, "After killing you, I will kill some of your brothers, or that's fine. Are you done?"

The messengers of the Great Influence all slapped their tongues, this is the reason why the Great Influence don't dare provoke the red dust Fairy, one, she is too powerful; two, she acts, It all depends on your own preferences, and never considers the consequences.


Is it okay to kill the consequences?

This is Red Dust Fairy.

Long Qingchen knew about the character of Hongchen Fairy for a long time and was not surprised. What made him curious was the weapon in the hand of Hongchen Fairy. This was the first time he saw Hongchen Fairy using a weapon. How does it compare to Sky Supreme Treasure?

"Hahaha, it's worthy of being a Red Dust Fairy."

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable laughed, flicked the chain, and the rusted iron horse rushed out instantly, and the long Ge in his hand revealed golden -Bright and dazzling spikes, stabbing the Scarlet Giant.

Red Dust Fairy also took action, waving the jade ruler, sweeping out a piece of pink immortal strength, and teaming up with the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable to attack the blood-colored giant.

Everyone's eyes widened. The attacks of the clay figurines Heavenly Venerable and the Red Dust Fairy looked bland, unlike the heaven shaking and earth shattering of ordinary strong men. However, no one dared to do so. Underestimate this kind of attack, the Profound Truth of the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable and the Profound Truth of the Red Dust Fairy must be contained in the attack, which is the most terrifying power.

The blood-colored giant looked extremely solemn, and his two blood-colored hands fiercely shot out, which contained his Asura killing avenue.


A big blood-colored hand collided with the golden long ge, and the fire star shot, each fire star can burn a huge hole in the space, which is extremely terrifying!


The golden long Ge is extremely sharp, penetrating into the big blood-colored hand!


The clay figurine slapped the golden long Ge with a palm, and the golden long Ge trembled out a sound of dragon's roar.


This big blood-colored hand shattered suddenly, and the flesh and blood flew!


The other big blood-colored hand of the blood-colored giant collided with pink's immortal strength, although the shock scattered pink's immortal strength, however, the flesh and blood of this big blood-colored hand But it was instantly corrupted, and only Bai Sensen's bone palm remained!

Everyone was in a daze. Although the clay figurines Heavenly Venerable and the Red Dust Fairy played two against one, the three were all on the same Peak cultivation base of the inextinguishable realm. They thought that Asura could support a few At the moment, didn't expect, this was just a face-to-face, and Asura's hands were broken!

The most terrifying thing is that the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable and the Red Dust Fairy's Profound Truth act on the wound, which cannot be healed at all, this is a permanent injury!

"Two against one, what kind of ability!"

The Scarlet Giant roared unwillingly. He is also the Peak cultivation base of the Indestructible Realm. If two beat him, he wins by one point. No chance.

Liu Xishui coldly said, "You rely on the strength of your cultivation base to slaughter the Asura Sovereign clan and threaten the Buddha Palace, what is your ability? Give me 100,000 years of cultivation time, and I can kill by myself. You."

Everyone knows that she is not talking big words, as one of the Seven Heroes of Ten Thousand Years, she has this potential.


Suddenly, a token came through the void at high speed, smashing this golden space through a huge gap!

"Fentian Asura, hurry up."

A voice came from the token, "I will stop the clay figurines Heavenly Venerable and Hongchen Fairy for you, and buy you time to leave."

I saw that this token was shaped like a flame, and, braving a pure black flame, the surrounding space melted, extremely terrifying!

"many thanks!"

The blood-colored giant was stunned for a moment, and then, overjoyed, he rushed towards the gap at a high speed, after rushing out of this golden space, he crossed the void to escape.


The token shook, splitting two black flames, one rushing towards the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable, and the other rushing towards the red dust Fairy, preventing the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable and the red dust Fairy Intercept the Scarlet Giant.

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable coldly snorted, with a golden long ge in his hand.


Smashed the black flame!

However, something weird happened, the black flame reunited in an instant, and continued to burn towards the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable!

"The Black Flame King?"

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable narrowed his eyes and recognized it, "I said why this token looks familiar, so it was you who shot it. "

There was a gloomy laughter from the black flame token, "didn't expect, I'm still alive!"

"One token, just want to follow us Duel, you underestimate us too, right?"

The clay figurine was coldly snorted, smashing the black flame with a wave of gold.

Immediately afterwards, the iron horse under the seat suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the black flame!

It seemed that it was not easy to digest, and the iron horse burped slightly, and a large piece of fire star spewed out of his mouth, which dissipated.

The clay figurine said, "Is your body here? Come out and fight!"

On the other side, Hongchen Fairy waved the jade ruler and used pink's immortal strength to draw a circle, The black flame was trapped inside, and then, when she tapped the ruler, the circle kept shrinking, suppressing the black flame.

Everyone was horrified. The token only released two black flames. With the strength of the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable and the red dust Fairy, it took such a complicated method to eliminate it. It can be seen that the black flame king's How terrifying is the strength?

"Of course I didn't expect a Black Flame Token to fight against you. This Black Flame Token only needs to hold you back for a while. Asura Fen Tian escaped. Your junior will go out the most in the future. Be careful."

The laughter of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune came from the black flame token.

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable's face is not very good-looking, "You still worry about yourself, you hide it, if we find you, you will die."

Black Yan The token came out with a disdainful voice, "In those days, you three brothers besieged me, but let me escape, you think you can kill me, it's not that easy."

Everyone was stunned, Dragon Clan The ancestors of the three inextinguishable domains of Peak besieged him, and he escaped. This person's strength is too terrifying.

