After the two levels were over, it was already noon. The program team arranged for the guests to go back to the hotel for lunch, and had already booked a private room for the guests.

The lunch arranged by the program team for the guests was all special snacks from the ancient town, with many desserts and pasta.

As soon as everyone entered the private room, they saw various small plates and small drawers, which were very exquisite. Everyone was praising the program team for their thoughtfulness and satisfaction.

There were several snacks that they had seen when the tour guide took them on a tour just now, and they were already drooling and wanted to eat.

After consuming physical strength for a whole morning, it was time for everyone to be hungry. Seeing these foods, everyone ate them voraciously.

Xiaoju also ate very happily. She originally planned to let Xu Yi accompany her to eat after the recording of the program was over.

Xu Yi had originally thought about asking Xiaoju if she was used to eating these, although she knew that they were provided by the program team, and if she didn't eat them, she would be suspected of being a big star.

But when she thought about recording and shooting in the afternoon and evening, it would be very hard, and if she didn't eat well, it would be even more difficult.

Fortunately, Xu Yi saw Xiaoju eating very happily, and the lunch prepared by the program team was an unexpected surprise.

After feeling relieved, Xu Yi also started to eat. There were many desserts in the lunch, but Xu Yi didn't like sweet things very much, so he picked up some salty dumplings in the end.

The brothers of the Running Man team enjoyed the meal very much. Everyone chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was very happy. Seeing that lunch was coming to an end and everyone was about to get up and leave, they suddenly heard the familiar horn sound of the director team.

Everyone was horrified. This horn sound was a symbol of calling for assembly and the beginning of the level.

It was really inhumane to record the program non-stop right after lunch.

The brothers of the Running Man team were already familiar with the program team, and they were not very afraid of them. They all complained and condemned the director:"Are we going to let people have lunch?"

"Yang Bailao! He's already making people work before they've even finished their meal!"

"I don't care, you have to wait until I finish eating."

The director's staff is already used to this. The staff came forward cheerfully and said to the brothers of the Running Man Group:"Don't worry, it won't affect your eating. In the next game session, you can eat while playing"

"Oh my god, this is more abominable than Yang Bailao!"

As Zheng Kai complained, the guests burst into laughter.

Then, in a joyful atmosphere, the director kicked off the third level of the game.

The director reminded everyone:"Please take away your tableware, bowls, plates, and steamers for desserts and pasta."

Following the director's instructions, everyone moved the tableware one by one. Then, each group found a small piece of paper with Arabic numerals"1-10" written on it under different tableware.

The director announced the topic of the third level.

Each group had to complete a knowledge quiz about the ancient town culture.

The program team worked hard and prepared ten sets of questions for the seven groups of contestants.

One hundred questions were randomly selected from each set of questions and made into a test paper for each group of contestants to do.

The group that answers the most questions correctly in the shortest time wins.

After the director announced the content of the third level, he ordered each group to come forward with their numbers and get the corresponding test papers.

The brothers of the Running Man team began to complain since they got the test papers.

Chen He glanced at the test paper and almost tore it up:"What kind of perverted question is this?"

Big Black Bull frowned and lamented:"I haven't done a test paper in many years.……"

Wang Zulan shook his head and expressed his dissatisfaction with the director team:"Director team, you are deliberately messing with us!"

Finally, Brother Chao said the key words:"Let me take a look at this set of test papers... Well, I've finished reading it. I evaluated my ability and I can probably do it tomorrow."

Lu Han teased Brother Chao:"Brother Chao, why don't you just admit defeat! The name tag tearing will be recorded tomorrow."

Brother Chao raised one hand and insisted to Lu Han:"No! A soldier can be killed but not humiliated! Surrendering without a fight is not my style."

The brothers of the Running Man team were laughing and teasing others, while they looked down at the test papers and worried.

Xiaoju was also very worried when looking at the test paper. She pouted, bit her pen, and said helplessly:"It seems that I don't know any of them. It's really difficult." Xiaoju looked at Xu Yi and said a little desperately:"This is my second time to come to this ancient town. Although the first time was just for work, I just stood there and left. Is this your first time here?"

Xu Yi nodded at Xiaoju:"Yes, first time."

Xiaoju sighed first, then picked up the pen and said to Xu Yi suddenly excitedly:"How about we just guess and try our luck? Isn't there an old saying~If you don't know, choose C. Anyway, I think everyone doesn't know, so let's try our luck!"

Xu Yi looked at Xiaoju's eyes shining when she talked about guessing the test paper, smiled and raised his hand to touch her head, and told Xiaoju:"Don't guess, I can do it, I'll answer it"

"You know how to answer these questions? All of them?"Xiao Ju opened her eyes wide and looked at Xu Yi in disbelief.

Due to shock, her voice was a little loud when she asked Xu Yi back, which attracted the attention of the brothers from the other Running Man teams present.

Everyone looked at Xu Yi with a smile on their faces, and their eyes and words also contained the same suspicion as Xiao Ju, and they all felt that Xu Yi was bragging.

Everyone knew that as Xiao Ju's public boyfriend, he had just entered the entertainment industry and was still a newcomer, and he had always been questioned by the outside world. Newcomers are eager to show off, especially in front of their girlfriends. They are all experienced people, so it is understandable.

Xu Yi did not explain much, he knew that it would be useless to just rely on words to explain now. meaning. It would be the best way to prove it with results, and it was his usual choice.

However, in order to reassure Xiaoju about her doubts, Xu Yi would still tell her.

But this time, before Xu Yi could tell her, Xiaoju had already completely believed him. After staying with Xu Yi for a long time, Xiaoju was very good at perceiving Xu Yi's expression.

Just now, when Xu Yi said he would, he looked calm and composed, just like Xu Yi looked before doing things. Xiaoju knew that when Xu Yi showed such a normal state, it was when he was sure he could do it well.

He would never exaggerate or show off.

So, Xiaoju curiously changed the topic and asked Xu Yi:"When did you master it?"

Xu Yi smiled and told Xiaoju:"Just when the tour guide introduced it just now. This trademark about the ancient town's specialty Taohuazui, when we tasted it before, I paid attention to its packaging; and when I saw the inscription on this ancient building, I also wrote down the inscription and date below it."

Xiaoju looked at Xu Yi with surprise:"Oh my God! I even forgot what the inscription stone tablet looked like. Then you answer the question! I will be responsible for shouting 6666 next to you."

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