Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1100


Chapter 1100 patriarch ah!

"What if we were added?"

Two old men came out of the Defensive Great Array of the Buddha Palace system.

One is the Ancestor Master of the Buddha Palace, the former little prince of the Asura Sovereign family.

The other is the old man Long Qingchen saw in the Buddha Temple, that is, the Old Sovereign uncle of the Asura Sovereign clan.

The person who spoke was the Uncle Old Sovereign of the Asura Sovereign clan, and he looked at the blood-colored giant with cold eyes, "You destroy the Asura Sovereign clan, this account should be settled. Today, It's your time of death!"

The Ancestor Master of the Buddha Palace is also murderous-looking, "Today, you are impossible to escape!"


The Scarlet Giant laughed wildly, "The Imperial Family in the Shura World are all trash, three eras have passed, you two are still trash, one stays in the Intermediate Imperishable Realm and doesn't make much progress, and the other barely reaches the Imperishable Realm Beginner, the clay figurine Heavenly and I Venerable is like two adults in everyone, you two little dolls join in, it will only get in the way of the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable, and it will have no effect, if you don't believe it, you can try!"

Hearing this, Both Master Ancestor and Uncle Old Sovereign of the Buddha Palace had ugly expressions on their faces, but they had to admit that what he said made sense. The gap between the Imperishable Realm's Elementary and Intermediate level and the Imperishable Realm Peak was too great, they couldn't help much, maybe they would Become a burden to the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable, and let the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable be constrained.

The senior management of the Buddha Palace was also very embarrassed. They thought that the addition of Master Ancestor and Uncle Old Sovereign would be the key to the victory. Didn't expect that this would be the result.

Liu Xishui bowed to the messengers of the Great Influence and gave a salute, "Everyone, I implore you all the super-powers of the Great Influence to come to support and join hands to kill this outer universe Asura, the invasion of the outer universe. This is the common enemy of our entire universe!"

The messengers of the Great Influence took out their ultra-long-distance sound transmission talisman one after another, apparently planning to call their own super-powers over.

"Don't be so stupid, let her be a knife messenger!"

The Scarlet Giant glanced coldly at the Great Influence messengers in the Defensive Great Array of the galaxy, "I have three This is one reason, so that the superpowers of your Great Influence do not have to come to support."

"One, the Buddha Palace and Dragon Clan, like me, are not native races of this universe, you do not need to help The Buddha Palace and Dragon Clan."

"Secondly, the six ancestors of Dragon Clan are all Peak cultivation bases in the immortal realm. When they all return, it will be enough to dominate the universe. You do not have any power. I can compete with Dragon Clan, so why not let me fight the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable and weaken a part of Dragon Clan's strength, only good for you Great Influence, no harm!"

"Third, you only know that I am Asura from the outer universe, but I don't know, I come from an extremely powerful Xiu Luo Family. My brothers are even more powerful than me. If the super powers of your Great Influence join forces to kill me, my brothers will definitely kill me. Will come to this universe, secretly and furiously take revenge on all of you Great Influences, so that all of you Great Influences will never have peace, so it's better for all of you Great Influences to stay out of the way, sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits, isn't it beautiful?"

It makes sense

It's so fucking reasonable

The messengers of the Great Influence were all stunned, they looked at each other and put it away silently Ultra long distance sound transmission talisman.


Seeing their actions, Liu Xishui was extremely disappointed.

The Scarlet Giant laughed more and more wildly, "The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable, see it or not, this is human nature, you help the Buddha Palace like this, don't think the Buddha Palace will be grateful to Dragon Clan, in the future, wait for the Buddha Palace. The strength is strong, the Buddha Palace will only resent the Dragon Clan for taking away their Saintess, hahaha, the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable, don't be stupid, stop it, fight both sides suffer with me, there is no benefit to Dragon Clan, it will only make Dragon Clan has become the mortal enemy of our Luo Family!”

Hearing this, the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable also hesitated. Indeed, among the Great Influences, there has never been any kindness, only interests, for the sake of a Buddha Palace , become a mortal enemy with an extremely powerful Xiu Luo Family from the outer universe, and the gains outweigh the losses.

"The clay figurine senior, don't listen to him!"