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable sneered, "In those days, you escaped like a stray dog and lost half your life. After three epochs of cultivation, I wonder if you have recovered?"

Black The flame token roared, "Don't let me become the last eternity, otherwise, I will kill six of you, destroy your descendants, and leave none of you!"

"Don't worry, there are six of us brothers. Here, you can't become eternity."

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable rode the iron horse, rushed towards the black flame token, and stabbed out the golden long ge in his hand.


Stabbed on the black flame token, the fire star shot out, and the black flame token flew out.

However, the Black Flame Token is extremely strong and has not broken.


The black flame token rushed towards the gap in this golden space, trying to escape.

"You still want to go when you're here?"

Red Dust Fairy took a step, stopped at the gap, and waved the jade ruler.


It slashed on the Black Flame Token, and a large fire star burst out, knocking the Black Flame Token into the air.

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable and the Red Dust Fairy attacked in turn, and the flame on the black flame token became more and more gloomy. After dozens of attacks, the black flame went out, and there was no movement at all.

Everyone was silent. With the strength of the clay figurines Heavenly Venerable and the Red Dust Fairy, they attacked dozens of times before suppressing the token. The strength of the token owner made them even more suffocated.

"Black Flame Gold Crystal, an extremely rare material, collect a little more, it can be used to forge Imperishable Realm top weapons, put it away."

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable will take the Black Flame Token Throw it to Long Qingchen.

Long Qingchen felt cold at hand, looked at it for a while, and put it in the time dragon ring, "One token is so strong, this Black Flame King is too strong, what is he? What's the background?"

The messengers of the Great Influence also looked at the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable curiously, and also wanted to know the origin of this Black Flame King.

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable indifferently said, "Actually, his strength is not as strong as you think, and the Black Flame King is also the cultivation base of the Indestructible Domain Peak, because his body is the Black Flame Gold Crystal, so , the Black Flame Token will be more difficult to deal with, it is equivalent to his Avatar."

Red Dust Fairy self-confident, "We are already Peak below the Eternal Realm, except for the last eternity, no one It can be stronger than us."

Long Qingchen understood, it is estimated that the strength of this Black Flame King is comparable to that of Hongchen Fairy and clay figurine Heavenly Venerable, but he can forcibly save him from the hands of clay figurine Heavenly Venerable and Hongchen Fairy. Going to burn the sky asura is also powerful enough, "the first ancestor, why did you want to besiege the black flame king?"

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable laughed, "Actually, there is no hatred, mainly because the big brother likes it. Heiyan King's body, I want to forge weapons that are comparable to the nine Supreme Treasures in the sky."

Long Qingchen was a little speechless.

The messengers of the Great Influence are even more eccentric, and only such "invincible clan" dare to attack the idea of the Black Flame King's body.

"From now on, you all have to be careful when you go out, there's nothing to do, it's best not to go out."

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable glanced at the Dragon Clan, and he slowly put it away With a smile, his expression became solemn, "Back then, when our six brothers came to this universe, we were basically invincible, and we didn't have to think about the consequences of doing things. If we wanted to grab the body of King Hei Yan, he could do nothing about us, but now it's different. He can't help our six brothers, but he can attack Dragon Clan, and he has offended Asura today, which is also a huge hidden danger for Dragon Clan."

Hongchen Fairy looked indifferent. , she has only one daughter, and it is easy to protect. As for the safety of others in the Immortal Sect, she doesn't care at all, and she doesn't have to worry about retribution at all.

All the Dragon Clans are all frowning, and they are worried about by the two super-powers of the peak of the immortal realm. In the future, they will have to trembling with fear when they go out.

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable said, "I just remind you, you don't have to worry too much. I estimated the time, and the other five ancestors of you should arrive almost as well. With the six of us sitting in Dragon Clan, King Heiyan and Asura Fentian dare not easily confront each other. You do it, because once they reveal their position, they will die."

The other five ancestors of Dragon Clan are coming back?

This is another big news. The messengers of the Great Influences feel their scalps numb, and the "Invincible Clan" has completely returned. In the future, when the Great Influences encounter Dragon Clan, they will give in three points. Including forbidden forces!

“Thanks to Heavenly Venerable, Red Dust Fairy and Dragon Clan for their help.”

Uncle Old Sovereign took the lead in giving a salute, “I am a stupid person, and I am not grateful for words of gratitude. More to say, the life of the Buddha Palace is saved by you. In the future, if Dragon Clan and Hongchen Fairy have any orders, just say it, we will spare no effort at the Buddha Palace!"

Ancestor Master, Palace Lord Liu Xishui, First Supreme Wang Junming, Saintess Liu Zhenzhen and all the senior Supreme Elders of the Buddha Palace also gave a salute and expressed their gratitude.

In order to save the Buddha Palace, Dragon Clan took too much risk and offended Asura Burning Heaven and Lord Mingyue. The most important thing was the terrifying Luo Family behind Burning Heaven Asura. It is a great kindness, and the Buddha Palace will never be known.

“Everyone in the Buddha Palace, don’t be too polite.”

Long Qingchen laughed, “Just now, when we rescued your Buddha Palace, we Dragon Clan hesitated, and we hope you don’t. Take it to your heart."

"Dragon Clan patriarch is serious, we are too late to be grateful, how dare we care." It was me, and I would hesitate, even, like all the Great Influences, watching from the sidelines, only you Dragon Clan did not give up our Buddha Palace."

The messengers of the Great Influences were embarrassed after hearing this. , neither to go nor to stay.

(PS: Two-in-one is coming.)

(End of this chapter)

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