The Liuxi water is really in a hurry. If the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable also lets go, then no one will really save the Buddha. "How can we be ungrateful at the Buddha Palace? Today, Dragon Clan saved our Buddha Palace, and from now on, Dragon Clan will be the eternal ally of the Buddha Palace!"

"You lied to me. Don't you think it's funny to use it to deceive the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable?"

The Scarlet Giant disdain, "Why can the Asura Sovereign clan dominate the entire Shura World? You think, I don't know Shura World history? In Shura World, there were originally three great clans, and your clan was only one of them. In order to dominate Shura World, your clan married one clan, became an ally, and joined forces to destroy another clan. Then, your clan again The ally family was wiped out, and finally, the unification of Shura World was completed! So, your family has always been a bad thing!"

The messengers of the Great Influence were all stunned, didn't Expect, the Asura Sovereign family still has such a "dark" history, and now, it has been exposed by the outer universe Asura.

"You are talking nonsense!"

Liu Xishui screamed, she covered her ears with her hands and didn't want to listen anymore.

"Uncle Old Sovereign, Master Ancestor, you tell me, this is not true, right?"

She looked towards Uncle Old Sovereign and Master Ancestor with help, hoping Uncle Sovereign and Master Ancestor learn that this is not true.

However, Uncle Old Sovereign and Master Ancestor were silent.

It can be seen from their reactions that Asura in the outer universe is not talking nonsense, the Asura Sovereign family has indeed done such ungrateful things.

"Why don't you talk?"

Liu Xishui is desperate, which is related to the life and death of the Buddha Palace.

Uncle Old Sovereign smiled wryly, "Because, there is no way to quibble about the facts, I don't want to deceive Dragon Clan anymore, and I can't deceive, Dragon Clan just sends a spy to Shura World to investigate and they will know the history of Shura World ."

"The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable, now, are you still willing to believe in the ungrateful Buddha Palace?"

The Scarlet Giant laughed and was quite proud.

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable slowly put down the golden long ge and sighed, "Forget it, we Dragon Clan don't care about the enmity between you."

"That's right. "

The Scarlet Giant laughed and gestured slightly to the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable, "We cultivate the Luo Family and only respect the strong. Dragon Clan is strong enough to be an ally of our Luo Family." , how?"

The clay figurine Heavenly Venerable indifferently said, "There is no need to form an alliance."


The Scarlet Giant didn't say much, either. Instead, he jokingly looked at Uncle Old Sovereign, Ancestor Master of the Buddha Palace, Liuxishui and the other high-level officials of the Buddha Palace, "Even the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable is ignored, who else can save you Buddha Palace?"

"I'm sorry, the Buddha Palace, I, the Palace Lord, have tried my best, but I can't save the Buddha Palace."

Liu Xishui's eyes were red and she was completely desperate.

The Palace Lord of the dignified taboo force was forced to do this, and it was miserable enough. The messengers of the Great Influence couldn't bear to see more and looked away.

The Ancestor Master of the Buddha Palace looked at Long Qingchen sincerely, "Dragon Clan patriarch, we admit that the Asura Sovereign family did have a not so bright history, but the Buddha Palace is not equal to the Asura Sovereign family, The Buddha Palace is innocent and has never done anything against allies, please believe in the Buddha Palace."


Apart from the Buddha Palace, the most anxious It was the Holy Son of Dragon Clan. He came to Long Qingchen with red eyes and begged, "Save the Buddha Palace, no matter what the purpose of the Buddha Palace is to marry Dragon Clan, but I really like Zhenzhen."

Long Qingchen opened his mouth and was about to speak, but the clay figurine Heavenly Venerable waved to him and said indifferently, "Forget it, the marriage between the Buddha Palace and Dragon Clan, let's end it, the Buddha Palace is only for the use of Dragon Clan. From Bao, from the very beginning is an impure purpose. Moreover, the Buddha Palace deliberately told you the details, but concealed the history of attacking allies, and further deceived you. Such a Buddha Palace is not worthy of your sympathy. As a Dragon Clan's strength should be for the benefit of Dragon Clan."

Long Qingchen was helpless, and looked at the general Holy Son helplessly, not much to say.

(end of this chapter)

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